Saturday, April 4, 2015

D: Delegate

Are you doing everything yourself? Lots of us have a little OCD about keeping everything within our own realms of control. But to stay sane, you need to delegate a little bit.

Someone else can do the dishes tonight. How about having someone pitch in to do the laundry. The kids can exercise by walking the dog and taking out the trash.

How about that day job? Lunch at your desk? For this month, how about letting someone else volunteer for the extra workload.

Speaking of volunteering, don't get swamped by taking on too much at school events or with your child's sports teams. They can live without you for a month, Or pass out the responsibilities. Delegate others to do all those little time-consuming chores that you usually take care of.

A few things I delegated this month so far:
Husband took care of washing my car.
Son #3 was assigned to cleaning up the fallen branches out of the backyard. (dozens after this winter)
Son #2 bought pizza for dinner for everyone Wednesday night.
Husband did grocery shopping from my list.

As a co-host I have extra responsibilities but even those are delegated somewhat with the use of my Dragon Soldiers, the best delegates of all.

Laura Clipson, L. Diane Wolfe, Sabina Leybold, Ann Bennett, and Shantala are my Dragon Delegates and I couldn't keep up without them.

Have you delegated some responsibilities during April? What are you doing to make it all workable for you? Any chores you can delegate to someone else?


ahana said...

yeah thinking of delegating cooking responsibilities...just hate that! :(

Mama's High Strung said...

Just found out about this challenge and would love to have participated. If you do it again will you let me know! Following you everywhere now...

Anonymous said...

I think someone delegated to me lol.

Denise said...

Kinda rough to delegate when you live alone and are retired, lol. Any volunteers for yard work?

Anonymous said...

I agree! Delegation is the key to peace of mind..

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I should have thought of that. So many of us get delegated to.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I much prefer to eat something I haven't cooked.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Every April we dive into the challenge. There will be lots of announcements all over. Would love to have you.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

That happened to me too. I'm trying to spread out the pain.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I don't live alone but my kids are all working as does my husband so I'm stuck with most of the yard work too. Hope to delegate the pool work to one of the boys this year.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I'm doing more delegation for our Easter dinner tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

At work I have issues delegating, has a big part due to trust. I work a crap job with many 18 year olds (I'm 30) and their work ethic and lack of detail makes it difficult for me to trust them to do something on the to do list, so I generally have them stick with one task as I complete the others. It does cause stressful days however and I'm trying to get better.

J.L. Campbell said...

Good tip, Susan,
My job taught me how to delegate.
Got some helpers who are making the rounds too.

Unknown said...

I definitely have trouble delegating at times...I can definitely be kind of a control freak when it comes down to it. Thanks for another great post!

Unknown said...

I'm famous for not delegating. As a matter of fact, my husband just told me this morning that if he let me, I would just do everything.

Jolie du Pre said...

I don't mow the lawn, shovel the snow, clean the car or buy groceries, for example. My husband does all of that. I clean the house and I cook. Both my husband and I do the laundry.

Precious Monsters

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

It's sad how many young people are able to take on responsibility. Makes it tough for you.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Being a parent has taught me how to delegate.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I remind myself I don't have to do it all.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I wish my husband wouldn't let me do as much. Treasure that guy.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Clone that guy. I wish my husband would do some of that.

Bread // Queer Little Family said...

We delegate by my wife telling me what she needs me to do and by me doing it. It works for us.

Today I have a Dull Surprise for you!

D is for Dull Surprise!

Sunday Visitor said...

It's impossible for one person to do everything and delegating is good. makes everybody responsible. Working in groups for presentations is an efficient teacher for task delegation.

KatyTrailCreations said...

We start 'delegating' picking up toys here at the daycare at least by 18 months. There's no way I'd pick up all of them myself haha Can you say Tornado??

Lisa said...

My kids are grown and gone and my little dog doesn't do much in the help department. But my hubby is excellent at helping around the house! Lucky me! Lisa, co-host AtoZ 2015, @

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Sounds like a perfect arrangement.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Delegation is great for building responsibility. I should have mentioned that.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

All parents should do that and not expect daycare to teach them.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I'm trying to train my husband to be more helpful. Old dogs.

Shanaya Tales said...

Oh yes, Susan. I tried to do it all in the first 2 days and I realized that I can't possibly keep it up for the whole month without going crazy. Delegated most of the dishes and some of the cooking prep and all of the laundry to hubby dearest. He is extremely supportive. I am so thankful for that. :)
*Shantala @ ShanayaTales*

Anonymous said...

I delegated at my day job this month. Mostly because I had an abundance of coworkers in the kitchen with me and a few needed their hours so I gladly volunteered mine. The other reason is because in May I will have a shortage so I want to relax now! It's just a happy coincidence this all happened during the challenge.

~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

Birgit said...

I just told my hubby-Owning the computer this month! I am still doing what I need to do but not much else:) I just hope my ADHD hubby doesn't claim the computer one eve after I come home from work

Intangible Hearts said...

And the difference between delegating and being bossy is? LOL Just kidding. You look so calm in your photo. Nice job!

Susan Scott said...

Hard to delegate sometimes ... OCD maybe... but when the dishes get put into the dishwasher in a way diametrically opposed to my way, I get darned cross. Great post thank you!

Ann Bennett said...

Delegating is a skill. It was easier to do it myself comes to mind. It is hard to drop this line of thinking.

My mother always said my great grandmother had a talent for getting the most out of a maid. I think it is because she was a mountain woman who had nine kids. When life gave her a break in the form of a maid late in life, she had a lost of practice in sizing up a person's contribution. Anyone with children knows what I mean.

Cortney Pearson said...

Delegating can be so hard, especially if you're a perfectionist like I can be sometimes, lol. But I'm definitely happy when I can delegate tasks and get some much needed help!!!

Rob Z Tobor said...

O yep I am all in favour of delegating anything and everything. . . . I will be explaining to to the family later . . . . I think they might hit me though but its OK I will mention your name

Arlee Bird said...

I'm a big believer in delegating though there are cases when I have a difficult time doing. I'm thankful that we have a large enough A to Z Team so that duties can be delegated among us. No one person could keep up with everything to do here.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Wrote By Rote

Unknown said...

That is actually very good advice there!!! We all could do with a bit of delegating from time to time.

Click said...

My poor husband gets me delegating everything to him already. I think he'd go on strike if I delegated anymore, hehe.

Cait @ Click's Clan

betty said...

I'm not delegating since don't have too much to do chore wise and can "manage" but did take yesterday off from work and plan to take at least another Friday off (I have lots of PTO to use up this year) and I spent 4 hours on blogs, LOL, but visited a lot of people so if I don't have a chance to visit on some days, I thought that would kind of even out :)


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I learned delegation real fast as both a co-host and with the IWSG. I can't do it all.

Susan Kane said...

I was the delegated upon person for decades. Now I have switched places.

Claire Annette said...

Yes! My husband is make the morning coffee and delivering it to me at my desk!

Unknown said...

Could someone think of a good subject that starts with a 'Z' for my blog,(The Chinese Quest)?

Wendy said...

Good advice. I have time on my hands at the moment so not too much need for delegating.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

What a guy? I sent my husband to do some shopping and I've been making a lot of quick salads for meals.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

You not only delegate, you plan ahead.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

You might have to fight him off so you get it all for yourself.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Hey, bossy is allowed. And I am a very calm, bossy person.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

LOL. I always rearrange the dishwasher too. You'd think they'd learn to do it my way.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Wow, nine kids. Thought I was busy with six. That does take a lot of special talents.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

We all need some help now and then.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Definitely use my name. That will provide you with the needed authority to be a delegating dictator.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

How did you do all this before you formed the team?

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Yeah, spread out the work. There's enough for everyone.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I give my husband little bits at a time so he doesn't notice.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

You are a trooper. That's a lot of hours blogging.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

You nearly do it all. This Tuesday will tell.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Someone had to be king, I mean queen.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Oh, that guy needs to give lessons to some other spouses.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Time? You could sell that for a lot of money.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I had enough trouble coming up with my own.

Anonymous said...

I would like to delegate lots and lots of things.

CuteAsAButton said...

This is good advice that I should follow more often. At least I pulled spaghetti sauce out of the freezer for tonight's dinner, and am repurposing some of my extant writing that's never appeared on my blog before. So I guess that's a bit of delegating to myself to make life easier through the Challenge!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Start little and then go big.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

LOL. Don't know if it counts if you delegate to yourself. I've been doing the meals ahead myself this week.

Megan Herbert said...

I'm the one home the most so my parents usually delegate me to do a lot of things around the house. It's hard for me to delegate at times just because I get used to doing certain things a certain way, but there are definitely times when I just have to delegate a task to someone else : )

XmasDolly said...

ooooo That's a wonderful idea! ... but I have to delegate jobs. Unfortunately I'm disabled, and I don't bend all the way like normal people. My granddaughter comes over now & then to help me, and she does floors and scouring my bathroom woo hoo love that. She vacuums too. Hubby helps too now and then with vacuuming, and brings laundry down for me so I can do it, but it all works out. :) HAPPY EASTER.

XmasDolly said...

By the way I'm also following you now. Very nice to meet you. I hope you find time to stop by and follow me to under my linky followers in my side bar. THANKS BUNCHES.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Your parents are so lucky to have you. Hope you get to pass it on sometimes.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Happy Easter to you, Marie. Sounds like you have a wonderful granddaughter. I need one of those.

Sharybary said...

I delegated making banners for my A to Z Challenge to my talented son. I have more of a volunteer crew of two, husband and son here at home. They just do stuff that needs to be done without me thinking about it. It's pretty amazing!

Dixie@dcrelief said...

First time I'm using the dishwasher in months - I'm shameless!

May said...

Delegating requires a person to be humble enough to recognize hers is not the only way to do a thing. I was not always that person!

Arlee Bird said...

The first year with less than 100 participants I was just figuring things out. The second year when I suspected it would all get big I got together a team and it's been that way ever since.


kaykuala said...

Lots of delegating in the home. Loving husbands to loving wife. It all depends who has the stronger voice. My posting is here:


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Well done Susan - I need a family to delegate to!! Still I get on with things .. and some things can quietly get left for now - some things definitely will be dusty as the days go on .. cheers Hilary

Namrata said...

For me D means Dreams and Destiny. Both are really critical and important in life. Please do visit. I hope you enjoy.
It was silly yet I forgot to update last prompt. For me C was Child. It's a fictional short story. Please visit it too.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

That is amazing. Mine are good if I ask them but they seldom spot what needs doing by themselves.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Ran the dishwasher twice today already. Leftovers for the next three meals. That will help.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Ouch. It's hard to give up some of the control at times. Been there and still am sometimes.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Sounds like a good team effort.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I know you can do it all yourself, Hilary. Especially now with your bionic hip that you healed from like a super woman.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Beautiful essay about dreams and how important they are.

Cathy Keisha said...

TW hates to delegate cos she thinks she’s the only one who can do the job right. Me, I delegate everything.

Rachel Pattinson said...

Love this - I try to delegate to my partner all the time, only, he takes so long to do what I've asked him, I normally end up doing it anyway!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

That happens to me sometimes too. I shouldn't give it as it only encourages my slackers to do it next time.

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

I can't delegate anything. What a I do is say, "It's that time of year again, so I'm going to be busy on the computer more. And leave me alone when I am." They understand. Then they bellyache and whine, then they understand, then they get pissy and pout. Then they understand....and so on and so on until May. But they get over it.
Life & Faith in Caneyhead
I am Ensign B ~ One of Tremp's Troops with the
A to Z Challenge

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Great attitude. They're just going to have to wait for us to emerge from the blogging den.

Anonymous said...

Man, I need to hire some delegate, but I don't have any real excuses to need them. hehe

Heather M. Gardner said...

Yeah. I need to delegate.
I wonder if I can get a ghost writer!


Noah Dietz said...

Delegating, I've been getting lessons in this at work this week about it. Timely word choice!

Sangita Kalarickal said...

Aha! Giving up control... So tough. I try to delegate stuff, doesn't work most times, but am learning the hard way that: there's only so much anyone can do. Even Wonder Woman.
Great post!

Sangita Kalarickal said...

Aha! Giving up control... So tough. I try to delegate stuff, doesn't work most times, but am learning the hard way that: there's only so much anyone can do. Even Wonder Woman.
Great post!

Stephen Tremp said...

Susan, I love the word Delegate. It's one of my favorites and one I use without any problem. Delegate to me and I'll get it done. I'll delegate to you because I know you are worthy. It's a great word.