Friday, July 18, 2014

5 Super Results of Visiting A-to-Z Challenge Blogs in the Summer #atozchallenge #roadtrip

Whether slow and steady, or fast and furious, we road trippers are racking up lots of blog-visiting miles on the A-to-Z Challenge signup list. It is a wonder how many of us have noticed some unexpected payoffs along the way.

Of all the blogs you've visited so far since May, it’s easy to find yourself in the following scenario:
  1. Reading and commenting on more blogs than you normally would during the A-to-Z Challenge off-season.
  2. Learning about topics of interest you didn't even know you had.
  3. Meeting or exceeding the amount of blogs you visited back in April, during the actual challenge.
  4. Being motivated to update your own blog with new material, more often, to keep it fresh for potential visitors.
  5. Interacting with more bloggers on social media.
Which of the scenarios described here apply to YOU? What are some additional results or perks that you've noticed while visiting blogs during the A-to-Z Challenge Road Trip?

A-to-Z Challenge Co-Host Nicole Ayers writes about making movies at The Madlab Post. She is currently supporting U.S. Military Veterans with her short narrative drama film ABYSS: THE GREATEST PROPOSAL EVERAvailable on DVD (Limited Sneak Preview Edition). 


Anonymous said...

After being resoundingly defeated in the A-to-Z Challenge, I think the road trip is a great idea. No pressure to create blog posts daily, just visiting blogs at my own pace. I can do that. Or I could, if I had a fully functional computer. (I'm back to using my old crappy slow computer since my new one has to get the modem fixed.

Rob Z Tobor said...

Summer is always hard following more blogs as there are many things to be done outside. So I do find I am back commenting on my regulars only at present . . . .

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Definitely not visiting more (what insane person would visit 150+ a day?) but finding some interesting ones.

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

All of them are applicable, but probably #5 does it the most for me. Can't come up with any new ones, though. The old noggin' is overcrowded as it is. :p

Wanda Psycho said...

Mostly finding new blogs that I wouldn't otherwise have found. However, I'll confess on behalf of Team Netherworld that we've been doing really poorly at meeting any kind of daily visiting quota. Summer has been very busy for our key members, as in, insane to the point of straight jacket! Anyway, that's my excuse! ;-)

Koninika said...

4 and 5 resonate with me the most. I need to learn how to blog better content more often and promote sharing of that content !