Monday, July 14, 2014

Themes That Rocked! Insightful Writing Tips from Chrys Fey

Please welcome Chrys Fey, author of Hurricane Crimes and the upcoming 30 Seconds!

You posted writing tips – what made you choose that theme?

I post writing tips all the time on my blog, so I decided to stick with that theme for my first A to Z Challenge, but I used topics I wasn’t planning on blogging about anytime soon.

Which letter was the most difficult?

Surprisingly enough, it was letter “S”. At first I planned on blogging about song writing, but came to realize that topic is vast and that not many writers may want to know about song writing. I chose the supernatural genre as the topic for “S” a few days before it was to go live.

Which tip was the hardest for you to learn as a writer?

The hardest tip for me to learn actually had nothing to do with grammar or how to make my writing better. It was about having patience. I was so ready to publish my first book—at a young age—that I was rushing toward that goal before I was really ready. Then when I was in the querying process, desperately trying to get anything published, my impatience doubled. I soon learned that it’ll happen when it is meant to happen.

Which one do you think most writers miss or ignore?

I always say a writer should do A LOT of research about their story, and about publishing. Many aspiring writers ask me what they should do to get published, but that’s a hard question to answer because the process differs from person to person. There are some things that all writers should know to do, such as the importance of building credentials, how to write query letters, and where to look for agents. Except countless aspiring writers don’t know they need to do those things, because they didn’t do any research before diving into their dream.

That really is a great question though, Alex. I would be interested to hear what everyone else thinks.

Which letter got the best reactions?

In regard to the number of shares, that’s a tie between my posts Quotes about Writing and “Z” Words to Add to Your Writing, which also received the highest number of comments. All of my posts got wonderful comments, though.

Which one was your favorite?

I love all of them, but the one that is most special to me is the one I wrote about my mom, Inheriting the Writing Gene. I truly believe she is the reason why I am a writer today.

Are there a lot of vegetarian writers out there?

There are certainly more than I thought there were! I was amazed at how many bloggers commented on my “V” post to tell me they are also vegetarian or vegan.

If you participate in the Challenge next year, do you have a theme in mind?

I am definitely planning on participating next year, and I do have a theme in mind. I don’t want to spoil it just yet, but I will say I’m borrowing the theme from my (future) Disaster Crime series. ;)

Disasters would be cool! Hopefully not disasters in writing. Thanks again, Chrys!

Co-host Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh is the author of Amazon Best-sellers CassaStar, CassaFire, and CassaStorm, and his blog can be found HERE


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks again, Chrys!

Timothy S. Brannan said...

Awesome! I discovered your blog through the challenge this year Chrys, so I am excited to hear you will be back next year too.

HappinessSavouredHot (Julie Saint-Mleux) said...

What a fascinating blog! I love the topics you have tackled. :-)

Jo said...

I didn't read this blog but it is one I shall definitely look out for next year.

Chrys Fey said...

No, thank you, Alex! I am thrilled to be featured on the A to Z blog. Thanks for having me!! :)

And we will have to see what kinds of disasters . . . or crimes . . . I may talk about. ;)

Chrys Fey said...

And I am so happy that you found it, Timothy! You're one of my new best followers thanks to this Challenge. :)

Chrys Fey said...

Thank you so much, Happiness!!

Chrys Fey said...

I hope you enjoy my posts for the Challenge next year, Jo.

Unknown said...

Chrys, I read a few of your posts during the challenge and enjoyed them (as I always do!). And I think your advice to writers about doing their research is spot-on.

Anonymous said...

Great interview!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

A to Z introduced me to your blog. I too enjoyed the post about your mother. I think the things a writer needs to learn about the business varies a lot because we all bring different things into it. Some already know all the grammar rules, some are great storytellers or naturals about setting the right pace. Some like me had to learn everything or at least be reminded of it.

Unknown said...

Such a great interview, Chrys. I am constantly inspired by your blog and all of the wonderful advice you give! You did an impeccable job during the A to Z challenge!
You are absolutely right about putting in the time, patience and research before even publishing a book. I did so much research and in doing so, prepared myself for the continuous long and grueling road ahead.

Chrys Fey said...

From you, that is a great compliment. Thank you, Quanie! :)

Chrys Fey said...

Thanks, Susanne!

pamlovesbooks said...

An A to Z of CRIME? Now that would be interesting!

Chrys Fey said...

This Challenge also introduced me to your blog, Susan, for which I am thankful. I'm glad you enjoyed the post about my mom, too. And you're right that what one person has to learn another may have mastered and need to learn something else. We are all different.

Chrys Fey said...

Thank you so much, Gina! I am blessed to have found you through blogging.

Research can definitely prepare us for the ups and downs of writing, as well as publishing.

Chrys Fey said...

Perhaps. ;) Thanks for stopping by, Pam!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Even if I knew about all the hard work I had to do and all the patience I was going to need before I started this journey I may not have believed it until I had to actually do it. Every day is an opportunity to learn though.
Great post.

Stephen Tremp said...

Ho Chrys, I agree about doing A LOT of research. My first three books took about as much time to research as they did to write. fortunately, my current WIP requires far less research. So the writing is going by so much faster.

And I'm not a vegetarian, although I eat less meat than I used to, and often will do a two or three day fast from meats. During those times I live off bean and chees burritos from Del Taco.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

I have found, the easiest part of choosing a theme... becomes the most difficult. I need to be better prepared and ready for the challenge and my regular posts. Funny thing for me is too make funny letter titles that don't always have anything to do with the posts. My theme is going to be random... well for now, this year I hope not to be broken. That is a whole other story.

Chrys Fey said...

Every day is an opportunity to learn. Thanks for stopping by, Heather! :)

Chrys Fey said...

And I bet your first three books are amazing because of that research you dedicated yourself to.

Bean and cheese burritos are good! ;)

Chrys Fey said...

For this year's challenge, I had the topic for each post picked in 2013. Then I wrote all the posts in January and scheduled them on my blog in March. It saved me from a lot of stress. I even had my blog posts for May ready to go because I knew after the challenge I'd be burnt out. It does pay to be prepared. :) Good luck with next year's Challenge, Jeremy!

Loni Townsend said...

I think it was during A to Z that I came across your blog. I recall the Supernatural one, so good call on S!

I think A to Z had more stress than fun for me. Depending on my work load, I might not be participating again.

Chrys Fey said...

I think it was, Loni!

I'm sad to hear you might not participate again. You could try planning ahead like I do. :)