Monday, January 19, 2015

Turning Over A New Leaf in 2015

I'm often tempted to "Turn Over A New Leaf" when a new year arrives, aren't you?

  • Be a kinder person.
  • Eat more vegetables.
  • Save the world.
  • Have the best theme for AtoZ ever.
  • Floss. 

Here's how I imagine categories of folk might try to turn over a leaf or two.

Book Blogger: Begin blogging in Spanish and become as successful a blogger as Paulo Coelhos.

Novelist: Write the next Hunger Games trilogy.

Chimney Sweep: Have a good facial scrub before the singing begins.


Now this guy would take me literally. What better time to mulch stuff than in January. Those leaves make the earth ripe and ready for the seeds come April.

What's your new leaf? Or do you prefer to ignore the idea of fresh starts in a new year? As for me, I'm off to find a pitch fork and do some turning of the earth. I'm already itchy to plant my April crop.


betty said...

To eat healthier; not necessarily in an aim to lose weight but that would be a nice benefit if it did happen and to get out and walk more. And while walking think of themes for A/Z :)


Jeremy [Retro] said...

I need to be better, nothing else... if not for you my friends, but for me the person.

StratPlayerCJF said...

My new leaf is the same old leaf, turned over more times than a forgotten sock in the dryer:

Write more, finish what I write, submit, repeat...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'm working on that best Challenge theme ever!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

LOL. I am trying to be a better person. Not drive as fast, keep up with the weeds this spring, clean under the furniture more often... Yep, lots of leaves to turn over.

Chrys Fey said...

Write the next Hunger Games trilogy...that's easier said than done. lol

MunirGhiasuddin said...

I am an old timer. One day at a time is what I will take when it comes to projects. May be finish off what I started?

Susan Scott said...

Think harder, feel deeper, write more, be involved with community challenges ..

Michelle Wallace said...

6 reasons to be like a tree...
Stay grounded.
Connect with your roots.
Turn over a new leaf.
Bend before you break.
Enjoy your unique natural beauty.
Keep growing.

Lisa said...

Blogging and marketing are two biggies for me this year, as well as revisions to current wip. On top of that gardening must be done, to get grounded, unstressed, and to feel calmly productive... Thanks for a good post.

Unknown said...

I love the "clean slate" idea of a fresh, new year. I've got a nice list of goals for this year and for once they are actually do-able! Good luck in your goals for 2015! And the garden analogy is perfect :D

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

I never have understood the fixation with the New Year and with resolutions. I try to live each day without regrets. And when I do find I regret something, I change it if I can, and if I can't I simply move on.

Karen Lange said...

My new leaves include cultivating more self discipline (especially for writing), a bit less food, and a bit more exercise. :)

cleemckenzie said...

Best way to think of anything is walking. IMHO

cleemckenzie said...

Great goal! I always want to be better.

cleemckenzie said...

If we keep working on the same things, we have to get better with practice, right?

cleemckenzie said...

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with,

cleemckenzie said...

Great leaves!

cleemckenzie said...

You'll write something super.

cleemckenzie said...

That's the best we can do. I'm with you on that.

cleemckenzie said...

I just cut my blogging back to give me more time to write and share with my family. Not sure how that's going to work out.

cleemckenzie said...

I like to be involved in my community.

cleemckenzie said...

Lovely metaphor!

cleemckenzie said...

Ah, yes. Calm and productive at the same time.

cleemckenzie said...

Thanks. I should report back and then find out how everyone here fared in 2015.

cleemckenzie said...

Nothing wrong about that. Sounds great.

cleemckenzie said...

That self-discipline is always a hard one for me.

Empty Nest Insider said...

I think Karen's goals sound pretty reasonable! Great scene from Mary Poppins! This was a nice preview of your fun A to Z posts!
