Monday, April 13, 2015

K is for Karma

Karma: Hindu and Buddhist ethical doctrine that the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence will decide their future fate. 

A common theme to theories of Karma is its principle of causality. Basically, good actions lead to good effects and bad deeds will produce bad effects. We have similar terms. You reap what you sow. Point a finger at someone and you are pointing three back at yourself. 

I try really hard not to judge. But I have to admit, when I see something bad happen to a person who is a real jerk, well, I’m glad I was there to see it. Like the time a total jerk in an expensive suit verbally abused a woman in line at Starbucks. When he left a car drove through a large puddle of water by the curb and drenched the guy head to toe. Karma, baby. Oh yeah. 

K is for Key Cards: Don't forget to stop by my regular blog for another intersting post regarding Key Kards by Clicking Here.

Question: Do you believe in Karma or that a person reaps what they sow? Or is this just a bunch of superstitious hooey that is scientifically unfounded?

Stephen Tremp is a Speculative Writer and blogs at Breakthrough Blogs. His theme for the 2015 Blogging A to Z Challenge is The Supernatural and Paranormal. His latest work, Salem’s Daughters, is due for release Labor Day Weekend 2015.


Chicky Kadambari said...

Oh yes. It feels great to see Karma catching up with jerks! Wish it was a bit faster though.

Unknown said...

Karma is my favorite phenomenon. And I do LOVE getting to see it happen, although most of the time I have to accept that it will happen, whether I'm there to see it or not. Great blog, thanks for sharing.

Nilanjana Bose said...

Karma is king! Love that keep calm poster.


Jeremy [Retro] said...

Karma is... Karma does... Karma knows.
Jeremy [Retro]
AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

There's no earthly way of knowing.
Which direction we are going!

Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?

Michelle Wallace said...

I do believe in Karma as part of the law of the universe... what you dish out comes back to you etc.

Here are my K-Day thoughts...
Kickstart your K-Day at your keyboard with a keen and knowledgeable, killer, knockout, kick-ass attitude.
Keep at it!
happy K-Day!

Jolie du Pre said...

Yes, I most definitely believe in Karma.

Precious Monsters

Pat Garcia said...

I believe that a person reaps what he or she sows. It might not happen right away, but it happens. Whatever you do, you will see again.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

Great "K" word. I very strongly believe in Karma. I am from India though a lot of American friends of mine believe in Karma too.

Rosie Amber said...

I believe in karma and think a good many people do too, or if they are a little uncertain they don't like to push it in case it rebounds back at them.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Never thought about it much but I suppose your right . Good use of the letter K

Deepti Agarwal said...

Being a Hindu I strongly believe in Karma.. :)
m really loving being part of this challenge ..

kaykuala said...

Karma has a way of extending fairness


Unknown said...

I do believe in karma, that's why I'm a little bit careful of what I say or do to people.. but when I do good, I don't think of getting a reward or something. I do it because I feel like doing it. But I'm not a Hindu. :>

Trisha said...

I have to admit that I get satisfaction out of a jerk finally getting a cosmic bitch slap back, too. But I also try to be forgiving!

Stephen Tremp said...

Thanks everyone for stopping by. Regardless of any religious affilliation or none whatsover, most people do believe in some kind of Karma.

Stephen Tremp said...

Dale. how true. Bust still, it is fun to see it unfold.

Tamara Narayan said...

That's a good question. Is Karma real? I suppose some of it must be. If you do something stupid (and mean), like smack a rabid dog, you'll probably get bit. On the other hand, the instance of Karma described in your post, as satisfying as it was to read, is of the random variety.

Tamara Narayan said...

That's a good question. Is Karma real? I suppose some of it must be. If you do something stupid (and mean), like smack a rabid dog, you'll probably get bit. On the other hand, the instance of Karma described in your post, as satisfying as it was to read, is of the random variety.

Chrys Fey said...

I do believe in karma. I think if we do bad, it'll come back to us...even threefold.

Pooja Priyamvada said...

Karma is such an interesting concept. In Hinduism/Buddhism its a multi-layered concept.

Ra Taki said...

Am unable to enter my WordPress links here for some reason, as in other Blogger blogs :(
Lakshmi at VOICE'nVIEWS

judi said...

I truly believe in Karma, but sometimes it seems like it isn't working. I suppose eventually things will catch up, but so frustrating to see some nasty people just keep socking it to others and enjoying it! I have seen Karma in action and that is extremely satisfying although I've been told you're not supposed to enjoy it. (but I do anyway!).

Stephen Tremp said...

I feel there is justice in this world, whether in this life or in that which is to come. And not just for bad people, but the good who need to be recompensed.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I would like to think karma exists but there are a lot of bad people getting away with it so maybe payback is in the next life.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That guy at Starbucks certainly got his.
It might not be right away, but I think the bad and the good are rewarded.

tawnya said...

Sometimes we just can't help but want people who find it necessary to be mean to get what is coming to them. I know plenty of mean people that get away with being mean not sure they eventually figure it out...but my hope is they day!

Kathleen Jennette said...

It is just good to practice being a nice person. Then Karma would not only be purposeful for those that believe in it. Nice always counts.
As I See It Daily

Stephen Tremp said...

I love that badge Keep Cal, And Let Karma Finish It. Often we see or are on the receiving end of something bad. Instead of seeking revenge, just know they'll get what they deserve.

Naqvee said...

Karma is the ancient notion that actively used since the evolution of society. The good you do is the good you get and to get better, one must be a better giver. I know the wrongs I did, and eventually they stood in front of me, ruining me and I knew the rights I did and I just landed at the right places, beneficially.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Stephen - I'm sure if we relax and let our lives do our best for us ... we will be mostly on the upside of life .. being positive, rather than negative .. seeing things in a better light - mostly certainly helps. Cheers Hilary

Anonymous said...

I'd have to say I believe in Karma. What comes around, goes around.

~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

OEBooks said...

...If only what comes around didn't keep going around. Because the cycle never gets broken, while I like the concept of good reaping good, and bad reaping bad... the concept is flawed if good has to be hurt in the first place.

liz young said...

That's what we say - "What goes around comes around". Karma has more than a hint of my hippy past about it!

liz young said...

That's what we say - "What goes around comes around". Karma has more than a hint of my hippy past about it!

Anonymous said...

karma, a powerful words.
tomorrow, it is going to be fortune..


Anonymous said...

It is great to see karma in action. Though we don't always see it at work, things eventually do come around! Great K topic!

Lisa said...

I do and I don't "believe" in Karma. My main "reason" for doubting it is the times it doesn't seem to work. But then again, I have no idea what the future holds for the person or situation that seems to prove it a fallacy. So, I chose to think that situations like the drenched man are reminders not to doubt! Clear cut signs are so reassuring. Too bad they don't happen all the time! Lisa, co-host AtoZ 2015, @

J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J said...

Good and bad things can happen to people, but I am not sure if I like the idea of karma. I feel that the western interpretation of what it is not exactly how is meant to be either. If feels like something that has been appropriated from Buddhism because it sounds cool, but people do not really understand its full meaning. I do not pretend to either, but my friend Aya Katz actually wrote an interesting post about this.

My perspective on this is I do not like anything bad to happen to anyone. I am not angel, but I found for myself even when someone was super horrid to me it was a lot better to forgive them, and even defend them when the tables were turned on them. I think living in the moment, wanting the what is best for everyone, and trying to do not harm to the best of our ability is what works best for me.

Stephen Tremp said...

Interersting to see various opinions. Science doesnt; back up Karma, but it sure has withstood the test of time/

Darla M Sands said...

Karma makes me think of a favorite television series called "My Name is Earl". And I, like you, love to see a little poetic justice. Oh, and I'm number 1285 on the A to Z blog list. Best wishes!

Jeffrey Scott said...

I'm not one to believe in Karma or Kismet, but I agree with you on one thing. When I see something bad happen to someone being a jerk, I secretly cheer. How can you not?

Dia said...

I am a strong believer in karma. I always tell others if they believe in nothing else, believe that karma does work good or bad, depending on what you've done.


The Daily Bern said...

I don't really believe in Karma simply because so many bad people tend to get away with the things they do. I do however love it when I see someone get whats coming to them like in the story you shared about the rude man at Starbucks.
Shawn from Laughing at Life 2

Stephen Tremp said...

Darla, that show was so funny. I'd laugh so hard my sides hurt.

Unknown said...

Kool blog! enjoyed reading your entries for a-z!

J said...

Yeah the guy at Starbucks was probably rude, but I wonder if there was a reason he was. I work in customer service too, and I have had people say some really off the wall things to me. I have learned not to take it personally, and diffuse a situation. I will actually ask someone how their day was when they start going off like that, or tell them I am sorry, and this can often turn things around. Often there is no excuse for bad behavior, but sometimes there is. Sometimes it is easier to give someone the benefit of the doubt, and try and diffuse a situation that might be going into a negative place. It can be karma or whatever you want to call it, but wanting the best for people in all situations just makes me feel better.

Stephen Tremp said...

Thanks again everyone for stopping by! Lots of varied comments today.

Jo said...

Yup, definitely believe in Karma, eventually if not straight away.

Idea-ist @ GetLostinLit said...

Not only do I believe in Karma, I have seen undeniable evidence of its existence! I am a believer!

SpacerGuy said...

So many lots of awesome goodies here, so many new releases too! New blog friend, peace!

Livia Quinn said...

I'm a believer. Sometimes it doesn't happen the way you'd like it to...or when.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it is nice to see bad things happen to bad people. But I don't really see it often enough.

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

I do believe one reaps what they sow, but not necessarily always in this world.
Visit me at: Life & Faith in Caneyhead
I am Ensign B of Tremps' Troops
with the A to Z Challenge

Stephen Tremp said...

Well, its late afternoon and I didn;t see any cases of bad karma today. But the day's not over yet. I'll keep my eye open.

Claire Annette said...

I've seen it happen too often to not believe in Karma.

Sandra Wilkes said...

I believe in karma somewhat...we reap what we sow......but then there is mercy, too.

Stephen Tremp said...

Michelle, sometimes life is just that simple.

Stephen Tremp said...

Pat, I concur one hundred percent.

~Sia McKye~ said...

Oh, I do believe you reap what you sow. Reaping may not be fast but it will come--good or bad. Yah, I like seeing jerks get, shat my husband calls, retributive justice. :-)

Sia McKye Over Coffee

Stephen Tremp said...

Deepti, glad you're loving the challenge! It's, well, a challenge. But worth diving in head first.

Stephen Tremp
A to Z Cohost
Twitter: @StephenTremp

Stephen Tremp said...

teresa, love that attitude. Its the motivation behind the actions or restraints that help define us.

Stephen Tremp said...

Pooja, I studied up on Karma but had to keep the post short. Thanks for the added information.

Stephen Tremp said...

Tawnya, that is a great attitude. It's called mercy. And having mercy on other people is great Karma as mercy will ultimately be extended to you.

Stephen Tremp said...

Thank you Naqvee for that insight!

Stephen Tremp said...

Hmmmm ... I never thought of karma in this way. Call me old fashioned. But in the end I think all the injustices and justices will be brought to light because I believe God is a good God and just in all His ways.

Stephen Tremp said...

Far out, lizy-expat-writer! Groovy!

Stephen Tremp said...

Lisa, I mentioned this in an earlier comment to OEBooks my take on this. I think one day the universe will be balanced when it comes to Karma and justice and all that.

Stephen Tremp said...

Thanks J Hanna for your comment!

Stephen Tremp said...

Shawn, I believe there is judgment in the afterlife, so people will have to eventually account for their actions. But that's just me.

Stephen Tremp
A to Z Cohost
Twitter: @StephenTremp

Stephen Tremp said...

Thanks Spacerguy for stopping by!

Stephen Tremp said...

Barbara, you and me both!

betty said...

I don't believe in Karma, but I do believe that God disciplines in ways that it might seem like karma or allows things to happen to people that have mistreated others.


XmasDolly said...

People are going to call it whatever they like. What happens happens and somewhere in that big Gold Book it says the whole story what's going to happen and when! Like the thought though. Good choice. Thanks for sharing.

Stephen Tremp said...

As this post comes to a close I suspected there would be a diversity of comments and I was not disappointed. Thanks again everyone for stopping by!

Sangita Kalarickal said...

Great post, as usual! Karma has a way of sneaking up on ya! :)

Susan Scott said...

I've liked the comments as well, different views .. I think we do reap what we so, in ways we don't imagine.

Anonymous said...

I definitely believe in reaping what you sow. That anecdote is the perfect example.

Geoff Maritz said...

Stephen hi.
If you want to see hilarious Karma in action you should check out road rage fails on u tube If you don't burst out laughing I'll be so surprised.
Blessings from Geoff in South Africa.