Wednesday, April 23, 2014

T ~ Take it One Day at a Time/Thank You Tina's Terrific Team!

At this point in the Challenge, it's the last few laps of the loooonnngggg race and your energy may be lagging.

Just take it one day at a time.  "OK, I can write one more post."  Then the next day, "OK, I can write one more post." 

I used to be a distance runner, which was a lot easier in cross-country where you had terrain and interesting things to look at, but in track when all you're doing is going around and around, you're tempted to quit.  Just put one foot in front of the other, and keep at it was my mantra.  I'd also sing Bruce Springsteen songs to myself...but that might not help you, specifically.        

Since we're on T, I'd also like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Tina's Terrific Team for all their hard work and for helping me stay sane.  You ladies are TRULY TERRIFIC!                                                                                                                
Kate @ Another Clean Slate

~Tina, tired but totally taking it one day at a time   


Fil said...

Excellent advice Tina
Have a great day
Fil at Fil's Place - Old Songs and Memories

Jo said...

As a member of Tina's Terrific Team I thank you for the mention and for your thanks. You have been a good leader to work for.


JoJo said...

I love working with you Tina!!! Even if I was a bad minion this year and kinda flaked in the last half of the challenge....

sjp said...

Urgh I would get so bored at track! Daydreaming is so much harder when you have to coordinate legs ;)

Michelle Wallace said...

An attitude of gratitude is good for one's soul...
Thank you to the hosts/co-hosts and also the ones who worked tirelessly "behind the scenes" to make the challenge a success.

Michelle Stanley said...

One day at a time is how 95% of my posts are being written, as my pre-written plans went astray with other committments. I'm impressed with the AtoZ teams hard work, and for the constant encouragement and gentle push they give, making me stay in the fun, but tiring course.

Kate @ Another Clean Slate said...

Thanks right back, Tina!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You have an awesome team!

Anonymous said...

what if i dont want to take it one day at a time? what if i want to take all the days at once????!!! hahaha just kidding. i should totally back off the coffee. anyway YAY for Terrific Tina's Team!

J.L. Campbell said...

Well done, guys. You rock!

HistorySleuth said...

This is only my second year. It's been an excellent hop. It sure helps get rid of winter doldrums to have something to get ready for come April. I've found a few kindred souls in the crimes and mysteries area so very cool!
History Sleuth's Writings - Blogging A-Z

Andrea said...

Here, here! Homestretch!!!!

Unknown said...

Loving it so far, thanks for the support to keep on trucking...mine is here

Anonymous said...

So we come to the end of the month.
The last posts are queued ready to go out. I have pre-written, edited, re-written and re-edited them into total submission, and submitted they will be, each in its proper season (each one seasoned with personal anecdotes).
I have an idea for next year's theme.
Is it too soon to reveal it?
Keith A storey of stories

CA Clark said...

Yay team and thank you. I am still enjoying the a to z journey. :)

Deepa Iyer said...

Well done all. It's been a great journey and just tugging along to finish the last few days. And I am most definitely signing up next year too. Cheers!