Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Sunflowers for Tina - September 8, 2014 #LifeisGood #AtoZChallenge

In memory of Tina Downey, the A to Z Team is hosting a sunflower tribute on September 8, 2014 – Remembering Tina Downey.

Prior to that date, purchase or plant a sunflower in her honor. (If you have to resort to plastic, that’s cool.) Take a photo of your sunflower and post in in her memory on Monday, September 8. Tina loved her sunflowers, and we want to splash the blogging world with sunflowers that day and honor a truly amazing woman who was friend and family to so many.

You can sign up now or add your link when you post your sunflower.

Please help us spread the word! Add Tina's motto #LifeisGood as hashtag and share about this blogfest on all social media platforms.

Let’s brighten the Internet with sunflowers the way Tina brightened the lives of so many.


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - I think it's a great idea - thanks to the A-Z team for organising it .. I'll be there and have signed up ... she is going to be sorely missed as a friend, and as a great supporter for us in the blogging world. I think many of us are reflecting on our lives and those of our friends and family - Hilary

Mason Canyon said...

A wonderful tribute to such a lovely person. I've signed up and also added a link to this on my sidebar.

Jo said...

As you know I carry this linky list today, twice, I goofed. My badge links back to my linky list for any other days. Now all I have to do is figure out what kind of sunflower I can get.

Unknown said...

I'm posting about this in all kinds of groups and forums I'm part of. I would request everyone who signs up to help spread word on this, so on September 8 we can flood a whole big chunk of the internet with sunflowers!

Vidya Sury said...

I am in! And I'll share it in my groups too!

L.G. Keltner said...

I'll help spread the news! This is a wonderful idea!

Michelle Stanley said...

It certainly is a great idea and one that I intend to be a part of. I'm going to work on the sunflower and hope that will be an easy find, but I'll think of something in time. said...

Bless you all. I'll post this on my blog.
Love to you.

TheCyborgMom said...

This will be a beautiful tribute. I hope it brings at least a small amount of comfort to her family to know how many lives Tina has touched.

Stephen Tremp said...

Great to see the blogging community come together like this. I'm sure Tina's family appreciates all the support.

Jemi Fraser said...

I never 'met' Tina online - but I wish I had. So sad to hear of her passing. She sounds like an incredible lady!

Unknown said...

We'll be using the hashtag #LifeisGood across all socila media platforms to promote this blogfest-- please use it whenever you write a post on any of the social media platforms, like Twitter, FB or G+

Maurice Mitchell said...

A wonderful idea. Is it going to be connected to a charity?

Unknown said...

I just read this and I am sorry for the loss of your friend. I will participate in the hashtag for my posts on that day.

Anonymous said...

I never got a chance to meet Tina, having only discovered her blog a few weeks ago. What a great tribute!

Silvia Writes said...

So happy to have gotten to know her via our blogs and many wonderful emails I will go back to and read again and again.

Unknown said...

Yes, Maurice, we're trying to ensure that the badge that day is connected to a PayPal link created by her family. Anyone who wants to donate for Tina, can give to the Downey Education Fund, which would support the education of her sons.

Unknown said...

September 3rd, 2014, 4:52 P.M.

Wonderful idea for a tribute.
I'll do what I can to find a sunflower for Tina. Even if I have to paint one!


Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Hi Alex,
Tina's demise is a great loss to all of us
especially to A to Z and IWSG,
I have posted my tribute today as my
this month's IWSG post. Pl do have a look
May Sep 8 be a great day!!
Best Regards
~ Phil

Elizabeth Mueller said...

What a wonderful way to honor Tina. :')


Stephanie said...

What an awesome idea!

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Hi All,
Wish You All A Great Day Today.
I have posted my sunflowers to Tina
in all my blog pages as well as promoted
this event in all my social networks.
May this day be a Great and notable day
in each one of our life.
We the Philipscom Associated express
ones again our Deepest Condolences
to the bereaved family members.
Philip Ariel & Associates.

Anonymous said...

I have posted it at my blog. RIP, Tina

Anonymous said...

Didn't do a post, but shared on Facebook. Will also tweet.