Thursday, April 16, 2015

N is for Not Giving Up

Yay! We're halfway through the challenge! How's it been going for everyone? Have you made new blogging buddies? Found some great themes you can't wait to check in on every day? I know I have! 

And yet, as fun as A to Z absolutely is, it's not called a blog challenge for nothing. It's meant to test you blogging perseverance. Twenty-six posts in one month is no small feat. And it's around this point in the challenge when bloggers tend to start running into walls here and there. Again, I know I have. 

But try not to lose sight of the goal here. A community of bloggers, coming together to push themselves and one another to blogging excellence. And you can do it. Just keep plugging away. Trust me, the harder it feels right now, the greater the reward when you finally cross that finish line at the end of April. 

So congratulations for NOT giving up on the A to Z Challenge. You're a survivor, you're gonna make it! And we'll be there waiting for you when you reach your goal!

A to Z Co-Host S. L. Hennessy can be found blogging at Pensuasion


Arlee Bird said...

Shouldn't be much reason for giving up at this point in time. Hope your pep talk picks up anyone who might be lagging a bit or thinking of quitting so far into the Challenge.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Anonymous said...

like the little engine that could. you can do it!

Debbie D. said...

It's been difficult. My plan to pre-write all the posts didn't happen, so now I'm scrambling and dealing with some major offline issues at the same time. Will hang in, if I can.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

Made it to the top, now it's all a smooth ride to the Z's!

Jeremy [Retro]
AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

There's no earthly way of knowing.
Which direction we are going!

Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?

Elaine L. Bridge said...

I decided to participate unofficially this year in an effort to reduce stress! Enjoying the writing challenge and reacquainting myself with the bloggers I've met and connected with in previous years. It's just plain fun. April has never been the same since I discovered this idea! #grateful

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Sorry to say I have come across a few who have seem to have given up, I can't it's all scheduled to the last one

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

The mid point and it gets easier from here. I hope everyone still involved will keep going.

Pooja Priyamvada said...

Its my first time here and yes somewhere midway the motivation wavers but having a theme that is close to our heart may help.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi SL - do not give up - persevere on .. it's not too bad and it's such a great place to be ..

I'm just always glad I do it .. the Challenge has been so eye opening for so many of us .. cheers Hilary

Sharybary said...

I'm still in! 12 to go!

Ann Bennett said...

Like many things, life gets in the way of your plans. I've enjoyed A to Z but it has been a challenge to keep up with. I'm looking forward to Sunday and catching up.

Michelle Wallace said...

I'm in it to win it!
However, this has been my most difficult A to Z challenge... but I'm hanging in there!

Anonymous said...

I've managed to stay several days ahead of schedule and a few times have thought about throwing in the towel but like you said, it's called a "challenge" for a reason. I'm up to "U" now and feel pretty confident I can see it through to the end.
I've found a few new blogs to follow. My biggest obstacle there is that it seems like most of the blogs I visited are on Blogger and I'm a Wordpress gal. :)

cleemckenzie said...

I haven't missed a day, but I've lagged in comments a couple of will be my second lag day. But sometimes there are things that can't wait. I'll catch up. Can't stop half way.

Kathleen Jennette said...

Nope, not giving up...

As I See It Daily

S. L. Hennessy said...

You can make it! Short posts are totally fine on days you're running behind.

S. L. Hennessy said...

More than halfway can make it!

S. L. Hennessy said...

Like the fish say, just keep swimming.

S. L. Hennessy said...

That's totally fine. There are twenty six days in this challenge. A few lag days here and there are no problem.

Katy said...

I'm having a blast, even if my chosen theme for the challenge is proving challenging! But it's fun!

Stephanie Bird said...

Thanks for the encouragement. I'm enjoying it a little more each day.

Elizabeth said...

Posted a little late today, but I'm not giving up! I wanted to have all the posts pre-written, but that ended after J. I'm hoping to get some extra ones written today on my day off from work and to catch up on reading from my new friends. This is really an amazing community!

Anonymous said...

Woo-hoo! I'm falling a little behind on reading the letters, but I'm catching up. lol

Jolie du Pre said...

I notice some of the bloggers are way behind on their letters, but I'm not!

Precious Monsters

Susan Scott said...

Having fun, altogether exhausting but I W.I.L.L. N.O.T. G.I.V.E. U.P. Not sure that it gets easier though on the downward slope to finish line! Thanks for your encouragement!

Debbie D. said...

Thanks! ☺ Will give it my best shot.

Anonymous said...

The challenge is going great. A little tiring at times, but I'm reading lots of awesome posts and have gained a few new followers. =)

~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

Lisa Mandina said...

I didn't realize it was halfway! Yay!!! I'm doing better when I can get the posts planned out ahead of time. Like all my posts for this week I did last weekend. Hoping to do that for next week's posts as well! If you have time you should stop by and check out my N post.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Still plugging away!

Jo said...

Me too, plugging away that is, but I had all my blogs posted before it all started. However, keeping up with all the commenting and posting on other people's blogs has been tiring this year and I don't have nearly the following someone like Alex has. Dunno about a day Alex, you need a month I think.

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

I keep accounts with both to make it easier! I blog in Blogger, but follow lots of WP accounts.

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

I'm keeping up with posting--just. But I started off behind on the reading, as I was away for 9 days (had all those posts up automatically!). Now I'm scrambling to both read and write. Still have a couple of letters without topics, too!

Jeffrey Scott said...

I couldn't give up now. I'm having too much fun and meeting so many great bloggers. Besides, I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with for Q V X and Z. A few of those letters, I'm still trying to figure out what I can possibly blog about.
Keep up the good work everyone!!!!

J.L. Campbell said...

I've had a busy couple of days, so I've been dragging on visits, but I'll catch up tomorrow.

Dixie@dcrelief said...

It would be so nice to have an ice cream party to celebrate!

Anonymous said...

Half way there! And I am lot less stressed out than I was last year.

lyndagrace said...

I’m hanging in there. Trying to keep the brain engaged!

betty said...

Met lots of new bloggers this challenge :) Enjoying it very much! Feeling a bit weary but not because of the challenge but the surprised mandatory overtime work put on us. Without that it would be much more smooth sailing :)


Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Oh, I'm definitely crossing that finish line again this year! I love the awesome Tshirt and plan on buying one and wearing it proudly! And yes, I've found some bloggers I think I'll stick with after the challenge and there are about or 5 themes I can hardly wait to read each day. Personally, I think this is the best challenge yet.
Visit me at: Life & Faith in Caneyhead
I am Ensign B of Tremps' Troops
with the A to Z Challenge

XmasDolly said...

Nope, I'm definitely not going to give up! I'm really enjoying myself. Although I wish I had more time to visit people so they would know I'm playing too :( ! Have a great weekend.

Charlene said...

I am a first timer and really enjoying it so for and so are my followers! Definitely going to see it through to the end!! (well thats the plan!

Paula said...

Still going, but I'm sure it's harder this year, has somebody sneaked an extra couple of letters in somewhere?

Unknown said...

My posts are getting shorter and shorter ... and more hair-brained. I am tired at this point, but don't want to give up. :)

djinnia said...

Have up to T scheduled contiguously, but I also have Z, Y, and W done as well. So plodding on as I catch up on my blog post reading.

kaykuala said...

Apologies for late posting. Hank is here:


Unknown said...

Going to cross the finish line! You're right- it's not called a challenge for nothing.