Friday, February 20, 2015

This Week on the A-to-Z Highway: A Fashionable Detour #atozchallenge #roadtrip

The Blogging from A-to-Z Challenge community is brewing with energy and positive vibes in anticipation for another go-round at the alphabet on April 1st. Until that day rolls around, there are still lots of sight-seeing activities worthy of some attention on the Road Trip. First, let’s take a brief detour to visit one small, yet social, town populated by fashionistas who signed up for our 2015 alphabet party.

When Anna at Hello,Handbag isn't figuring out smart ways to overcome writer’s block, she’s showcasing some independent designers such as one based in England who makes Disney Villain and Star Wars handbags that are convertible. Mars at Curling Stones for Lego People found a way to put excess beads to use while working on a bracelet. In her experience, she describes why knowing how far along you are in a project is important. Tami at Thrift Shop Commando paints her weekends pink with a Resurrected Couture cashmere sweater, beaded purse and doll shoes. ShawnTe at SJPs Fashion Sense tests out an organic Vitamin C serum to find out if it measures up to the hype.

What was the topic of the most recent blog YOU visited this week?

A-to-Z Challenge Co-Host Nicole Ayers writes about making movies at The Madlab Post. She also supports the American Red Cross. Connect with her @MadlabPost on Twitter.  


betty said...

Before this blog I was on Chrys Fey's blog and she was featuring a guest writer, Louise Lyndon, and her new book :)

So looking forward to the challenge in April; just need to come up with K and U for my theme :)


Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Hi Nicole,
That is really a wonderful experience.
Ok, let me have a look at those places
Thanks a lot for the connected links.
May you have a great journey upward to
the high hill called A to Z LOL
Good Wishes to all the Participants
This is Philip Ariel 2013's Tina' Downey's Team member
~ Phil

Tami Von Zalez said...

What a delight to see a shoutout for me on this February Friday!

I'm busy preparing this year's posts, perhaps with a little fun fashion thrown in.

Many thanks - see ya round AtoZinging

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Hi All those who are going to comment thru google+ comment option here, before you press the publish button make sure that you took a copy of the comment you just typed, if not you will lose it and will have to type it again.

Arlee Bird said...

One Road Trip almost finished another soon to begin. What a fun ride for 2014! The road goes on forever.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I have been enjoying visiting the blogs of my friends who live in and around Boston. They have incredible pictures.

Lisa Mandina said...

I'm currently going through my reading list in Blogger and clicking on posts that sound interesting. I try to do that once a week at least.

Anonymous said...

The most recent blog I visited was Diana Wilder's take on Winter for Celebrate the Small Things. It's quite funny.

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

My most recent blog visit was to Adventure in the Ballpark by Mariann. She was posting about how she spent recent time alone that she had.

Michelle Wallace said...

Fashionable detour? Convertible handbags... sounds innovative.
Thank you to the Roadtrippers for taking time to visit and introduce us to a variety of new blogs!

Anonymous said...

My most recent blog visit was to Nerd in the Brain for her "If We Were Having Coffee" post today. I ended up following the blog because of its interesting educational and challenging content on a variety of subjects.