Saturday, April 12, 2014

Keeping up with the Kissing Method #atozchallenge

You don't have to speed up your daily posting frequency to get more followers,
You don't need to use multiple letters to be clever,
Ain't no particular blogging style we favor among participants,
We just want you to finish the challenge with us by following this:


One letter a day keeps the A-to-Z Challenge minions at bay.
One letter a day keeps your blog on schedule with our 2014 alphabet partay.
It only takes one letter a day....except on Sundays.
Then and only then (on Sundays) will we have off for good behavior and can go out, or stay inside to play!

What are YOUR favorite topics for Letter K that YOU read about while visiting A-to-Z blogs on the list today?


Anupama K. Mazumder said...

My post for K:
The thread for K is yet to come on the facebook page, please check.

LittleCely said...

I've only visited a few today so far. But I enjoy the variety of topics and themes I've encountered since the challenge started. Too different to pick a favorite though.

LittleCely from LittleCely's Blog

JoJo said...

I'm just trying to keep up.

Fe said...

Each time I decide on one, I read some more and find some more to love. That's a cop-out, I know... :)

kaykuala said...

Coming on to K, here,


Chrys Fey said...

Keep It Simply Sequential . . . I love that! My K is also for Kissing. ;)

Sayantini said...

Can't believe 2 weeks are already done. My post on K-

Fil said...

Well I've come across Kindness, Kaleidoscopes and Kleptomania so far this morning - as well as Kissing of course!!! Mine is on Killowen where I live - I can't figure out how to make my link come up as a link in these comments but here it is long hand ...
Looking forward to the next couple of weeks ... this has been tough but very enjoyable :)

Fil said...

Have to try this Fil's Place - Old Songs And Memories

Tina said...

Excellently done as always, clever Nicole! Loved this little reminder. I actually did this for my post today. Hard to believe, right? The edit-it-to-death girl only had 45 minutes, so I set up photo shoot, shot, downloaded, and then just pretended I was talking to a friend and chugged out my post. Previewed it for formatting, and was done in 36 minutes. That's a new world's record for shortest time spent on a post. AND I'm pleased with it.
So come on over to my place and have some "Kaviar - the Peanut Butter of Sweden".
Tina @ Life is Good
A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014

Sandy said...

I came across 2 posts about Karma....done totally differently, one about dog behavior that I really wanted to respond to, but it's one of those blog you have to join disgus to leave a comment...never understand people blocking people, you could leave a comment through facebook I guess but I like my worlds separate so I know whom I'm talking to. Fabulous post about Korea....some foods that start with K that I don't know the names of, lol. Think Korea was the favorite post.
Traveling Suitcase A-Z

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Keep on keeping on, I always say. Great post. Happy Saturday!

Rob Z Tobor said...

I used Kat for K . . . . AH yes I know thats not entirely right . . .

Rob Z Tobor

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I'm also trying my best to keep up. and the kissing method also means- Keep It Short Stupid!

MunirGhiasuddin said...

You are the first "K" I am reading. I will let you know when I read a few more.

Mary Aalgaard said...

Debi O'Neille at Writing Against the Wind wrote about Keys had how a key could be used in four different types of stories.
Play off the Page

Kathleen Jennette said...

I used Kitchen. Seems to be the place I have been in the last couple of weeks.
Katy Did

Life's Ride In Between

G. B. Miller said...

To be honest, the only thing that turns me off is reading flash fiction stories. While the people who write them may be good, I find it very hard to follow/find the overall theme.

A-Z Challenge at Father Nature's Corner

Anonymous said...

LOC That's funny. I don't know that I have a favorite!

Joanne said...

Kiss me Kate. I'm working on unique character names, since all of my guys are Nick. This has been a fun exploration and there are so many names in this world. I expand my horizons after the A to Z challenge. Thanks

Anonymous said...

My entire K post is about keeping up! Writing everyday is thrilling, but also stressful. Hang in there everyone! K is for Kicking My A**:

Ida Thought said...

Kainotophobia, Koester, Kwela to name a few - I've taken your K.I.S.S. principle on board and knocked out a few simple posts for next week. If Rob can use K for Kat, I'm Klaiming Kontent, but just for this Komment because my K was about a boy named Ken...
Reflex Reactions

Michelle Wallace said...

Thank goodness for the Sunday break! It helps to restore a measure of sanity. LOL

Anonymous said...

My favorite K post so far has been Abundance in the Boondocks' "RocKin the Ka Sound":

And mine, since I'm traveling this month and am now in Germany, is "Kuchen":

Susan Scott said...

They've all been great the many I've seen - I'd have to go back to check but I'm taking Sunday off for good behaviour.
Good to have a break today!
Garden of Eden Blog

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

Why do I feel this nearly overwhelming urge to howl at the moon? :O)=

LuAnn Braley
AJ's Hooligans @AtoZChallenge
Back Porchervations

Stephanie Faris said...
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Stephanie Faris said...

Also, Keep It Simple!!! (I'll leave the Stupid part out.) I'm reading a lot of blogs and I'm clicking off quite a few that have paragraphs upon paragraphs of long blocks of text. It's just too much to read! I guess for some people it's easier to write 1,000-word posts than 100-word ones? Some of those people are the same ones who give up because it's too much to keep up with--but you could write all 26 days in the time it took to write some of these blogs!

Melanie Atherton Allen said...

I liked this one for k...
my own effort is this:

Anonymous said...

Just dropping by to wish everyone good luck! :). Here's my take on the letter K: it's called Kissing Kite.

Unknown said...

I knew i broke a rule right off the bat by doing A and B together when I forgot to begin. I've been good since and keeping it simply sequential. So please forgive. Enjoying the challenge. Maria from Delight Directed Living

Maria said...

Hi Nicole,

I enjoy this post of yours about keeping it at one letter a day, no need to rush, just go on with the flow - one letter a day. I don't understand why some blogger join the challenge yet they create their own rules. I think it's kind of rude for those who organized the A-Z April Challenge on the first place and for the helpers.

Anyways, just venting out since I finally found the appropriate prompt here on your blog to finally let out what I feel when I am visiting blogs and discover some of them are just trying to be too clever about it just to gain more visitors on their page.

Speaking of visitors/visits, thanks for looking at my page and leaving a comment :) I would say I am not keen about going to Russia too ... but oh yes, Japan is definitely a must! I am honestly dreaming of being there right now because of the Sakura Festival happening in April.

Pardon for the negative energy earlier on my comment. I wish you a great week ahead!
