Friday, September 12, 2014

Step on the Gas! A September Check-In #atozchallenge #roadtrip #LifeisGood

The Summer is winding down but if the activity in the blogosphere these last few days are any indication, our sun shiny days are to be continued. Having this in mind, I noticed a quick and much needed tune-up to my blog-visiting engine while participating in the Sunflowers for Tina blog hop that took place earlier this week. It was easy to take on the task of visiting 100+ bloggers since Monday September 8th mostly due to determination and willingness to see how other people joined us in paying tribute to our late Blogging from A-to-Z Challenge Co-Host, and Co-Founder of the A-to-Z Challenge Road Trip – Tina Downey of Life is Good.

Although the task has yet to be completed, I stumbled upon a Robyn Alana Engel's Life By Chocolate blog, which reminded me of our previous detour seeking out blogs named after food. Since I started visiting blogs randomly based on my familiarity with them, it led me to many places that I haven’t visited in a long time such as Elizabeth Mueller’s blog. This experience has given me the idea that getting through mini blog hops within the A-to-Z Community has multiple benefits for the Road Tripper:

  • It helps you get back into the habit of visiting blogs on a regular basis. So in other words, it’s a huge plus for those of us who pulled over on the side of the road numerous times. What a great way to play catch-up.
  • It gives you the chance to measure how long – in hours or days -- it would take for you to visit a certain number of blogs. Having this knowledge can make things a little easier as you break your visiting down into small, manageable chunks.
  • There are sunflowers on every blog on the list. Now I don’t know about you, but, being presented with a bright outlook for the day is enough for me to want to visit someone’s blog.

Most (if not all) blogs on the Sunflowers for Tina list have participated in the A-to-Z Challenge during one year or another. Since this means that many of these blogs did the 2014 challenge and survived to tell all about it, driving through this little memorial highway would count toward your road trip visits and also give you the chance to make some new blogging buddies. So, I’m calling out all bloggers who are on this A-to-Z Challenge Road Trip with Heather and I to step on the gas!

It is a great feeling to achieve the intimidating feat of visiting over 100 blogs in just a few days. Doing so means there is a chance that we can visit everyone by next Spring if we apply even a little bit of this diligence to the remaining portion of blogs from April’s alphabet party. It’s just a hopeful thought.

A-to-Z Challenge Co-Host Nicole Ayers takes readers behind the movie scenes at The Madlab Post. She is currently being influenced by top-notch magicians while continuing her campaign to benefit the American Red Cross. 


Anonymous said...

The best part of a road trip is the traveling not the destination. I've LOVED meeting people who have known Tina and I've learned more about her with each post. Isn't that what traveling is about; Learning? Next year I vote to bring a librarian along to offer books to read for your vaca?

Heather M. Gardner said...

It seemed impossible at first to hit all 107 blogs, but I did get through in 2 days. It felt great to visit so many people, check out what they were up to, and to leave a comment to let them know how much we appreciated their entry.

Let's keep going!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Visiting a hundred a day isn't hard - just takes practice and dedication.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

You really are dedicated, 100 is a doozy.

Rhondi St.Onge Peacock said...

Alex, you're amazing for being able to visit that many blogs. I spend all my spare time catching up with the people I've connected with during A- Z the last couple of years. I try to experience ten new ones (when I'm in the zone) but I can't imagine 100.

I really do love a great road trip. Just don't get to take very many. Grateful for the ones I can.

cleemckenzie said...

Expanding your pool of blogger contacts is always refreshing, although, I have to do it in chunks or go mad.

Anonymous said...

A wonderful post, owing to eye problems could not paticipate on Monday in tribute for Tina but she was in my thoughts. When Lee announced back in 2010 about the A to Z Challenge and would anyone care to join him, well I was the first to sign up and have taken part ever since, I "Met Alex" that year and he and I are still friends and have been a great help to me. Tina as I remember her comments was always bubbly and full of inspiration to get the challenge complete.
My heartfelt sympathies go to her family and friends, Tina will be sorely missed throughout the A to Z and to "Blogland" it's self.
My she Rest In Peace"

J Lenni Dorner said...

I'm happy to say that I visited all the blogs on the list (except the two with broken links- whatchagonnado).

It was great to see so much love for Tina. :)

Took about three days.

Unknown said...

I love reading so many of the bloggers who go along for the ride with A to Z. As I wish to let others know how much I enjoy reading your blog, I have nominated you for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award.You can check out the nomination in my post. Participation is your choice. If you wish to nominate bloggers who inspire you, the rules are provided there.
Jean Cogdell