Friday, December 5, 2014

7 Themes for the Blogging from A-Z Challenge

With the holiday season around the corner, the last thing on people's minds is blogging and what to write as far away as next year. Me? I'm full of good intentions that get lost along the way, so I like the thought of advance planning.

I already know what I'll be blogging about in the A-Z next year, or so I think for right now, until another shiny, new idea comes along. In case you haven't settled on a theme yet, the holidays are a great time to look around and see what possible fun and exciting topics you can cover.  Here's my shortlist of things I'd be interested in seeing done during the Challenge.

A-Z of planning for a new year (Helpful, if you're the sort who can't seem to get things rolling motivation-wise or resolution-wise when January 1 hits)

A-Z of getting though the holidays with your sanity intact (think, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, etc. or any other one for that matter. This guide will help you organize and delegate tasks before, during and after the holidays)

A-Z of planning and researching your projects (Some of us are useless when it comes to getting ourselves organized and ready to work when we're taking on anything new, including writing a book)

A-Z of handmade gift items (If you're good with crafts and such and like the thought of personalized gifts)

A-Z of fun projects for children (This might interest you if you're that relative who gets landed with the job of babysitting all the little tots during family gatherings)

A-Z of getting through the A-Z Challenge (This guide would help the disorganized among us to plan for the chaos that descends during the A-Z if we do little or no planning beforehand)

A-Z Holiday Devotional (If you're religious or spiritual and use devotionals to jumpstart your worship sessions)

Can you think of any other fun topics that would be great to tackle during the A-Z? Anybody planning to take on any of these? Have you started planning for the A-Z?

J.L. Campbell lives in Jamaica and writes romance, women's fiction and young adult fiction. She blogs at


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I bet a lot of people would benefit from an A to Z Guide for the Disorganized.

J.L. Campbell said...

I think I'm one of those, Alex.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Those are some great options. I'm still undecided about my theme.

J.L. Campbell said...

Hi, Susan, here's hoping you settle on a theme soon.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Joy - decided on mine .. and have started jotting down notes ... but people are so creative and I love the A-Z and who I meet, then who I eventually find! Great thoughts for themes ... cheers Hilary

J.L. Campbell said...

Great, Hilary. I've decided too, but know I'm likely to change my mind before April.

Michelle Wallace said...

Hi Joy!
Such great ideas.
I'm a bit torn between two I'm trying to see if I can do a mish-mash...blend the two.
I jotted down some ideas.

Susan Scott said...

Wow! That's really organised Joy! I still have to put my thinking cap on ... having a note book on hand for ideas is what I've thought of .. specifically for A-Z ...

Jemima Pett said...

What great ideas... I'd love to do my take on the A to Z Guide to the A to Z Challenge, but maybe I'll keep it for 2016, since I'm too advanced with my plans for 2015 now and there is a key timing element to it :)

Lisa said...

What a GREAT post! I think I have my theme, but really like some of your ideas. Thanks for sharing...

Unknown said...

Joy, these are great ideas. I especially like the crafting idea. I would love to see someone do that to inspires those of us who like the idea of crafting but never quite our acts together. I have a theme planned and am slowly writing the posts as ideas come to me.

J.L. Campbell said...
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J.L. Campbell said...

Hope that works out for you, Michelle.

J.L. Campbell said...
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J.L. Campbell said...

Good idea, Susan. That way your ideas won't be lost.

J.L. Campbell said...

Sounds like you're on the ball, Jemima. I'm sure that A-Z guide would be popular.

J.L. Campbell said...

Happy to help, Lisa.

J.L. Campbell said...

I think that one and the kiddies activities would be fun to do.

cleemckenzie said...

Holiday themes are always wonderful. Who doesn't want to know more about those traditions we all take for granted. Great idea. Have my theme for April. Now it's all about executing it.

Anonymous said...

The holidays are sneaking up on me in a big way - shipping this week...speaking of which, I'll bet there are lots of A - Z ideas for shipping things.

klahanie said...

Hi Joy,

I have a great idea for a theme. How about the let's get rid of the ridiculous A to Z once and for all, theme. I don't want a bunch of emails from folks struggling with it this year.

Gary, the official anti-A to Z spokesman! :)

Unknown said...

I'm still deciding but the get organized theme is right up my alley.