Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Letter G

You've set your GOAL. You're posting on your blog every day for 26 days, and you're visiting as many blogs as you can daily.

Were you nuts?

Of course. That's part of the fun.

Here's a song to motivate you to move ahead and post that letter H. Listen to it, then charge ahead.

You can do it.


See you at Z!


Arlee Bird said...

The great thing about A to Z is that there is one big specific goal of making it through the alphabet, but also the numerous personal goals we set for ourselves. In A to Z there can be many goals involved.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Wrote By Rote

Arlee Bird said...

The great thing about A to Z is that there is one big specific goal of making it through the alphabet, but also the numerous personal goals we set for ourselves. In A to Z there can be many goals involved.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Wrote By Rote

Jeremy [Retro] said...

Every year the goal make new friends and find a theme that brings people back everyday... once you get the theme, the goal is gold, got me good... see I used lots of "g" words.... :)

Jeremy [Retro]
AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

There's no earthly way of knowing.
Which direction we are going!

Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?

Door2Lore said...

Grateful for the cheer!

Anonymous said...


Trisha said...

Yes, totally nuts! And I wouldn't have it any other way! :)

Pooja Priyamvada said...

This is actually such a surreal experience being connected to so many other people across the world through an invisible thread.

Pooja Priyamvada said...

This has been so true for me, when I had signed up I did not know how or whether this would work for me or not. Then on March 6 my father passed away and I saw a sign, this was my chance to pay him a month long tribute in words and share my grief, loss and memories with so many others who might have gone through a similar experience.
This is my first A to Z and can't tell you how special this has become.Thank you !

AJ Lauer said...

Succinct and supportive. Love it :)

MissP said...

I agree with the nuts part, last year my sister thought I was going mad because I completed the A-Z challenge on 2 blogs (I learnt so much about me and my topics and loved the experience).

This year my goal is so different to last year's as I have a 3rd blog, and the only blog I am doing the challenge on.

Either way there is so much learning and lots of fun.

Nancy C. Weeks said...

Nothing like a Great fight song to charge my brain! Thanks and have a Great day!

Unknown said...

I am having so much fun with this, finding great blogs, and meeting interesting people. I love it!

lyndagrace said...

Rah! Rah! Rah! I needed that!

Cathy Keisha said...

Are we there yet? I need my social life back.

Kathleen Jennette said...

Not nutz yet! I love it too!

As I See It Daily

Anonymous said...

a peanut, a walnut, a chestnut, a coconut, or a nutshell,
they make us go nuts but still feel the edge of liveliness....

inspired post.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Yes we're nuts, but that's why we do it!

Unknown said...

Crazy to board the A to Z train, but oh - having a blast:-)

Soma said...

Long way to go....but so many great things to read and meet new people..

Anonymous said...

Crazy things are the most fun, so yeah, I love being nuts. =)

~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

KatyTrailCreations said...

Nuttin' like it ;)

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Loved the motivation :)

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I almost jumped out of my chair and started to kick my legs. But I got another cup of coffee instead. I love fight songs. Reminds me of football season.

betty said...

It is a great goal to achieve by the end of the month. I can see that some people might be getting fatigued by now, but still enjoying it all!


Dixie@dcrelief said...

Has anyone created a badge or banner with a nut on it?

Elizabeth said...

I has been crazy, that's for sure! But also quite fun :)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Lee - it's work, but it's great meet new friends, finding old ones ... and yes onto H .. cheers H for Hilary!!

Michelle Wallace said...

Yes, I feel like I'm about to go nuts! It's been super-hectic!
What's new? LOL

Unknown said...

10 steps to go green!