Monday, March 30, 2015

C. Lee McKenzie Meet Your Host


The Hosts during this challenge are a varied as the stock at K-Mart. We come from all kinds of backgrounds, we're of different belief systems, we live in places all over the world.

Isn't it amazing that we can come together like this to complete such a unified and demanding task? Twenty-six days of blogging and commenting. Makes my brain tired. You've already met some of these Team Members; now it's my turn to reveal who I am.

My Work
When you were invited to ASK US ANYTHING on the AtoZChallenge Blog, the questions were as varied as the Hosts. Here are some of my answers to your questions.

Susan Scott  wanted to know what our best form of exercise was. That's so easy for me to answer. I hike or I do Yoga. For hiking all you need is good pair of shoe and water. I don't have to haul around a golf bag or find a partner to hit a ball to me across the net. It's just me and trail. Yoga doesn't even require shoes! I think you can categorize me as a minimalist.

Barbara in Caneyhead asked what we'd do if our computer bellied up during the Challenge. Don't even think that, Barbara! But if it did, I'd hock the cat and buy a new computer.

CA Heaven asked if we were skiers, and I answered I used to be. If I had to choose between skiing Breckenridge or Arapahoe Basin, I'd choose Breckenridge.

Betty asked a great question: How do we mange time during the A/Z Challenge. My answer was simple. Get up earlier . Go to bed later. Take breaks, stretch and walk. The family's on its own in April. 

Now I've planned a hike for this morning, so I'm out of here. Bye computer. Bye Internet. See you later.


Anonymous said...

Someone who shall remain nameless, has had computer problems. it was not FUN.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You'd hock the cat - that's funny!
You're a welcome addition to the team, Lee.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

What is to ask. Get organised and post. By the time the A to Z starts I will have finished as all the posts have been sheduled for the days and a ready to go

cleemckenzie said...

:-( So sad. That adds a huge layer onto the writing/life in general burden.

cleemckenzie said...

Thanks, Alex. It has been fun and challenging so far.

cleemckenzie said...

Congrats on being organized!

Arlee Bird said...

"The Bloggers of K-Mart"-- that's us. Hopefully we're not a weird of dressers as the "Shoppers of Walmart".

I enjoy hiking when I have a good place to hike. Even a walk around my neighborhood can be nice now and then.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Wrote By Rote

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I'm willing to do a lot of things during A to Z except get up earlier. I will stay up later and skip nearly all TV.

Anonymous said...

Hello my fearless Muffin leader!

Nilanjana Bose said...

The family's on its own in April. Must adopt that as my mantra. Only not just for April. The whole year. :D Thank you!

It's Kelley! said...

Enjoy your hike. Apparently today is Take a Walk in the Park Day, so . . . I enjoy walking too. Even more so with the dog. So why is it that everything always gets in the way and I end up skipping the walk? I swear, I can spend 45 minutes talking myself out of 15 minutes of exercise. What is wrong with me?! Do you have any motivation tips?

I have a topic for each letter, and most of them are sketched out. However, I expect to be doing last minute editing on a regular basis. This is my first A to Z challenge. I expect it'll either be a great exercise in focus or a big hot mess. I guess we'll know come May 1st.

Michelle Wallace said...

The Leader of The Marvellous Muffin Commando Squad AKA The Queen Of Glibness.
Hi Lee! *waving*

betty said...

Thanks for answering my question, LOL, that's basically what I told hubby "don't plan to see me much in April." Enjoyed reading your answers :)


Lisa said...

I like your minimalist attitude! I work out as I don't live in a hike-friendly area. Like you said, "real" life takes a back seat during April!

Dixie@dcrelief said...

Enjoyed reading about you, Lee.

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Yeah, I've told my family straight up the past two years, don't expect much from me in April. To which they say, "When to we get all that much anyway?"
Life & Faith in Caneyhead
I am Ensign B ~ One of Tremp's Troops with the
A to Z Challenge

Unknown said...

Good day,How do I sign up for this challenge.

Susan Scott said...

Great post! Enjoy the hike - yes, a dreaded thought of the computer playing up. Roll on April - thanks for all that you and the many others do by way of this ...

Arlee Bird said...

Click on the page at the top that says "A to Z Sign-ups" or just go to Sign ups and add your blog link to the list. Then you blog from A to Z every day in April except Sundays. For more info check the page links at the top of this page.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Deepti Agarwal said...
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Deepti Agarwal said...

I am not able to find where I could add my link for Day 1 which is today.My post is ready but do not know how to link it up.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Lee - yes doing the right things - and just doing lots .. see you around that A-Zing blogosphere - cheers Hilary

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Deepti - see Arlee's reply above .. the link to join is A-Z sign ups 2015 ... check out the info notes and just publish your schedule to publish your appropriate post each day - A for toda - as it's the first .. cheers and good luck - Hilary

Arlee Bird said...

There is no list for the individual daily links, however you can post your daily links on the Facebook A to Z page or you might Tweet them.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out