Tuesday, April 21, 2015

"R" - Red Pill - Everything that has a beginning, has an end!

Neo is offered the choice between a red pill and a blue pill. The blue pill would allow him to remain in the fabricated reality of the Matrix, therefore living the "ignorance of illusion", while the red pill would lead to his escape from the Matrix and into the real world, therefore living the "truth of reality" even though it is a harsher, more difficult life.

So we are nearing the end of this challenge, how do you feel? Do you feel as you should have taken the blue pill, the challenge can get even the best of us all. Main thing did you have fun, make some new friends... I did and for that I am truly grateful. Come on over to my site "HOLLYWOOD NUTS", say hello... look around and enjoy the journey.

Jeremy [Retro]
 AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

There's no earthly way of knowing.
Which direction we are going!


Fee said...

I've found the challenge to be really hard work but the sense of achievement is so satisfying! I'm still pinching myself to make sure I really have managed to get this far. A big pat on the back for all of us, I think :)

i b arora said...

i found it interesting, even my last post, Z for Zebra crossing, has already received a couple of finishing touches, that speaks of enthusiasm it has generated

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Jeremy - having stayed the course in previous years ... I know the regime! Lots of work, lots of fun, much happiness at succeeding ... and generally now the count down to Z ... I'm happy .. and I'll stick with reality and take the red pill please!

Cheers to you and all co-hosts and minions ... and all contributing A-Zers - Hilary

Jolie du Pre said...

This is my fourth A to Z. I'll complete this one just like I did the others!

Precious Monsters

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Loving the vintage vibe of the photo, complete with no chairs for the children, and smoking inside the house. I am growing weary, as I've done more over all this year than any other. But I've also had tremendous fun and met interesting people. Can't wait to get my T-shirt!
Visit me at: Life & Faith in Caneyhead
I am Ensign B of Tremps' Troops
with the A to Z Challenge

Susan Scott said...

Thanks Jeremy! I'm not sure the downward slope is easier - but for me only because I am still busy constructing my posts. Managing to stay one step ahead .. or one day ahead. The first half was easier because I was better organised!

betty said...

Enjoyed this year's challenge; first year as a minion and enjoyed that. Not weary of the challenge quite yet, weary of still some trouble commenting on people's blogs I go to visit, especially if they say something I really want to comment on but cant' figure out how to leave a comment.


Sandy said...

I wasn't going to do the challenge this year, as I've been extremely disappointed and frustrated in other years with making 3 or 4 times the visits I got back, hitting way too many people with those damn captcha's even though they're told to turn them off (before they were, not it's just suggested), lots of folks had comments closed........clearly not intending to play, just wanted links and on and on. But, I decided to give it one more try and I used a different blog this time round, one I didn't think would work with it previously because it is so focused. I've been pleasantly surprised. While I've still made far more visits then I got in return, and still run into people with closed comments, or blogs you have to register to leave comments, or people still using their google+profile and you're hard pressed to even find the blog....I have really connected with people and my primary purpose to spread the idea behind my blog, has succeeded to some degree. LOVE the old timey photo!

Sandy at Bridge and Beyond

Seems far more people are using the captcha this year, plus even if you turn it off, they...the blogging platforms sometimes still use it, very frustrating.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I think most who stuck with it will name it a positive experience. I knew what I was getting into but those who drop out probably had no idea of the time commitment.

Anonymous said...

I finally finished and scheduled my final post this morning. Overall I'm glad I participated even though I didn't network quite as much as I'd hoped to. One of the biggest issues I found was the hassle of proving I wasn't a robot on most of the other blogs when commenting.

S. L. Hennessy said...

So glad I took the red pill. A to Z is worth it!

Kathe W. said...

this is my third year- I love it! I do not plan I just let my blog take me where it wants to go!

Unknown said...

This has been harder than I imagined but I'm hanging.

Katy said...

This has been harder than I thought, but my stitching needle is flying, my blogs are getting posted, and not only will I finish this challenge, I'll have a finished stitched piece at the end to remind me of the success! And I'm already planning for next year!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I think I took the green pill by accident...

Dixie@dcrelief said...

I'm with Alex... wait... mine was yellow!

Hart Johnson said...

I'm glad I dived in. I feel like it's been good for me to write something short and silly every day rather than stressing on content that is really important to me and in which I'd lost some confidence. It's also taught me some good lessons about what does and doesn't work for me blogging schedule-wise. I probably need to opt out mid wee--blog Monday and Friday, as those days I have a bit more flexibility to reciprocate. I am about ready for my blue pill.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hi there - The challenge has been fun, but work. I'm struggling with the last few letters only because I didn't prepare as well as I should have before the challenge began. On the positive side, I found and am following a few more great blogs that I would not have found except for the challenge. :)

Timothy S. Brannan said...

It's been fun. Visited a lot of great blogs, talked to a lot of cool bloggers. Been a blast so far!

Tim Brannan, The Other Side Blog
2015 A to Z of Vampires

Anonymous said...

red pill,
what powerful deal

Michelle Wallace said...

My 5th challenge... and the worst in terms of lack of time, due to an unexpected, last minute, heavy work load... BUT I'll be back again!
I LOVE the A to Z Challenge!

Michelle Wallace said...

I'm not a pill-popper. Hate pills. LOL

Anonymous said...

Pssh, give me the red pill every year. ;)

~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

Donna Smith said...

Oh, wow! Did a double take! Looked like my family around the tv and I was that little girl in the picture!

Ann Bennett said...

Didn't Alice in Wonderland get a similar choice? lol, Real life is every bit as mysterious and full of surprises as a fantasy book.

Mary Aalgaard said...

Your end quote is from Willy Wonka (the original, and best one). It's been a marathon, but worth the grind.

Calisa Rhose said...

I've found the challenge tough, but mostly due to family issues this month. I've spent a few posts doing catch ups but am caught up as of today. I'm just excited to get past the half way mark! Friends? Yes!

J.L. Campbell said...

Yup, I've had fun. It's been hectic, but that was expected.

XmasDolly said...

Cool! Kinda reminds me of that song: One pill makes you larger... and one pill makes you small. And one pill doesn't do anything at all... go ask Alice... when she's 10 ft tall... hahahaha

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm glad I took the red pill but prepared myself two months ahead of time. :D

Indywrites said...

I took the red pill in spite of moving houses to a new city and have been lagging behind but I love the atozchallenge.
So I am hanging in there :)
@ Inderpreet Kaur from
Eloquent Articulation - Incredible Indian Authors

Book Dragon said...

I took the red pill. Even though I say "never again" I'm already thinking about next and hope I remember to prepare for this better! I've met lots of new bloggers, have had great comments on my book reviews, and only have three more books to read/review!

Gina, I'm #1194 today, blogging at Book Dragon's Lair

Unknown said...

I took the Red Pill. I find challenges far more rewarding than not trying. This is my first A-Z Challenge, and I was prodded into it by Susan Scott and Patricia Garcia, my friends, and I'm glad I took up the sword (pen). I have had fun and I have met new friends and some really interesting and great writers.

Samantha Mozart