Friday, April 24, 2015


Counting today, there are six more posts to be done for this year's A to Z Challenge, those for the letters U through Z. If you've kept up with the official calendar, great! I'm sure most of you got all your entries done and have them showing up on your blog automatically, on autopilot. There are others that are writing two or three days in advance, and even a few hardy souls who are getting the entries written and posted the day they're due.

This is for the rest of you, the ones who are stuck and maybe even falling behind:

Be undaunted! Stick with it! The only way you can fail now is by giving up. Regardless of the roadblocks you've faced this month, you can finish. And you're going to do great.

Stuck on a letter? It'll come to you. Move on to another one. Go back to the beginning and re-read all you've written, and see what suggests itself to you. Start writing down words that start with the letter, and see if you can find a word that can be made to fit your theme. Read what others have written for that letter. Go old school and pull out the dictionary, the thesaurus, the New York City Business-to-Business telephone directory, the good ol' World Book Encyclopedia. Turn it on its head.

You've done too much great work on this challenge to give up now. Your readers are all rooting for you. Hang in there!


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Some good advice there, I consulted the dictionary for some inspiration on my first A to Z, amazing what you can find

kaykuala said...

Yes go for it, undaunted. Hank is here:

Martha Reynolds said...

Yay! This is my fourth year doing the A to Z Challenge. I've finished them all, but really struggled the first year because I didn't plan enough in advance. Now, I choose my theme and my posts by Christmas, and all of my posts are written and scheduled by the end of March. It's given me breathing room AND the chance to visit and read so many wonderful blogs!

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

I seen a couple with extremely interesting themes, writing excellent entries and they have fallen behind. It is my hope that they will finish. That they will write the rest of their entries, even if they don't finish posting them until May or June. I plan to make my theme for this year, Musical Memories, a recurring theme at my blog. As new memories, new stories occur to me, I'll post them.
Visit me at: Life & Faith in Caneyhead
I am Ensign B of Tremps' Troops
with the A to Z Challenge

Bushman said...

I have 3 more posts to go and as luck would have it (with my multi-theme within a theme) I have some tough letters for each individual theme. Time to go to battle!

2015 A to Z Challenge Ambassador

Timothy S. Brannan said...

Yeah but the hardest letters are all coming next! ;)

Congrats to everyone that has made it this far.

Tim Brannan, The Other Side Blog
2015 A to Z of Vampires

SpookyMrsGreen said...

I did have to consult a dictionary for some help this year, and I am beginning to fall behind a little, but I remain undaunted! The challenge will be met. And we will emerge victorious!!

Pat Garcia said...

I too have seen some very interesting blogs, so hang in there everyone. This is my third year participating and every year gets better and better.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

My final posts are written and ready!

Jeremy [Retro] said...

Hang in there, says the kitty poster.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the encouragement. It is much needed! :)
@dino0726 from 
FictionZeal - Impartial, Straighforward Fiction Book Reviews

Arlee Bird said...

Even with some of the toughest letters ahead, for anyone who has managed to stay current and get this far, the rest should be pretty smooth sailing. Keep them short and simple without sacrificing creative integrity.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Jolie du Pre said...

Tomorrow is V. If you're stuck on a letter, try getting help from a site like Word By Letter (dot) com. I'll give you the link for V. They list tons of words that start with the letter V. Look over the list and perhaps one of the words will appeal to you for tomorrow's A to Z post.

Word By Letter (dot) com - The words starting with the letter V

Jolie du Pre's site - Precious Monsters

Carol said...

In prior years, I've been more organized. This year I'm writing on the day they're due (and occasionally the day after). I'm already planning next year's so I don't do it last minute like this again. I'm still having fun though.

cheerfuloptimistic said...

Written a couple of posts last minute, but at least I got some of the harder letters in the next few days taken care of. Good luck with the rest of them, everybody.

jaybird said...

I am a panster- writing all of my posts the night before of the morning of. Not sure I would try that technique again next year. It has really taken a toll. But we are almost there, so thanks for the encouragement!!

cleemckenzie said...

What a kind offer! Fortunately, I have all my letters done. I just couldn't leave them incomplete and sleep at night.

Aathira said...

It's not easy. But I'm certainly hanging in there :) I do each post each day.

Courtney said...

Been feeling the toll this week! But managed to get up and finish my U post! Phew! I've also visited other blogs who are behind and told them, as long as they try...doesn't have to be perfect and it's ok to be late, as long as you keep trying.
Maui Jungalow

Kathe W. said...

undaunted!! This is so much fun!

Nilanjana Bose said...

Thanks for that booster and the great tips. Hopefully the difficult letters ahead will not keep me from completing the challenge. Have to confess dread X!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Oh, we are so close. It went really fast.

It's Kelley! said...

I have run out of steam. I've done so well up to this point. I have ideas for U, V and X -- good ones too! -- but the words have hit a logjam and AAAAGGHH. (BTW, W, Y and Z are written.) Any ideas for verbal enemas?
Kelley’s Dog Blog - The A to Z of Dog Shows

Beth in IL said...

I think I am ready! Have ideas for my lost few posts and just need to get them ready. This has been challenging and lots of fun. I am already thinking about next year!

michaelwilliams said...

Great idea. I've been doing them all on the day. Never again! But I'm determined to finish now that I've come this far.

XmasDolly said...

I've got them all, and really didn't have any trouble at all. It was fun, but next time (if there is one) I'm going to have to make time to visit more people so they know I'm playing too. I've told people, but they don't seem to want to come around :( What do I have the plague, body odor, bad breathe? Hey, I'm a nice person! Just ask me! Are you a nice person? Heck yeah! SEEEEEEEEEE

Megan Herbert said...

This is my first year doing the A to Z Challenge and I have struggled a little bit, but have been able to keep up. I'm definitely learning a lot and how to be better prepared for next year when I do it again. The only thing I'm behind on is visiting other blogs, as I've been busy writing my own posts (I try to write it out the day before, but there have been times when I've done it on the day that it's due). I have ideas already for themes next year to make it easier instead of doing it without a theme, like this year. As for the last five days, I've got three figured out, two to plan and write all of them.

Amaryllis Turman said...

Keeping up as much as I can. I have met so many people so far, this has been fun. Tiring but fun.

Chicky Kadambari said...

My first year. So no auto pilot for me! Not even 2-3 days in advance! I'm just taking it one day at a time. I will definitely schedule them all in advance next year though.

Justlittlecajunme said...

Great tips. I've seen others say they've written them all before it started. I usually write a 'draft" a day or two ahead of time. When I know I am going to be stuck on a Letter I start thinking of words and write it down. Something usually comes to me. Thank Godness!

Michelle Wallace said...

I've faced too many road blocks this year... unlike previous years where I just sailed through...
I suppose you can't win them all...
At least the end is in sight.