Although I intended to write all my posts before April set
in, I was caught flat-footed because of a number of other projects I’ve been
trying to straddle. At times, panic threatened to set in, but since I’ve done
the Challenge for a few years, I was upbeat about the chances of being able to
Optimism counts for a lot in anything we do. If we tackle challenges
with a positive attitude and the feeling that we will be successful, then we’ve
already won. Negativity tells us what we can’t do, but optimism says hey, I’m
here, ready to make the most of each opportunity.
I know we’re on the side of having positive energy, right?
So on we go to the next letter and the next ... you get the idea.
What are your strategies for keeping a positive frame of mind
and believing for good things?
No strategy really, just put my head down and push!
I too have about 8 more posts to write, but I had a great head start.
2015 A to Z Challenge Ambassador
Now in my third year of the Challenge, I really have learned to get the posts done before it starts so that I can tweak them as I go along. Often people's comments will inspire me. Besides, this year I've had a chance to visit way more blogs than I have in the past since I am not so focused on writing.
You are only a survivor if you finish otherwise your a failure and I have seen a few of those already
This is either my fourth or fifth year doing the challenge. I learned early on to get those posts done ahead of time. After all...you've got a whole year to think about what you want to write about.
Only strategy was tackling the X's and Q's first, once they are sorted, one can be optimistic about the rest. Finishing up the posts beforehand frees time up for visiting.
As an amateur musician, I was forced to plan ahead. Otherwise it's definitely Not pretty. lol Practice, practice, practice is my motto.
I planned mine in February. lol That took a load off.
IF you think you can or you can't you're right. Which works for me.
One of the ways to stay positive is to not get caught up in what other people do or don't do. Some people got their A to Z posts mapped out and written ahead of time. Others didn't. What's important is for a post to appear on the day it's supposed to appear. If you didn't get your posts written ahead of time, but you got it written anyway, that's the bottom line. We put too much pressure on ourselves. Do what works for you, and don't apologize about it. After all, this blog fest is supposed to be fun, not a competition.
Precious Monsters
It's all about attitude, right? I only heard about the A-Z challenge this year right before it started, so to say the least, I am scrambling to post every day. However, I'm enjoying the challenge and hope to have a little planned ahead of time next year.
We could all use a little more Optimism.
Great post. It's always nice to read posts that put forward a positive outlook. Don't despair. You have company. I'm writing my posts on the day they're posted. I had way to much to do to write them in advance. Even my weekends are busy.
It's all about being positive and sometimes you just have to keep going.
I'm more optimistic now than I was at last week's end, that's for sure.
great o word!--I like to think I am mostly an optimistic person
True that!
Welcome! Great to know you're having fun with it.
Good advice, Jolie.
So true, Pam.
I can imagine, Debra. Good stuff.
I think it would be real nice to be a survivor
True that, Delores.
Everyone could certainly benefit from a little optimism, although it's not always easy to keep in mind. Thanks for the reminder!
We were let off of the A to Z "List'....
we were listed in the Theme Reveal ... but Not the List...
We are still doing the posts ( our topic is "Villains"....)
this saddens me and will prevent me from ever attempting to join in on these "A to Z" things....
Thanks for making us more miserable than we normally are...
Dr. Theda , of Dr. Theda's Crypt...
You soind like a survivor, Bill!
Just keep coming back! Love this post... Sorry about Dr. Theda and being left off the list... Why didn't you tell us before?! We're only human... Just visited your blog, Dr. Theda, and left some messages as well as posting your site to my A to Z Board on Pinterest, and G+ Lisa, co-host AtoZ 2015, @ http://www.lisabuiecollard.com
Wise more, Nilanjana.
I think I might need a little more energy as opposed to optimism.
~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, Indie Author
I don't know why I never thought to write the posts first! Well, still hanging in there, so it's all good. :)
Sounds like your plan worked out.
I don't have a plan. I am not one of those 'glass half-full' people. Not a very optimistic person. But I'm working on it
You and me both, Jeff!
Thanks, Stephanie!
One foot in front of the other.
Good going, Alex!
Me too, In spurts. :)
And you will, Lisa!
You're most welcome!
Please accept our apologies.
I am not sure what has happened, but stay tuned.
When you find some, send it my way Patricia!
You'll make it, I'm sure.
Looking at future posts ready to go, listed on the calender makes me eager for bloggers to read them!
I'm just basically an optimistic person. I try to see the good in all things, all people. That doesn't mean I don't feel overwhelmed or ignored or unappreciated sometimes. But usually a little extra rest goes a long way on clearing that up. My parents instilled deep inside me a sense of self worth that carries me through, even when all seem against me.
Visit me at: Life & Faith in Caneyhead
I am Ensign B of Tremps' Troops
with the A to Z Challenge
Hi Joy .. if I commit to something - I know I'll do it .. sometimes I wing it - but try and keep it as 'professional' as possible ... and keep a peaceful face and mind! Fortunately I am positive ... cheers Hilary
The world may not be perfect, but keeping a positive attitude helps me get through each day.
Hi Joy!!
Here are my thoughts on remaining optimistic, even though I'm running frantically behind the A to Z train which is far ahead of me... *huffing and puffing*
All you open-minded, outstanding, outrageous, obliging bloggers and the obstinate, obnoxious oddballs too.
If only we could continuously overflow with optimism, omit negativity and operate in the original and organised way we did when the challenge began…
Ooopsy Doopsy… I don't think that's gonna happen though…
Need something to keep you going?
Breathe deeply and ——- Om…. om… om… om… om… om…
Happy O-Day!
I'll drive off that bridge when I get to it.
enjoyed the comments too - I'm smiling! This weekend will see me getting a bit more up to date with posts. It's been going fine so far with those pre-scheduled ones, but have some more to do ... ah well, the weekend is upon us for those who've lagged behind. Be positive and do!
Wow. So glad I read these comments. I'm a newbie to A to Z and I hope to do it again next year. I am just writing as I go. What a great idea to work on them ahead of time and be able to tweak and make a good post!!! I write for fun so there is no great pressure on myself to do my best writing. It is just fun and cathartic. Learning a lot. Thanks.
I needed this right now! I'm trying to step up my freelance writing career and I keep wondering if I'm in over my head.
Negative thoughts take us nowhere but positive thoughts work wonders!
This is the first time I do the challenge and I just take one day at a time.
I am looking forward to the end!
Thank you for everything dear Lady... mistakes happen...
We do appreciate your concern...
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