Monday, February 16, 2015

The Great and Powerful A to Z Theme Reveal Blogfest!

The Great and Powerful A to Z Theme Reveal Blogfest!

Sign-ups for the 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge are already under way. If you have done it before, you know how much fun it is (good for you!) and if you have not, this is your chance to give it a try! You can sign up to participate here.

One of the most burning questions participants ask themselves every year is: "Should I have a theme?"
Themes are not mandatory, but definitely fun. They let your visitors know what to expect, and help you create posts that line neatly up from A to Z. They also have an added bonus: They let you participate in a whole separate blogfest!

Two years ago A to Z participant Mina Lobo started the Theme Reveal, and we thought it was such a great idea that we made it tradition. It is now our very own, grand and festive way of rolling out our themes together!

Here is how the Theme Reveal Blogfest works:

Sign up on the Linky list below, and on March 23rd (Monday) publish a post on your blog in which you reveal your theme, tell us why it is exciting, and give us a hint of what to expect from it! Then, once your post is up, use the Linky to visit all the other blogs announcing their themes. Enjoy!

This is a great opportunity for all of you to get a jump start on your A to Z experience. You can link up with fellow bloggers, scout out and bookmark themes that you look forward to, and set out delicious themed bait on your blog to lure in wandering participants! This way, by the time the frenzied posting begins on April 1st, you will already have an audience eagerly awaiting your posts.

Sign up below, ready your theme, and post March 23rd on your calendar!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Forty people already!

Debbie D. said...

Second year for me. Really looking forward to it!

Arlee Bird said...

the spaces are filling up! We should have lots of blogging fun on March 23rd!

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Anonymous said...

i LOVE seeing everyone's themes!

Nicole said...

Looking forward to finding out if any themes will be trending among bloggers doing the A-to-Z Challenge this year.

Lisa Mandina said...

I already have a blog tour on that date, and I hate posting more than one thing a day, but I do want to participate so I signed up!

Boisterous Bee said...

Do we need to sign up for Theme as well along with the sign up of the A to Z challenge?

Boisterous Bee said...

Do we need to sign up for Theme as well along with the sign up of the A to Z challenge?

Nicole said...

It is optional. Bloggers who signed up for the A to Z Challenge are welcome to sign up for the Theme Reveal as well if they would like to participate in that March 23rd blog hop, before the A-to-Z Challenge begins in April.

- Nicole
#atozchallenge Co-Host

Lisa said...

58 now! Fourth year for me... off to work on my A to Z posts!

Carrie-Anne said...

Really looking forward to seeing everyone's themes!

Debbie D. said...

Link # 21. Got in early, this time! ☺

betty said...

Wrote 7 posts last night for the theme, so getting a good start :)


Jolie du Pre said...

I'm looking forward to this. So far I'm on track with my plan to be organized for this year.

Adam Dickstein said...

I tried to sign up, and it says my blog is already on the list, but I don't see it. Am I blind?

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

I'm number thirteen...though I forgot about the reveal and already blabbed about my theme.
Life & Faith in Caneyhead

Arlee Bird said...

It's okay if you already blabbed because now on March 23rd you can blab again and maybe some new people can hear about it.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Arlee Bird said...

I don't see it. Try again. I didn't know the list would distinguish blogs already signed up.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Susan Scott said...

Also signed in, didn't see my bog at 107, tried again and was disallowed as it had already been entered. Will check this out again ...

Susan Scott said...

Sorry I see it's up - at 108 ... all ok! Yikes, it's almost March already ...

Michelle Wallace said...

I'm no#94 and the list has already grown to 108!

Anonymous said...

and I am #120!!
looking forward to themes!!

Adisha said...

I'm sorry so I write A to Z titled blogs each day based on a theme ?? Just checking !! N what else ? - signed .. Clueless first timer

Amita said...

Signed up...:)

Stephanie Bird said...

Awesome idea! I've signed up for the A to Z Challenge and Theme Reveal Blogfest. I have been under the weather so I couldn't post the past few months of IWSG but will be back in March. This reveal blogfest has definitely gotten my creative juices flowing.Thanks for organizing, hosting and stirring my imagination.

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Hi Arlee, Alex and team
I made a typo in the entry will it be possible to correct it
i said Coinfident Living instead of Confident, sorry for the typo!
Have a great time ahead
Philip Ariel
Associate Editor
Confident Living Magazine

Arlee Bird said...

The typo is barely noticeable so I wouldn't worry about it. Having the link on the list is really what matters. I doubt whether anyone pays that close of attention to see if everything is spelled right.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Oh, my gosh! Just realized I'm number 13! Lucky or Unlucky? Oh, what the hay, I'm not superstitious anyway. Life & Faith in Caneyhead

Carrie Tripp said...

Woot woot! I'm in! On reveal day, does everyone tell what their topic for each letter is too? I think that's what I did last time, but that doesn't seem to be what the instructions say.

Arlee Bird said...

It's up to you, Carrie. You can do your presentation in anyway that you like.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Timothy S. Brannan said...

OOPS. I entered twice. New URL though.

Katy Manck, MLS said...

Dang! I put the post title instead of my blog title at 344... grr

#344 should read BooksYALove (BO), but the link is correct

Arlee Bird said...

Not a problem. Just so the link is right is the main thing.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Anonymous said...

380!! yes! that's me :)
Can't wait for the theme reveal!!! :) :D

Unknown said...

Unfortunately, I need to bow out of the challenge and the theme reveal. I was so looking forward to participating. Hopefully I will be able to next year! I wasn't sure how to remove my blog from the lists, so I am going to assume that's something the challenge hosts do? My blog is

Sundari Venkatraman said...

Really excited to participate this year. This will be my second. Unfortunately, I couldn't complete the challenge last year because my mother passed away on April 14. Will post my theme reveal tomorrow. All the best to everyone

Matthew MacNish said...

Gah! I didn't realize co-hosts had to sign up manually. Oh well, better late than never!

Unknown said...

So just signed up and this is my first time, I am going to write on the topic of feelings, how to explore different feelings, embrace them, heal and enjoy life!

Jemima Pett said...

Happy theme reveal day!

Sandy said...

Almost forgot about the reveal day, then as I was visiting from the regular a-z linky came across someone with their reveal post. So quick like snatched the badge and edited my post and here I am. Did some visiting #200 Bash Says Hey has no reveal post, no reveal badge, and no a-z badge...doesn't look like she's participating, just going for links. #300 Wild Womans Wolf Pack has no theme reveal post and no reveal badge and link. #400 Can't leave a comment without registering, and 150 A Field Trip Life has no reveal badge or post.

Sandy at Bridge and Beyond">

Unknown said...

How can I get my link updated to point to my theme post?

My blog description in the line up is number 109 Are We There Yet?


Heather M. Gardner said...

The link should point to your blog. Maintaining these lists is very time consuming and I don't believe they will be updated to point to specific posts at this time.
Thank you for joining the Challenge.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Thank you for the information.
The rules for the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge don't apply to the theme reveal. If blogs do not participate during the Challenge, they will be contacted.
We appreciate your time and effort.

Heather M. Gardner said...

We're sorry to hear you won't be able to participate in the Challenge this year.
Your link (Sweet Bunny Dreams) will be removed from both lists.
We hope you will be able to join us for next year's Challenge and that things go well for you moving forward.

Heather M. Gardner said...


Heather M. Gardner said...

You can have a theme, if you want.
It's not mandatory. Some bloggers prefer it.
Your posts could be completely random as long as they follow the correct alphabet letter on the correct day.

Unknown said...

Ah okay did not know I had to add myself to this list too, so missed the day.

Sandy said...

#543 Snailpace doesn't have either the a-z badge or the reveal badge, doesn't appear they're involved.

Arlee Bird said...

They have made reference to the Challenge on various posts and did announce their theme with the badges on that post. Every indication that I see shows that they are involved though they have not made it overly obvious.

I think they are okay.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
A Faraway View

elly stornebrink said...

Well, better late than never...and here's to my first A to Z challenge! ;) <3

Anonymous said...

can I cheat? I've only just realised that the theme idea came from here and had to be registered here! Well I only decided on the theme itself a day before the challenge began.

So just in case you publish this comment - my theme is POULTRY - and so far I have talked about Ducks, Geese, chickens and put up pictures of my chicks as they grow - be nice if anyone wanted to have a look!

i registered for the A-Z Challenge on, but when it came to it, I am actually publishing the posts on "the spare" -

and putting up a brief redirect post on so that I am - in fact - following the rules there at least! smile

thanks, if you do put this up, maybe no one will think to look here anyway, but its worth a try.

Anonymous said...

well I am trying again - because I was using the wrong id for this site!

just to say that I didn't realise you could register your themes here - and so altho its a bit late, I have now seen the page and realise that its too late to be on the official list!

My theme is POULTRY and have been using the A-Z challenge to talk about different types of poultry and associated matters - i registered as and am posting brief re-directs there as the full posts are on

thanks if you do publish this!

Margie said...

I didn't officially sign up, but I've been doing this (I am a couple days behind) but I super LOVE it, thanks for the challenge!

SpacerGuy said...

I missed this reveal blogfest, so I have a plan. I've counted 33 so far for the year, its quite a lot blogfest excitement really for my martian brain, LOL.