Monday, July 28, 2014

Themes That Rocked! Hauntings with Lexa Cain

Please welcome the awesome Lexa Cain, author of Soul Cutter.

You posted about hauntings for the Challenge – what made you choose that theme?

When Julie Flanders was releasing her novel, THE GHOSTS OF AQUINNAH, she did a bunch of blog posts and guest posts about haunted places. I loved those! I was sorry to see them end, so I did my part to take up where she left off.

I think many readers assumed I believe in ghosts and that’s why I did the posts. That isn’t true -- I just adore a good ghost story and like to wonder, “What if…?”

When searching for hauntings, which one surprised you the most?

All of them surprised and intrigued me! Sometimes I came across several for one letter and had a tough time choosing which one to write about.

Which letter was the most difficult?

“X” and “Z” were the hardest, but I’m pretty sure everyone had the same problem, and we all just did the best we could.

What country or area seemed to have the most hauntings?

I think the US had the most hauntings, but I think that’s probably because Americans really enjoy that kind of stuff and promote it. America even has a bunch of reality TV shows devoted to haunted places, mediums, psychics, debunking sightings, etc.

Where did you come across Kutna Hora's 'Bone' church?

I honestly can’t recall. I was surfing the net like the baddest big wave rider ever and whooshed through a lot of sites! All I know is when I stumbled across Kutna Hora -- it freaked me out! Of course, I had to include it. I put up several pictures because the sight of all those bones turned into furniture and chandeliers was just unbelievable!

Did you use any sites or just Google to find the haunted places?

Both. There are a ton of sites that have articles on haunted places. Most only detail hauntings in the US, but some have international places too.

Have you ever been to any of the places you featured?

No, although several people made comments on my blog about visiting the places I wrote about. None had supernatural encounters though. (And they sounded disappointed that they didn’t. lol)

If you participate in the Challenge next year, do you have a theme in mind?

No, but luckily, there’s a lot of time left for me to think about it.

I’m sure it will be just as cool as your theme this year. Thanks, Lexa!

Co-host Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh is the author of Amazon best-sellers CassaStar, CassaFire, and CassaStorm, and his blog can be found HERE


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks again, Lexa!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like that was a great A to Z series!

Mason Canyon said...

An intriguing topic to write about for the A to Z Challenge.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

x makes the spot, y is this place so haunted... zz sleeping with a ghost. great themes and thank you for the post...

Jo said...

Sounds like it was a good A to Z theme. We have quite a lot of ghosts in England of course. I am surprised to hear the US has most. I worked at a funeral home in Canada for a while and they had a ghost. I think I saw it one evening when I was working.

Loni Townsend said...

It was a wonderfully creepy theme!

Birgit said...

I enjoyed your theme when I found you:) I love ghost stories and my dad was a great teller of these and said he had more than one encounter. I have as well but it is hard for me to say ghost but there is no explanation for what I heard and saw (no ghost but pillsyup really!)

SK Anthony said...

I loved Lexa's theme! She did a wonderful job on it! :D

Andrew Leon said...

I enjoyed Lexa's theme a lot as it went along with mine, though I don't think we had any of the same places. I can't remember, now.

Rhonda Albom said...

Lexa, your hauntings was one of my favorite themes this year, and especially enjoyed the Moss Beach Distillery being included as it was so close to where I used to live. Sometimes its a really small world.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Lexa - just been over to see the post and comment - fascinating place that Kutna Hora. Looks like I need to go back and read them all ... and obviously a great theme - much appreciated by many .. and a good way to learn too ..

Cheers Hilary

Ella said...

I love a good ghost story! Great idea, Lexa~ I remember going to Fort Knox and later the reality show, TAPS Ghost Hunters went there and it was televised on Halloween. I remember I felt shoved in this one particular spot, and told my family. On the show they aired one of their own team members being shoved in the same spot. It was creepy good!
Ghost Hunters Season 7/episode 7

Unknown said...

Alex - Thanks for having me! :)
Big thanks for commenting to: wangiwriter, Mason, Jeremy, Jo, Lori, Lanise, and SK!!
Birgit - Thanks, I'm glad I found you through the A-Z also!
Andrew - Yes, our themes were similar, and I loved all the great pics of abandoned places you found!
Rhonda - You'll have to keep your eyes peeled for the ghost at the Distillery! ;)
Hilary - Thanks so much for visiting my blog! I really appreciate your comments!
Ella - What a creepy experience at Fort Knox! Cool!

Lisa said...

So very cool Lexa! Thanks for sharing!

T.F. Walsh said...

Very cool interview, Lexa... Love reading anything about haunted locations... great topic.

cleemckenzie said...

I had a great time visiting Lexa's haunted A to Z. I'd been to a few of the places she posted about, so that made it even more interesting. I think she should do it again. "Don't hit me, Lexa!"

Kate Larkindale said...

I loved the hauntings on Lexa's blog. I think it was the only one I went to A-Z....

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed both Lexa's A to Z posts. I like the ghostly and creepy.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Ghost Stories have always been both creepy and intriguing. I loved your series over the A-Z challenge, Lexa.

Unknown said...

Lisa, Tania, Lee, Kate, Medeia, and Lynda - Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm so happy you enjoyed the ghost stories as much as I did! :)

Ava Quinn said...

I enjoyed your theme very much, Lexa. I hit it regularly during AtoZ. Thanks for the fun flashbakc and inside scoop!

Unknown said...

I loved, so loved your theme, Lexa!