Friday, March 13, 2015

Post A to Z Road Trip! - Stormy and I Pahk the Cah in the Gahrage.

It's been almost a year since Tina and Nicole asked me to be a part of the Road Trip.

I was thrilled and honored to be asked by them, two women that I highly admire.

I still have all of Tina's emails, about the Challenge and the Road Trip, and I still get choked up when I see them.
We miss you, Tina.

Nicole did a fantastic job on the Road Trip. I enjoyed working with her very much.

Stormy and I had an incredible journey going through so many wonderful blogs. I hope we shared a few that you found interesting, informative, and fun. That was our intent.

Stormy and I will be putting the ol' Road Trip car in park and unpacking our bags, but we wanted to say thank you to those of you that came along for the ride.

Tom Cochrane - Life Is A Highway

You can come see us anytime at my blog, The Waiting is the Hardest Part.


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Heather - good luck with your book and I love the picnic table on the cover! Stormy has done you all proud .. and I too can't believe Tina isn't here this year .. but I suspect she's up there keeping her maths up as we muddle along down here! Good luck and enjoy the A-Z once again - I'll be there .. cheers Hilary

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Glad you had fun on the trip. I still have all of Tina's emails as well. Really, really miss her.

betty said...

A job well done!


Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Tina is missed every day. The round trip took me to some great blogs I missed somehow last April.

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Thanks for the memories.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Thanks for everything!

Nicole said...

Glad to have you and Stormy on the road. I'll be over there at your blog and did keep lots of Tina's messages as well. It's been a great ride with you!

- Nicole

Stephen Tremp said...

Heather, is it true Stormy sleeps with his eyes open?

Bushman said...

Have fun on your road trip! Now I'll be saying "Cah" all day! LOL
2015 A to Z Challenge Ambassador

Michelle Wallace said...

Well done Roadtrippers!
You introduced the readers to lots of blogs that were overlooked during the 'madness' of the AtoZ challenge.
Thank you for taking time to do so!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Yes. Yes it is.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Thanks everyone!

TheCyborgMom said...

Kudos to you and all the others who held steady on the Road Trip. As requested, my hubby bought me sunflower seeds this week. I will be planting the seedlings today in memory of Tina. I hope to have a bunch in full bloom this summer! Now, if I could only decide on an A to Z theme...grrrrr.....