Monday, July 7, 2014

Here's An Idea!: My Vacation Scrapbook (#atozchallenge)

English: Northern terminus of California State...
Northern terminus of California State Route 23 outside Moorpark (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

            So how's your summer going so far?   I'm on the road right now.  Actually I've settled in for a few weeks at my mother's house in East Tennessee.  I'm enjoying time with family and hopefully will have a chance to see some old friends.   But the main purpose of the trip is to spend time helping my mother and just hang out with her.   I don't get to see her very much since I moved to California 23 years ago.

           I'll also be visiting my daughters in New Jersey and Houston and have some special times with my grandkids.  Don't get to see any of them nearly enough either.  The family is scattered and that means a major vacation trip in order to see everyone.

           So what's all this have to do with the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge?  Well, since I'm doing a series about coming up with theme ideas for the 2015 Challenge (visit Part 1 here), I thought why not use this summer's activities as a basis for your blogging theme in April.  It's kind of like the "What I Did During Summer Vacation" essays you probably had to do back when you were in school.  Same thing for your month long A to Z theme except you can get super detailed and add pictures.

          Travelling affords so many inspirations and opportunities for good blog post ideas that you can not only use them now, but you can still organize them later for your April A to Z theme.

Here's a Few Ideas:

  • I Spy Travel Game--This is always a good way to entertain the kids if you're in the car for a long ways.  Have them look for something that starts with the letter A and so on through the alphabet.  And while they're playing the game find some inspiration of your own for your April theme.
  • Places A to Z--When you're traveling you come upon all sorts of place names that will range through the alphabet.  Towns, streets, rivers, mountains. and all sorts of other place names will give you ideas for every letter.  Make a list as you go for reference later on.
  • Business names--This is one I've been tempted to do.  Use the restaurants you eat at, the places you stay, stores you shop in, or just businesses you pass by.  Take pictures of them if you can.  If you have time you can even interview the owners or customers to add some dimension to your blog post.  There are plenty of businesses from Aamco to Zaxby's and you can fill up your theme fast.  And you don't even have to leave your home town to do this one.
      This is just to get you started.  Get your creative mind to working and I'll bet you can come up with a lot more ideas that will keep you busy while on your vacation.  Have fun with it!

          Be sure to visit Wednesday's post with more on this idea and some links that might inspire you.

          What travel games did you play as a kid or do your kids play now?     If you're traveling during the summer, where will you be going?   What are some other A to Z themes you can think of that relate to travel?


Rob Z Tobor said...

Cyberspace is quiet in the summer which is sort of odd as Summer up North is Winter down South.

We always used to play count the legs with the kids while travelling so that The Dog and Duck pub would be six legs. Hereford would be four legs and so on.

I thought that I might do the A to Z of totally unknown Victorian Inventions next time . . . Although drawing 26 pictures and coming up with stuff is hard on the brain, and then I have to visit loads of folk and be nice too. So I am still undecided about next year, but there is a long time to go and who can tell what the world has in mind for us. . . . . .

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Restaurants! That's a great idea. You'd have no problem filling out the alphabet.

Jo said...

One of the things we did was look at imported place names, like Paris, Syracuse, etc. and figure out where we had travelled on a map of Europe.

Anonymous said...

Great ideas! Thanks!

Jemima Pett said...

We called that counting legs game cricket. You lost a life (player) every time you saw a pub with no legs :)

How about doing existing mad Victorian invention drawings, and just doing your own where you're stuck for a letter? :)

Unknown said...

Love the Business places ideas...Thanks....Although we just came back from our summer trip, I will keep this in mind the next time we setout.....

J Lenni Dorner said...

I remember the alphabet game on car trips as a child. Thank you, Howard Johnson, for having a J in your name.

ilakshee said...

How about the little mementos we pick, reminders of our travels? Quite liked the business game.

Christmas Gift said...

Your ideas are really great but everyone has different choices about christmas gifts like that some people get kids gifts and some different gifts. childrens gifts

Unknown said...

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