Friday, June 13, 2014

Honk if You Read Me! A Brief Tune Up for A-Z Road Trippers #atozchallenge #roadtrip

Wondering how in the world you’ll keep (or even find) the energy to continue visiting new blogs throughout these busy summer months? Look no further, because your participation in the 2014 A-to-Z Challenge Road Trip can be simplified by designating a regular time of the day to carry out this task. 

It doesn't have to overwhelm our daily activities; we can master the art of having a productive and adventurous road trip experience, in as little as 30 minutes per week or as much as one hour per day.

For those multi-taskers, consider squeezing in some blog visits on your lunch break and voila! You’ll have completed your road trip activities before dinner time by killing two birds with one stone – eating and surfing the blogosphere. Try it. Morning, noon or night, creating a habit of visiting blogs along a set schedule will keep you on track to discover all those gems that you may have missed in April – and doing it all without losing your wheels and falling by the side of the road.

Happy Road Tripping!

A-to-Z Challenge Co-Hostess Nicole Ayers writes about movies and the people that make them, at The Madlab Post. She is currently on tour with her short film “ABYSS: THE GREATEST PROPOSAL EVER,” to raise money for the American Red Cross. At times, she also tweets @MadlabPost.


lyndagrace said...

Hope it’s not too late to hitch a ride. I don’t have an itinerary. It’s just going to be loosey goosey, but I know I will find some gems along the way.

Anonymous said...

That is a good idea. I try to read for a couple hours a day and once a week devote some of that time to my road trip.

Tina said...

@ lyndagrace: never too late! It's a free-for-all on your own schedule. We do have a linky (tabs above) if you want to be official, otherwise just dig in! Of course you can hitch a ride! The badge is a nice reminder on your blog if you want to grab it! All three of us co-hosts hopped in for the photo op, but if you're at our individual blogs, you'll see we're on snazzy motorcycles...we can cover more road that way!
Good reminders as always, Nicole. I try to hit a new blog everytime I open my computer, so that's helping me with keeping on keeping on.
Tina @ Life is Good
On the Open Road! @ Join us for the 4th Annual Post-Challenge Road Trip!

Tina said...

Oh, and yeah, HONKING!

Unknown said...

My team did a great job at first. At this point we're doing a deplorable job. Trying to start in again with visiting a few at least a couple of times a week.

Unknown said...

I'll be looking around for where to sign-up. We have a road trip this summer with my husband's bonus daughters. They live in another state and we're in California. Looking forward to exploring the coast with them. - Heather, Life of a Traveling Navy Wife