Thursday, January 15, 2015

Preparing a Theme and Daily Topics for the Blogging A to Z Challenge

2015 Badge Soon To Be Revealed
Here it is already January 2015 and before you know it, April 1st will be here and once again the annual April Blogging A to Z Challenge will begin. 

It is recommended to have a theme for the event. Makes writing the daily posts much easier. And if you do not have a theme, now is a good time to think of one. Try to have one by the end of the month.  

Then, open a Word document and type the 26 letters of the alphabet like so: 

B - 
C - 
D - 
Z - 

Then begin selecting topics that fall within the theme. Example: my theme is Paranormal and the Supernatural. 

A- Angels, Astral Projection, Apparition 
B - Bilocation 
C - Clairvoyance, Challening 
D - Dreams, Deja-vu, Doppelganger 
Z - Zenoglossy 

Select one final topic for each day (you’ll want to cap your posts at 100 words), write an explanation of each topic, then prepost throughout February and March. By the time April 1st rolls around, your posts will be ready to go and so will you. 

We will be having a Theme Reveal Blog Hop in March where you can announce to the world what your theme will be, then visit your friends around Blogdom and see what their themes will be. 

Happy theme hunting, and the sooner you start outlining your posts, the better prepared you will be for the 2015 Blogging A to Z Challenge. 

You can visit Stephen Tremp at his Website Breakthrough Blogs


Anonymous said...

I am seriously looking forward to this. Somewhat more challenging theme decided for this year, and ready to go.

Anonymous said...

I failed from too-many-other-things-itis. :(
But I want to give it a try again. So I'll spend most of the time till April planning and pre-writing.
I write about writing. How easy should that be?!?

Michelle Wallace said...

My "2015 A to Z ideas" word document looks something like that.
Hope to pre-write, and post all 26 into draft by the end of March.
It's the best way to eliminate stress and just enjoy the challenge!

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

My feet are starting to happy-dance under the desk. I have been waiting since the beginning of May 2014 for this pre-A to Z buzz to start! :O) I like the tips - so everything isn't crammed into a relatively short period of time.

Jolie du Pre said...

This will be my FOURTH A to Z. Every year I make the goal to prepost ALL of my posts, but every year I fail. Not this time. This time I'm going to prepost them all. Looking forward to A to Z 2015!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I've been doing just that - I have almost all the letters covered already.

Romi said...

I'm looking forward to April.

betty said...

Wise ideas here, especially keepings posts to about 100 words or less. I did a picture theme last year, doing something similar this year. Plan to have them all ready to go and written come April 1st. Getting excited!


Jean said...

My theme and topic posts are ready. Just need to begin drafting!

Stephen Tremp said...

Good luck to everyone with their theme and 26 topics. A to Z is to be a blessing rather than a burden, and preparing the topics ahead of time is the best way to enjoy the event once April rolls around.

Inger said...

I will only have my theme ready. What's so challenging about having all your posts pre-written and scheduled to be posted by April 1?

I will have my theme ready and then I will challenge myself to come up with a topic and write it, one for each of the 26 days. May not be as perfect and well-written as some of those pre-written ones, but I will have a lot more fun.

CA Heaven said...

I did it like that, except i used Excel instead ow Word.
Didn't have a theme last year, but I probably will this year.

Cold As Heaven

Arlee Bird said...

Great advice. After all my years of doing A to Z I'm convinced that the theme is the best approach to take--especially if you're setting things up ahead of time.

Listen to Stephen bloggers! He's steering you right!

Tossing It Out

JazzFeathers said...

I'm getting nervous...
I discovered the challange last year when it was just over and decided immediately I would partecipate this year. And I will. Only I thought I had my theme, and now I'm not sure any longer...

Well, anyway. Fantastic advice. I will follow it :-)

Stephen Tremp said...

Glad to see people getting ready this far ahead. If you write a 100 word post every other day you will have everything set to go well in advance. good luck everyone!

Li said...

My list is on good old-fashioned notebook paper! :)

Stephen Tremp said...

Glad to hear it, Keith. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone's theme is during March's Theme Release Blog Hop

Stephen Tremp said...

Dance away, LuAnn. this event is made to be a lot of fun and meet a lot of really great people.

Stephen Tremp said...

Berry, so am I. This is a time when I can sit back and relax and focus on visiting other blogs and meeting new people.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Like Li, I keep my list on paper, a yellow legal pad. Writing by hand is supposed to be good for the mind. I finally settled on my theme.

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Already have my theme and a number of topicss sketched out. So excited! Life & Faith in Caneyhead

Renard Moreau said...

[ Smiles ] Wow, the challenge is very challenging!

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to this year's challenge. Time to start planning!

cleemckenzie said...

I gots my theme. Now I just have to find that darned Q post.

Melissa Ann Goodwin said...

Have taken a few years off but am looking forward to participating again this year!

J Lenni Dorner said...

Getting so excited!!!

B~Natrelle said...

Hello there. Excellent suggestions. I've just started to prepare my theme. I've been taking my own photos and getting them cropped/resized is taking forever, but I'll be ready to take part again for the second time (last year was a fervorous first for me). Just hope I don't fizzle out doing the blog visits! See you soon!
Entrepreneurial Goddess