Friday, March 6, 2015

Stormy's Sidekicks. They're real and they're spectacular!

It's time to introduce the most wonderful team a Co-Host could ask for!

I would let Stormy do it, but he's under a few more inches of new snow. I may or may not dig him out.

Sarah Foster from The Faux Fountain Pen! Sarah is a writer, reader, blogger and cupcake maker extraordinaire. She's very funny and doesn't give herself enough credit about her writing or her charm. She's been a great support to many on the Insecure Writer's Support Group and to me on my blog. Thanks for hookin' me up with your awesomeness, Sarah!

Jennifer L. Hawes from The Writing Game! Jennifer is the author of Free Runner, mother of two teenagers, photographer and former teacher. When she's not driving her sons around like a taxi driver, she's hard at work on her new novel.

Diana Gordon from Part Time Monster! This is a collaborative blog that's described as '...a community of monsters.' They talk about book, games, TV shows, movies, music, gaming and much, much more. Diana's super smart and already been a big help! I appreciate her willingness to jump in with both feet!

Let's give our friends a big mushy welcome hug! Thanks for joining my team!


What was that Stormy?


Okay, I'll get the shovel.

Have you joined the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge yet?

Heather M. Gardner
Twitter: @hmgardner
Goodreads: HMGardner


Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Will check out these fine ladies later. Got to run get ready for work. I adore your slogan!
Life & Faith in Caneyhead

betty said...

Cute name for your team!! Looking forward to checking out their blogs soon!!


Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Glad to meet your team. Poor Stormy. I can't even see the wall around my pool. It's just one smooth field of white.

cleemckenzie said...

Great Sidekicks, Heather, but can they beat The Muffins? We're a tough bunch--from blueberry to pumpkin--we're armed and ready for April.

TheCyborgMom said...

I'm glad that you have a great team working with you Heather! So wonderful that so many people are willing to give their time to this challenge...I can't even imagine how much work goes on behind the scenes...kudos to all involved!

Michelle Wallace said...

Welcome to Stormy's Spectacular Sidekicks!
The teams are all shaping up!
The AtoZ is around the corner... 3 weeks left!

Lisa said...

So nice to meet the Stormy Team! Thanks for the intro...

Heather M. Gardner said...

Thanks everyone!

pamlovesbooks said...

Stormy sure is lucky!