Hi everyone, as an A to Z co-Host, today it’s my turn to do a Getting to Know Me Post. Thanks everyone for posting a question on my blog earlier this week. Okay, here we go. Everything you wanted to know about me, for better or worse.
Q: Are you secretly working on your own Large Hadron Collider? Alex Cavanaugh
A: Yes, I am. But I can neither confirm nor deny as it's a secret. Shhhhhhh.
Q: Where DO you stand on the Pluto issue? Barbara in Caneyland
A: Glad you asked. According to Pluto’s note to NASA: Your Mom Thought I Was Big Enough, Sincerely, Pluto. So there it is directly from the source.
Q: If given the opportunity, would you travel to outer space? Betty
A: In a heartbeat. Civilian space travel is going to be very expensive, so it’ll have to be as a stowaway. I’ll lock myself in the bathroom.
Q: Do You play "Spore"? Dr. Theda
A: My kids do and I watch as we have one room dedicated to computers for the family. It’s hilarious as the evolving species had to adapt and keep from being eaten.
A: Arlee, wonder no more. The answer is, oh look, a squirrel with a fuzzy tail. Um, who are we talking about again?
Q: Are you able to be human with so many wormholes around? Hilary Melton Butcher
A: I did go back in time and once smashed a mosquito. That one misstep changed everything in our modern day, including people. So technically, although we think we are people, we are really an entirely different race compared to what we used to be living in a perfect utopian society with no crime or disease. Sorry about that.
Q: Can you play the guitar like Alex? Nashvullecats2
A: I can play, just not like Alex.
Q: You're writing a book about cats - do you have a cat of your own? L. Diane Wolfe
Q: Any merit badges? C. Lee McKenzie

Q: When were first fascinated by science? Elizabeth Spann Craig
A: When I burned the first house at the age of five. Oops. I wonder of the statutes of limitations has run out.
Q: Which came first? Your interest in all things related to science in space or your desire to write speculative fiction? Susan Gourley / Kelly
A: The space and science came first and manifested in the form of art. The writing came quite a bit later. I always thought I would make a living off art. Roger Dean, artist of Yes albums, was my inspiration. Life is full of surprises.
Q: When are we going to Mars? David P. King
A: You and me? Dude, let’s go this weekend. We'll have an intergalactic kegger!
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Bonus Points If You Name This Movie |
Q: How many other versions of you are there that exist in alternate dimensions? Dl Hammonds
A: Since there are infinite dimensions, there are infinite Stephen Todd Tremps out there. I hope they all don’t find a wormhole and come here. Think Multiplicity with Michael Keaton and Andie MacDowell.
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Marshawn Lynch: Definitely an Alien |
Q: Do you believe life (extraterrestrials) exist in other parts of the universe? Chrys Fey
A: I think they’ve arrived here and have taken over people such as politicians, famous athletes, and entertainers. Obama, Hilary, all the Bushes, Marshawn Lynch, the Kardashians (Spoiler Alert: the Kardashians are actually the Kargrandes from Alex Cavanaugh’s What Are The Kargrandes.
Q: If you had a one time use wormhole in a suitcase when you were younger, in what situation would you have used it as an escape route? :) Jemi Fraser
A: Getting that restraining order from Farah Fawcett. And Mary Tyler Moore. And Ginger and Maryann. Genie to.
Q: What do you see as the next likely evolution of our species? Samantha Dunway Bryant
A: We are all DEVO. D-E-V-O.
Q: Do people with webbed feet still use swim fins when scuba diving? LD Masterson
A: How the heck did that rumor get started? Oh yeah. Me.
Did You Know: In July 2015, NASA’s spacecraft New Horizons will complete a nearly-decade-long journey to fly by Pluto, and reveal humanity's first close-up look at the distant dwarf planet.

A to Z Co-Host Bio: Stephen Tremp writes Speculative Fiction and embraces science and the supernatural to help explain the universe, our place in it, and to write one of a kind thrillers. His novels are enhanced by discoveries, breakthroughs and current events in many fields of science. Understanding Albert Einstein’s famous equation E=MC2 explains how the natural and the supernatural co-exist and compliment each other.
Stephen Tremp has a B.S. in information systems, an MBA in Global Management and a background in information systems, management, and finance. He draws from this background to write one of a kind thrillers. He lives in Orange county, CA with his wife and two daughters, a maltepoo dog, parrot, and hamster.
Target Readers: My books will have strong appeal to 18-44 year old men and women with some college education. In addition, since the novel is written in an amalgam of genres, it will please a wide variety of audiences including thriller, science fiction, suspense, young adult, and even a little romance.
Finally: Don't forget about the Weekend Follies at my blog. You need a good chuckle for all the hard work you put in during the week! Well, that’s it. Now you know me a little better. Thanks for stopping by. You can visit me at my Website Breakthrough Blogs.
ah now we know a little more - thank you for this edifying & interesting post this morning!
What a fun post! Your answer to the Pluto question especially made me laugh... XD
What a fun post!
I burst out laughing at the "Kardashians are actually the Kargrandes from Alex Cavanaugh’s - What Are The Kargrandes" bit! Hilarious!
Hi Stephen - brilliant and you've answered loads of questions and perhaps raised a few more?! Will you and David P King get back from your intergalactic kegger in time for the A-Z curtain raiser?!
Fun - and I love the web feet - hope I never see them! Cheers Hilary
Hilarious! However, the Kargrandes are not like the Kardashians. They have way more depth.
So basically, with all those wormholes, you've in effect cloned yourself. Well done!
Somehow, I don't think all the questions are serious. Ummm
Anyway, quick question is the answer to the universe still 42?
Poor Pluto! I had no idea it took that long for it to go around the sun. Nice learning more about you, Stephen!
Stephen my sides still hurt from reading through your answers here. You are hilarious! And informative. I adore that you threw in Pluto factoids and that you called it a planet. Oh, and the kegger was in a Men in Black movie. I salute you and am proud of my Captain.
Life & Faith in Caneyhead
I am Ensign B ~ One of Tremp's Troops with the
A to Z Challenge
Great to learn more about you Stephen! Thanks for answering my question too; I thought you would be one that would enjoy space travel!
That was fun. Love, love, love Pluto's answer.
Thanks all for stopping by. I had a lot of fun with this and hope you did too.
Hilary, we'll be back, but hopefully with a massive intergalactic hangover.
Ann, excellent Hitchhikers Guise to the Galaxy reference!
Yes, I still call Pluto a planet, even though it is smaller and lighter than our moon.
Wow... that was fun! Love the demerit badges. I need a few of those. (Like the "Can't hold her own liquor" demerit badge. It would be a combination of the the two above. :-)
betty, it's still not too late. commercial passenger flights in space travel, albeit in Low Earth Orbit, is just around the corner. I'm totally in. And in, I mean hiding in an overhead compartment.
Love it Stephen! Great answers and lots of smiles! :)
I didn't know that last fact about Pluto . . . . I saw Devo back in the late seventies or there abouts here in Britain, I have a couple of LP's of theirs.
Yeah space travel is expensive...would be worth it though, as you already know :)
The "intergalactic kegger" thing made me laugh. That would be a party like no other! Parrots are cool birds. I wonder if they are high maintenance pets.
Interesting questions and some really cool answers. Still stuck on the webbed feet. :D
Hi Stephen,
Good to meet you.
As JL said, it's really very interesting questions our associates put forward and equally interesting replies Steph presented. But still i am very much confused about the avatar picture of steph placed here, hey how why do you want to hide your original face from your fellow bloggers and friends! Excuse me and forgive me my dear Alex too for asking this question! a bit debatable question before our a to z event quick start! LOL
Just a curiosity!
Have a good day
~ Philip Ariel
Minion of Joyful Brigade of Joyful JL LOL
~ Phil
Poor ol' Pluto. But at least he's got a good comeback.
I love this whole post!
So much fun!
I love Men in Black!
Hey Phil, thanks for stopping by! You can catch a pic of my smiling mug on my blog. Check out the various tabs there.
Thanks everyone for stopping by and saying hello! This was a lot of fun. Now for those final tune ups for A to Challenge.
Nicole, parrots are very much high maintenance as well as mischevious and destructive if you don't keep an eye on them.
Rob, I'll still play a few live songs on YouTube from time to time.
Michelle, I wouldn't be surprised if little green me sit inside their empty skulls and are pushing buttons and pulling levers.
Restraining orders - LOL!
I'm really sorry your wife is allergic to cats.
What a fun post! I envision you trying to curl up in a ball in the spaceship bathroom. That's too bad you wife is allergic to cats. We don't have pets, my husband is allergic to just about anything.
Thanks Donna for stopping by. Great to see you again!
Hi Steph,
Thanks a lot for your quick response to my query! LOL
Sure! I will come back to you.
Have a great time of blogging and hosting.
Keep sharing
~ Phil
of Joyful Brigade.
Thanks to everyone who stopped by tp say hello. Much appreciated and see you during A to Z!
Thanks to everyone who stopped by tp say hello. Much appreciated and see you during A to Z!
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