Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Z-End! #atozchallenge

You did it!!

You have reached the end of the Challenge.

There may have been days when you struggled – keeping up with posts, keeping up with comments… But you made it.

Now it’s time to look back and reflect.

Did you accomplish your goals?

Did you post every day?

Did you make new friends?

Did you enjoy the Challenge?

Join us starting May 5 for the A to Z Challenge Reflections post.

We ask that you reflect on your experience and let us know what you enjoyed, what you could’ve done better, and where we can improve.

The Linky List will open May 5 – please enter your direct link AFTER you have posted your reflections.

Thanks to everyone who participated. Your participation is what makes this Challenge so special.


Lisa said...

Oh yes we did! I enjoyed it more than ever. I'll be sure to sign up on May 5th. Thank you for all you and your co-hosts do for us in blogger land...!

LittleCely said...

This was great for my first challenge! I am thankful to the hosts and co-hosts who continue to promote the challange and I look forward to next year.

I'll be sure to write my reflection for May 5th and can't wait to read others reflections as well. Good job everybody!

LittleCely's Blog

kaykuala said...

This wraps things up. Thanking the host and co-hosts for being with all for the month.


Fil said...

Yaay! WE made it! Thank you to the host and co-hosts for keeping us motivated... Looking forward to the reflections on 5th May.
Fil’s Place - Old Songs and Memories

Tina said...

Yeah! What a day for celebrating! Jeremy sure made us some awesome art! Be sure to grab your Survivor Badge before you leave, and the Reflections one, too, if you'd like to help promote that. Once the linky is up, you can link the badge to the list for everyone's easier access!
Tina @ Life is Good
A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014

Vikas Khair said...

Yeah I was finally able to complete the challenge for both of my blogs and I yet I had to do a lot of catching up as I wrote 21 posts in a day to catch up with the challenge. Up to the mid way through I was regular, posting daily and i did make new friends too.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Yeh! Thanks to everyone who had a hand in creating and organizing this Challenge. I enjoyed being one of Alex's Ninja Minions, and I had a blast as a participant, too. :)

Anonymous said...

This was my first year participating in the challenge and wow, what a wild ride it was :D Had a lot of fun and can't wait to do it again next year!

Inge H. Borg said...

Learning from previous survivors sure helped me out--I had never thought of pre-scheduling posts--that sure helped to keep up and have time left over for visiting and making new friends. Thank you, to all the co-hosts. Great job to keep us going. I just hope this isn't the end of a beautiful friendship! Just as my "Z" says...

Nicki Elson said...

Yes, I met new friends....and I'll be doing a cover reveal for her on Monday, so hmm, perhaps I can tie that in w/ a refelctions post.

Cathrina Constantine said...

Yay! I made it, and this year was easier than the last because I was prepared!! Met some wonderful new bloggers along the way!

Trisha said...

YAY!!! Now I believe I will be taking a slight breather from my blog ... until reflection day of course. :)

Fida Islaih said...

I almost thought I wouldn't make it through the whole challenge but I improvised and here I am, done! Thanks!

Madhu said...

Yes, it was one of the best things I did on my blog! Totally enjoyed it. Just one more post to go. But this time being my first, I think I achieved the first: posting everyday. Networking and making new friends, I definitely could have done much better. Lesson learnt for next year!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex and all co-hosts - great to have participated once again ... and apart from a squishy last few days with a dying C drive ... I'm here having posted Z ... and yes I'm pleased my theme worked.

Wonderful new friends made .. not too many but plenty to read up on and enjoy their blogs and comments .. congratulations one and all ... Hilary

Christine Rains said...

Yay! Congratulations to everyone who made it and thank you to our wonderful hosts. It was my first year participating with a group, and I had a lot of fun. I got to meet a lot more new bloggers this way.

Lynda Dietz said...

This was a wonderful experience! Exhausting but so satisfying.

Unknown said...

Oh I am sad it's over! I love this challenge! We had a ton of fun!!! thanks so much to all of the wonderful hosts who put this all together! It was fantastic!!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

Anonymous said...

This was such a great experience! I learned so much from so many people and so much about myself. I still need help though--how do I replace my badge to the survivor one? I used a link last time but I don't see one.


jaybird said...

I honestly have no idea how you get around and comment so much. You must be very organized, or never sleep Alex. I appreciate all the comments you had for me and for Faith, as well as all the encouragement.

Congrats to everyone who finished the A-Z 2014!!

Vinodini said...

This was my first time here.And I joined in late by 12 days.I did try to compensate by posting 2 posts a day...and boy, it sure was worth the effort!

Anonymous said...

Very memorable and a definite challenge for myself as I work 11 hour days. Was a good thing we had Sundays off ;)

B~Natrelle said...

Hello there.
This was my first time taking part. Made it all the way to the end. It was fun but exhausting. Congratulations to all those who posted everyday and survived!
Entrepreneurial Goddess

Tyrean Martinson said...

Yes, yes, and yes!

Nevin said...

April is over and so is A to Z Challenge! Enjoyed this challenge, made it till the end:)

Kevyn Knox said...

Good times. This was my first time participating. A fun time had by all. Thanx for allowing me to be part of the whole kit-n-kaboodle.

See ya 'round the web. All Things Kevyn.

CA Clark said...

woooo hooo see you May 12th :) Made it! Made it!

pamlovesbooks said...


pamlovesbooks said...

oh wait. i'm on a diet. CUPCAKES!!

Mars said...

Woo hoo made it! *thud* Zzzzzzz

Curling Stones for Lego People

Julie Jordan Scott said...

Wow. I just feel like plunking down and crying. I have loved this experience (again!) and it has been different just like every other year is different.

THANK YOU, everyone!

Julie Jordan Scott
The Bold Writer from A to Z

Unknown said...

Great ending, 'z end'. Too funny. I still have to post my Z, but I think I can do it before the end of the day. Glad I made it thus far and hope to make it to z end. Maria, ""

Bonnie Gwyn said...

Woooot! *High fives*

Bonnie Gwyn said...

Where Legends Begin

Kathleen Jennette said...

Ok... now what TO DOOOO!!! I guess its time to get back to painting and demolishing the house :)
Katy Did

Life's Ride In Between

Sayantini said...

Can't believe I have made it to the end! I was very nervous at the beginning but now I can say it was the most beautiful experience in my life. I was in a writer's block for months but this challenge has filled me with freshness, enthusiasm and zest. Now, I am back in form again. Thank you all!

Nicole Pyles said...

Still can't believe I made it to the end! How awesome!

Unknown said...

Finished! Amazing. I've learned so much researching my posts.

NandiniDeka said...


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hope everyone can join us on Monday!

Bevimus said...

Will definitely be sharing my reflections on Monday. Huge congrats to all my fellow finishers!!!

Unknown said...

This was a wonderful journey.

I now know more about Pride & Prejudice than I ever thought possible!

Thank you A to Z Challenge and all you coordinators!

Leanne Ross ( & @LeanneRossRF )

Rob Z Tobor said...

Four members of the RATs (Radical Abstract Thinkers) started and all four have finished, that is good. . . .

Well done to all who have done it......

Anonymous said...

Cartwheels and high fives all around!!! My first journey and I will have withdrawal pains, i know. Altho my creaky fingers are begging for a break. Such an awesome group of co-hosts and helpers. Y'all are The Best!

Anonymous said...

Hooray! I did make some new friends and found new blogs during this challenge. See you back for the reflections post.

~Patricia Lynne~
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, YA Author

TheCyborgMom said...

Yay! We did it! Now what do I do with May??? ;)

Indywrites said...

Thanks for being such great hosts. Will be back on 5th. Having withdrawal symptoms already.
It was my first time and I hope to do it again.
Now I plan to reflect and share.

Bob Sanchez said...

This was fun. I probably wouldn't have succeeded by posting every day. Instead, I posted several batches. Over the next few months, I will be revisiting some of the bloggers and checking out new ones.

Thanks to everyone who hosted.

Susan Scott said...

It's been a great ride and all thanks to the team of the A-Z! Thanks so so much. You've all been so great with your encouragements all along. Now for some zzzzz's - at last!
Garden of Eden Blog

Michelle Wallace said...

It's a wrap!
I had a blast!
Thank you to the hosts/co-hosts for everything you did to ensure the challenge ran smoothly!

Michelle Stanley said...

It's my first challenge and I survived, but miss the mystique it held for me. You'll see me next year!

Melanie Stanford said...

The A-Z was actually a lot harder (and more time-consuming) than I thought it would be but I'm glad I participated! It was a great blogging rejuvenation.

Shesha Chaturvedi said...

Thanks for coming up with this challenge :) This was one of the best blogging experience for me :)

LivingforGod said...

I did it :)! It's challenging but fun. Thanks, y'all for hosting this challenge and thanks to everyone who has visited my blog! I posted the links to all my A to Z posts in one post today. If anyone is interested in check it out, here's the link: .

~Urailak (Fruit Bearer on Facebook)

Silvia Writes said...

Thank you for hosting. It's been a fun and rewarding month. I'm sure I'll miss many aspects of it, but it's nice to have a little break. Thanks again. You guys rock.
Silvia @

Haneen Ibrahim said...

Yay! it was amazing, a wonderful experience, can't believe I'll get back to my less hectic life now hahaha, thank you very much, I did all i could considering the circumstances and I'm proud not only of myself but of all my fellow bloggers. Probably will be repeating this again.

Birgit said...

This has been so much fun and I thank Alex for gently pushing me to the right direction and join:) Lots of fun

Anonymous said...

This was a great challenge to be part of! Thank you so very much :)!

Anonymous said...

Just one sentence to express my feeling
Too much regret that I didn't know about this challenge before

D.G. Hudson said...

Enjoyed this challenge, thanks to all who helped do the behind the scenes work and the motivating as the month progressed. Thanks Lee and all the teams! The A to Z is a good exercise in discipline, for me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the challenge! Looking forward to the reflections.

Rajlakshmi said...

This was indeed a great experience. 26 days with 78 posts :) I made lots of friends, visited many new bloggers ... enjoyed every bit of it.

Unknown said...

Another adventure, all done and dusted :) . Three cheers for my cohosts !

Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2014, My Latest post

Twitter: @AprilA2Z

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

I plan to reflect. Still wonder where my link went. Life & Faith in Caneyhead

J.L. Campbell said...

Thanks to the A-Z team for being such awesome hosts. You make the Challenge the special blogging festival it is.

Unknown said...

thank you for the fun with this, and for the hosts giving us courage along the way. I didn't post everyday, thus getting behind, pushed me to get caught up, I kept up with the comments, and got some new followers. Thank you to everybody who stopped by. my last post is here I plan on joining the reflection...

Anonymous said...

Yes, I did it! This was my first year of participating and I had great fun. Found some wonderful new friends and new blogs to follow. Thank you for hosting such a great event, and special thanks to Damyanti for her continued support throughout the challenge.

Will definitely be back on Monday with a reflection post, and can't wait to read other's thoughts too.

*Now where did I put my bed again?*

Beloo Mehra said...

Yes I did it! It was a wonderful experience and I thank the co-hosts and all the A-Z team members, all my readers and supporters.. it was great really! I don't want to make it sound like an Oscar speech. But I just want to say I am glad I participated and will be soon writing my reflection post.

Beauty Interprets, Expresses, Manifests the Eternal

Stephsco said...

Thanks for organizing this!

debi o'neille said...

Thanks to Arlee and all the co-hosts to this challenge. What a wonderful thing you do for us all. I survived the challenge and gained so much more than I could have imagined--it's unbelievable. I'm so grateful.

Unknown said...

Glad to have finished all 26 letters. Look forward to thinking through my reflections this week. Hiphiphooray for Arlee and his team for all the great work and support and daily A to Z posts. Really appreciate you. Maria, Delight Directed Living

Choki Gyeltshen said...

Thank you so much and yeah congratulations!

Jemima Pett said...

I was just being somewhat nerdish, and discovered that this is the 500th post on this A-to-Zchallenge blog. Congratulations, Arlee and all the amazing A-Z hosts and co-hosts and all the guests who have contributed to what is a truly amazing blogfest!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Glad everyone had a good time!! See you Monday...

Unknown said...

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