Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ask Us Anything You Always Wanted To Know About The Co-Hosts But Never Remembered To Ask!

So, let's do a quick check:
1. You have signed up for the 2015 A to Z Challenge
2. You decided if you would like to do a theme, and if you do, you have signed up for the Theme Reveal Blogfest
3. You have started obsessing over scheduling posts for April (or maybe that's just me)

What's next?...

Meet Your Co-Hosts!

Following the traditions from past years, you get to ask the questions about things you would really like to know! Each co-host will pick some and feature them in their introduction post. This way we make sure you find out all the really important, relevant information about your friendly neighborhood A to Z Team, such as

... Which exotic fruit we'd be willing to eat on a bet,

... What our opinions are on cross-breeding dragons,


... For which historical figure we harbor a secret crush.

(Come on, everybody has one!)

So, without further ado: Ask us anything in the comments! The more questions, the more entertaining our introductions will get...



Susan Scott said...

Do you brush your teeth first thing in the morning?
Do you like sleeping?
Do you remember your dreams?
What is your best form of exercise?
Which do you prefer, horses, dogs, cats, lizards?
Are you excited about the 2015 A-Z?

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

What would you do if your pc died in the middle of the AtoZChallenge?
What is your idea of a perfect Saturday?
Are you a vet or do you have any veterans in your family?
Have you ever been to Texas, and if so, which part?
Johnny Dep or Robert Downey Jr. and why?
Life & Faith in Caneyhead

CA Heaven said...

Are any of the AZ-hosts skiers? If so, do you prefer Breckenridge or Arapahoe Basin?

Cold As Heaven

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

The dying PC in the middle of the Challenge is a scary question...

betty said...

How do you manage your time during the A/Z challenge? Other than having all written before the challenge begins, any other tips you can share?


LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

1. Have you ever dropped Mentos into a bottle of Diet Coke to see what would happen?
2. If you haven't and don't know the outcome of the above, are you curious now?
3. After you successfully complete the 2015 A to Z, and they stick television cameras in your face and ask "So, what are you going to do now", what will you answer?
4. What are your go-to snacks and beverages to sustain yourself during the A to Z?
5. What is the wingspan of a swallow?
6. Design an amusement park ride based on your current WIP or other work and write an ad for it.

Heather M. Gardner said...


Heather M. Gardner said...

I concur.

Arlee Bird said...

I've thought it was going to happen the past couple years. This year I feel better about that one.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Arlee Bird said...

#3--I'd run and hide in my bedroom!

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

John Holton said...

One word: redundancy.

Arlee Bird said...

Have never skied in my life and at this stage of my life probably never will. But either one sounds like a nice place to visit.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Arlee Bird said...

I have been in just about every part of Texas over the years and truly enjoy the state. One of my daughters and her family live in Houston so we've gone there a number of times. I love the Big Bend Area and have enjoyed spending time in Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio. Even Odessa is okay in limited doses. Texas is truly a great state.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Arlee Bird said...

I have a love/hate feeling about sleeping--I enjoy it, but sometimes wish I didn't have to so I'd have more time to do things.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Stephen Tremp said...

I've had Google shut down my blog, falsely claiming my site was a source of Spam. No recourse at all. Nothing I could do. Google also shut down every new blog I started for a month following. That was a nightmare.

cleemckenzie said...

I love to hike. That's the best exercise for me.

cleemckenzie said...

I don't have a pc anymore, but if my Apple bellied up, I'd buy a new Apple. Can't miss out on the Challenge.

cleemckenzie said...

Used to ski. Breckenridge would be my choice if I still did.

cleemckenzie said...

Up earlier. To bed later. Lots of water. Several breaks during the day to stretch and walk.

cleemckenzie said...

Vacation will follow the AtoZ. Just have to choose where to go.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Hey, I dropped mentos in a glass of soda. Won't give it away to anyone. Go try it.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Avoid Pinterest and Twitter during April.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Perfect Saturday is when it's warm enough for me to be outside and my husband and all the boys go golfing for hours and hours. Whole place to myself.

Lisa said...

Yes, brush first thing in the morning, especially before I kiss my husband! Yes, I usually remember my dreams.

Dogs. Definitely dogs, little ones.
Yes, excited about APRIL!!

Lisa Buie-Collard
A to Z Challenge Co-Host

Lisa said...

#4 Water, water and more water, and then nuts. I am nuts about nuts, walnuts, peanuts, pecans are a few of my favs...
#3 First, I will bask in my glory for about five seconds, then get my next WIP to the editor!!!

Lisa said...

Oh no no no! Can't even think about that!!! Ouch!

Lisa said...

Can't avoid Twitter since I post all my posts there as well, but exercise first thing in the morning wakes me up and sets up my day... I am trying not to schedule anything else in April, but that plan is already leaking...

Lisa said...

Like C Lee, I'd go buy a new one so fast I wouldn't have time to breathe. I have all my files in the cloud, so would still have all my info sort of.
I lived in Texas for 18 years! After the first few I loved it, had two native Texans, and still have lots of friends there.
RDJ of course. Those big brown eyes and sexy mouth. Yes, my husband knows and he isn't worried because he also has gorgeous brown eyes and a sexy mouth!
Liked JD, but lately, he has gone off the "depp" end, LOL.

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Cool answers, guys (gals). Susan, that's my kind of Saturday.

Nicole said...

If losing internet access counts as something dying in the middle of the challenge, then it happened to me more than once in my four years doing the challenge. My solution varied. Sometimes I went to the Brooklyn library, while other times I went to a coffee shop and when I wasn't there, I used University computers on campus.

Nicole said...

My bedtime usually gets pushed back in April. Sometimes my day also starts later than usual due to tending to A-Z matters before other tasks, but I'm less likely to get up earlier just for online activities.

Nicole said...

#3 - The Post A-Z Road Trip.

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

What do you do with Spam?
Have you ever dressed up in some costume and ran into Walmart wearing it?
Can elephants choke on peanuts? If so, how do you give them the Heimlich?
Do you have a doctor in the house?
Isn't it phenomenal?

Anonymous said...

Before I think of a question to ask, my mind is buzzing with excitement. This is my first A to Z and I never imagined so many people taking up the challenge and every one is so enthusiastically planning for April!! I love the spirit and I love the camaraderie. Way to go team!

I am 90% done on my theme and topics for April. Yes, I need to start penning and scheduling!


Heather M. Gardner said...

That depends on what Spam you're referring to. Spam the pseudo food or Spam on the computer? :)

Heather M. Gardner said...

That's great news! Let's keep the discussions going!

Arlee Bird said...

My wife is a doctor, but she has a doctorate in philosophy and works as a kindergarten teacher. She does have good health benefits though that extend to me as well.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
A Faraway View

Arlee Bird said...

You are starting off like a pro! Glad to have you with us this year.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
A Faraway View

Michelle Wallace said...

I loved all the questions and responses!
Three cheers to all the hosts!

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

Ah, Heather, does it matter really? I hate both of them! lol

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

Arlee-that is a good thing, I guess...even if it is philosophy! With KG you would need that! :)

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

YAY, you! The fact that you are getting ready to schedule in advance is a good thing! As a newbie...oh 3-4 years ago, I did not take that advice and about lost my mind.
Wait, I still don't half the time. Carry on!

Lisa said...

Wow, I had no idea how to do that when I did my first A to Z, You rock!

cleemckenzie said...

Planning is everything! You're very smart. See you a lot in April.

Matthew MacNish said...

Dogs! Definitely dogs.

Anonymous said...

i've been an insomniac since I'm 15. so the first words out of my mouth are COFFEE.

Anonymous said...

I am scared to death of skis.

Anonymous said...

lots and lots of coffee, extra calendar reminders and forgetting that my family lives with me during April.

Anonymous said...

After the challenge I will go back to my vigorous book review schedule.

Shilpa Garg said...

What is THE Tip you would like to share with the people who would be doing the A to Z Challenge for the first time!

Arlee Bird said...

Visit at least a few new bloggers each day, leave decent comments to show that you've read the posts, and follow bloggers that you want to support.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out