Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The #atozchallenge #Blogging Song

by M. J. Joachim

Blogging in the morning
Blogging through the day
Blogging in the evening
A – Z is here to stay

Betcha never thought it
Bewildered by the crowd
Billowing with comments
At times it’s rather loud

Bring on the excitement
Build your network grand
Believe in your abilities
Don’t sink into the sand

Bladder’s overflowing
Black coffee’s on the stove
Big Brother isn’t watching
Inside your treasure trove

Brainstorm all the letters
Blog like no one can
Bleaching out the background
Cuz you’re the blogging man!

Or woman, as the case may be!

Wishing everyone a jolly good time this year!
And loads of comments and followers too!

M. J.

©2014 All Rights Reserved
Photo credit:  Jeremy Hawkins, A - Z Co-Host


Anna (herding cats-burning soup) said...

::snort:: Nice MJ lol Thanks for the chuckle this morning :)

Happy A to Z-ing!
~Anna @ herding cats & burning soup
My A to Z.

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Now all we need is someone to write a melody for the song, record it and post it on YouTube! It could be the A to Z Theme Song

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Hi MJ,
I go with Daft Scots, and I fully agree with here. :-)
Yes, let this be our Theme Song,
Hey, Hurry up someone can take up!!
Hey Alex is around!! Are you Listening Alex!!! :-)
Have a Happy Blogging. :-)
Thanks MJ for this uplifting thoughts. :-)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi MJ .. that's great .. bladder's overflowing and coffee's near to hand - yup! Loved it .. cheers and yes now I see A Daft Scots Lass's comment .... I agree ...

Again cheers Hilary

Sheena-kay Graham said...

I actually do want to pee but still commenting. This song has A-Z Challenge and the crazy blogging lifestyle down pat.

annucool15 said...

Awesome... BBBBB... thank you for dropping so many hints for B... See you around

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

thank you for the lovely SONG-poem! I'll be playing it all day in my head! :)


LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

There. I put out a call for tune-makers to the Twitterverse. :O)

Fil said...

Great start to Bednesday :D

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, that one made me laugh. Thanks for sharing! :)

Nicky @

Andrea said...


Anonymous said...

Love it :D

Haneen Ibrahim said...

haha love it, thanks for the boost :)

Cathy Kennedy said...

What a fun song! I believe you've motivated me. :) Happy #a2zchallenge blogging to everyone!

Beautiful Sunday

Michelle Wallace said...

Blistering Barnacles! What a brilliant B-song!
Love it!
Writer In Transit

Anonymous said...

That's a tune I'll be humming throughout the month. I think I'll put mine to the music of "Happy" =P

AJ's wHooligan in the A-Z Challenge

Anonymous said...

What a great poem! I blogged about breaking rules today.

JoJo said...

Great poem/song! HAHAHA 'bladder overflowing' . Story of my life.

KjM said...

Had to laugh, which is one of the best ways to start a day. Thanks for that.

I'm with all the other bladder-folks! :-D

Cheryl said...

Very clever.

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

Gosh, so great! Very true as well. The bladder gets very full while I'm glued to the computer! :-)

Birgit said...

Great use of the letter B-my favourite letter, my initials are B.B.:) Love the song and Sugar in the evening is running through my head when I read the poem:)

Julie Jordan Scott said...

So much fun to start my day with such a bouncing, boisterous poem about the letter B! I almost made my second pot of coffee yesterday, but I didn't after all. Maybe today will be a different story!

Lots of smiles!

Julie Jordan Scott
A to Z Challenge Participant/2011,12,13,14.....
The Bold Writer from A to Z

Anonymous said...

Ahahahaha awesome.


Anonymous said...

I actually was humming the theme song from Beverly Hillbillies t.v. show when I wrote this song...

So glad you're all having fun with it!

Good morning :)

Vanessa Morgan said...

You should have posted a video with you singing the song :-)

Susan Scott said...

Fantastic MJ thank you! Madness encapsulated!

Garden of Eden Blog

Afshan Shaik said...

This is lovely , Wud be cool to hear this with music :)

Jenn said...

Haha, great song. And I would've loved to see a video. ;)

Bish Denham said...

Where's my coffee.... :)

Tina said...

Brilliantly beautiful addition to this blog!
Thanks, MJ.
Tina @ Life is Good
A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014

Kiddoblogger said...

It's a catchy song that is quite fitting. Great to wake up to!

Christine Rains said...

Hehehe! That was so much fun! On to more blogging! :)

LittleCely said...

Catchy! That was great.

Arlee Bird said...

Altogether now! Everybody sing!

Great job. I like the Scots Lass idea of recording a version to put up on YouTube.

Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog

kaykuala said...

It'll make a catchy tune. Hank is here:


Jo said...


Unknown said...

Ah wow! That was great!!!! Wish I could rhyme things together like that!!!! Happy Day 2!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

Mr. McLovin said...

Very clever, loved every line! This challenge has me very excited, but I haven't had to much interaction yet. I'm sure it will come in good time as I find new blogs for me to follow and read!

Anonymous said...

Loved it.

Unknown said...

Well, we should do something about that. Gonna stop by your site now.

Mary Aalgaard said...

Super funny. Love it. I have bread, and other nash, to keep you all well fed during the challenge. See you over at Play off the Page!

Fe said...

:) MJ
This had me chuckling from the first line. It reminds me of a song my grandfather used to sing to us - "Sugar in the morning, Sugar in the evening, Sugar at suppertime, be my little Sugar..." and I can't remember the rest of it...


Paula said...

Love your poetry!

Ida Thought said...

You know how a running tap can bring on an urge to pee - well I just discovered the words 'bladders overflowing' has the same effect...

Kathleen Jennette said...

I might want to pin this on my cork board. Fun read.
Katy Did

Life's Ride In Between

Inge H. Borg said...

Everybody must be on your blog - because it has gone rather quiet around the others; they couldn't already be tired or - oh horror - out of ideas. Naw. Never! Not all those interesting, nice bloggers I have already met. We must go on. Coffee and bladders be damned.

Chrys Fey said...

You should be awarded for having the most B's in your post. lol Loved it!

Unknown said...

Loved the poem! Especially the lines about the bladder and black coffee...speaking of which...I need a potty break and a refill!

Sayantini said...

My post for today is finally up-

Anonymous said...

That was a great read! Fun, light and stuck to the subject!

Nicole Murray said...

just <3.

Eileen T said...

Loving both of your posts so far. Very clever, they must have taken ages to write.

Eileen @ In My Playroom (also doing the A to Z Challenge)

Gail M Baugniet - Author said...

So true about the full bladder . . . never want to leave what I'm doing before the ideas are out of my head and on the page. Lucky for me it is a short distance from the computer to the bathroom! Gail visiting for AtoZ

CA Clark said...

boisterous :)

Unknown said...

Very fun! This made me smile!

Anonymous said...

Haha, love it! I feel like the A to Z challenge should definitely have a theme song, and this should definitely be it. ;)

Prudence said...

Prudence answers with a "Baroooo"! Wonderful, it made us smile!

Anonymous said...

Ah, you guys are too kind. Buzzing around with the A - Z is so much fun, this stuff just rambles off the tongue and onto the page :) Happy B Day everyone. See you Blog Land!

Jessica Ferguson said...

Love it! Love it! What fun!

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Cool Song!

Manjulika Pramod said...

I was absolutely inspired by the song, that I wrote a prose.

Glenda Funk said...

Poetry is the theme! Both my posts for this, my first blogging challenge, are lessons for poetry. I had to write two posts today because I just signed up for this challenge last night.

Unknown said...

love this!!! mine is located here I hope that I am doing it even closely right

Yamini Meduri said...

forgot to post the comment her of my 2nd it goes...!!

Debbie D. said...
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Debbie D. said...

This is my first time and it's a bit overwhelming - but fun! ☺
The Doglady's Den

Abelle | The Wows! And Oops! Of Life said...

Loving the challenge! ;o)

Unknown said...

Well this really an awesome song you have dedicated to this upcoming challenge.. I really like it. But have lot of work yet...
Professional Writer

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous song! I've enjoyed connecting with so many awesome bloggers!

Lisa said...

That was fantastic! Good job, and thanks for sharing it with us! I'm posting a link to this on FB!

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...

Going by the demands on this blog post, this really should be the #atozbloggingchallenge song! I'll see what I can get my songwriter son to come up with on the music! -

J Lenni Dorner said...

Very nice

Unknown said...

I'm bumbling along
already a day behind
But bring it on
We'll see what I can find

Bashing in my brain
ain't the way to go
circling the drain
NEVER! Forward -- HO!

Now I've caught my breath
I'll beat the drums of war
My blog may be my death
But I'll leave 'em wanting more!

Anonymous said...

Loved it :)