Monday, August 18, 2014

Back-to-School Means...

Hey there friends, it's been a while since I've taken a turn at this wonderful venue.  It's been quite the summer for us - each day a new surprise adventure, some good, some bad, some scary, some a total blessing.  I'll come out and say it: I consider summer over as of today. My youngest started high school.

For many of us, end of summer and beginning of fall doesn't much matter.  Our lives run on a regular schedule, January-December.  Once we were done with school, we became adjusted to a different calendar.

That's never been the case for me.  I went from being a student into immediately being a teacher into having kids and then they had a school schedule.  My life runs mid-August, then all around the year, with summer in between.

There are many rituals I enjoy about getting ready for a new school year to begin: buying school supplies, getting new clothes, getting a fresh haircut, and other preparations.  Egads there's more when you have a senior.  I had been warned repeatedly by my friends with older kids, but being me, Schedule Woman, I thought, "How much different can it be?"  I was wrong.  I'm adjusting.

What does "back-to-school" signify for you?  What's the school year like in your country?  What calendar does you life run by?  Do tell.

~Tina, feeling a bit blue, yet also excited because my son was so thrilled about going :-)


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

If he's excited about going to high school, send him!
No kids, so I haven't thought much about back to school since college. Just have to recondition myself to slowing down in school zones again.

Arlee Bird said...

Since all of my kids have been out of school for a while, now I have my granddaughter going to school--first grade this year! She's not nearby, but I guess her mom will keep me updated.

Back to school also means my wife will be back to work. It will be quieter around the house in the daytime with less activities on my schedule. Maybe I'll even start back to more blogging now!

Tossing It Out

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

Like you, I never left the academic schedule. I went from grad school to marriage with a professor, so we've always been on that schedule. I'm always glad in a way when summer ends, because I get a regular (sort of) schedule back, and above all I get the house to myself, which makes it easier for me to write.

Jo said...

Afraid it's a really long time since I was at school and from what I know about schools on this side of the pond, it is fairly different. But of course things may have changed in the UK now anyway.

Mason Canyon said...

With no kids it's been awhile since I had to think about back to school schedules. However, in talking with my cousin about her two young children a couple of weeks ago, I learned school (even for first graders) has changed drastically since I went. I couldn't believe some of the changes she told me about.

Unknown said...

I feel like my whole life has revolved around the school year - my own, then after I married, I was still on the school year with my youngest siblings (I am from a large family), then my own children. Now that my children have grown and had children of their own, I live by my grandkids schedules. Crazy isn't it!
What I miss most when school starts are the happy sounds of children playing. We used to live near a school and I could hear the children laughing and playing on the playground. No matter how old I get, I still love to listen to the magic of children's laughter.

Chrys Fey said...

I don't have kids but back-to-school signifies sales on my writing essentials like notebooks and pens. :D But also that fall is right around the corner with my favorite holiday...Halloween.

Lynn Proctor said...

Well I no longer have any kids in school but all but one of my grandkids are in school--I can still smell my school memories-excitement mixed with anxiety

Unknown said...

I am sad my girls are going back to school. We had such fun over the summer. I do not want it to end.