Saturday, January 3, 2015

Looking Back...

This is my first post of 2015. I love that I am sharing it with you, my fellow A to Zer’s. As I sit here, propped up in bed after a day on the road, the last of my “holiday travel” I have no clue what to write about. I want to give amazing advice, wonderful words, be a meaningful model but all of that falls short of what my heart is full of right now. What my heart is still “digesting” is how lucky I am. I had a wonderful time with my family over the last few weeks, and with loving friends. Connections were made and previous ones renewed. I go into this new year with a feeling of hope and of being loved after some really hard moments in 2014. I know that I am not alone in my hopeful feelings, but I am also aware that not everyone was as lucky as I was in 2014. So if I have one thing I will take away from last year and all its trials and joys, that one thing is that I am grateful, I am honored, I am aware and want to share the blessings I have been given. I know we are often told, "don't look back," but I hope that as you begin your new year you do have a moment to, instead of only looking forward or making new year’s resolutions, look back and think on what you have learned from the last 365 days, what you might have to offer to the universe for the blessings you had, or if your year was not so great, that looking back might give you the strength to make this year better. A new year is upon us. 365 chances to make good. I’m going to do my best to make something I can be proud of with those chances. This post is, I hope, a good example. Because for someone who didn’t know what she wanted to say here this time, guess I found something to write about after all. 

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Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Lisa ... Happy New Year and this is a great post. We do need to realise that good things come out of our challenges ... I know I look back on my mother's illness and subsequent death after 5 1/2 years with fondness (during the time my father's BIL also was ill and died) despite all the hassles thrown in my path - some serious - I am grateful that I was able to do for them all that they needed ... yes both were cognisant - which makes life easier.

However I've come out stronger, more thoughtful, more aware, and realise that I have much to be grateful for ... and know that the experiences were positive and when I express that, people are somewhat surprised ...

So after your thoughtful words and ideas for hope in the future - which we can exercise 365 times and more as each hour ticks away ...

Here's to all the A-Zers ... have a happy and peaceful year ... with hope ahead, which we can help to increase our odds - despite the hurdles thrown along the way ... encourage those who are in a worse position than we are ... cheers to you all - Hilary

Susan Scott said...

Great post Lisa. I agree it is worthwhile looking back, reflecting on all that has been and experienced, some not so good, others good ... and taking a moment or many more to be grateful that we are alive, we woke up this morning, it is a new day - and any lessons learned can be taken into this new year with widened lens.

Suzanne said...

Hi Lisa, happy new year! I don't think there's any harm in looking back if you're doing it constructively. It's only a bad thing if you start living in the past x

Susan Scott said...

Just wanted to say hi to you too Hilary - great comments to Lisa thank you ...

Lisa said...

Hilary, thank you for your wise words. When you mentioned encouraging those who are in a worse position than we are, that is exactly what I meant about offering to the universe, to be aware that there are always going to be people who have "it" better than we do, and those who have "it" worse. Hearing of your time with your mother, and how you feel on this side of that experience, is so heartening. Thanks for sharing with us...

Lisa said...

Yes! I love that, "we woke up this morning." So very true.

Lisa said...

So true. It can be fun to reminisce, but I think it would get boring never having new experiences!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

While it wasn't a perfect year, my 2014 was a blessing.

Lisa said...

Susan, I love Hilary! She always writes something worth reading.

Lisa said...

Yes, that's in in a nutshell.

Nilanjana Bose said...

Hi Lisa, a happy new year 2015. Every year has something tucked into it, some great moments, some life lesson, never all bad. Great to read your post here. And I also wanted to second the commenter above - I found Hilary's remarks very moving.

C.S.H said...

I think it's important too to often look back at your life and realize the lessons that you've learned and therefor, regret nothing because everything that's happened has gotten you where you are today and that's a true blessing! Happy New Year to you!!!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

2014 was okay for our family. We had some great things happen but a few set backs also. We know we're more fortunate than many others.

Michelle Wallace said...

Hi Lisa.
There's a quote along these lines: 'What you need to know about the past is that no matter what has happened, it has all worked together to bring you to this very moment.'
But we also need to keep this in mind: you can’t start the next chapter if you keep re-reading the last one and you can’t reach for anything new if your hands are still full of yesterday’s "junk".
So we should find the balance - look back to reflect and to see how far we've travelled... and then we look ahead!
Happy New Year!