
Monday, April 7, 2014

F is for Fight Club

As a librarian, I'm often asked for book suggestions.  To be sure, I can usually find a book for just about anyone.  So, for letter F I would share an unusual book with you. The Title?

Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk 

photo courtesy

Yes, Fight Club was a book before it was a movie.  Fight Club is a cult classic!  
An underground classic since its first publication in 1996, Fight Club is now recognized as one of the most original and provocative novels published in this decade. Chuck Palahniuk's darkly funny first novel tells the story of a godforsaken young man who discovers that his rage at living in a world filled with failure and lies cannot be pacified by an empty consumer culture. Relief for him and his disenfranchised peers comes in the form of secret after-hours boxing matches held in the basements of bars. Fight Club is the brainchild of Tyler Durden, who thinks he has found a way for himself and his friends to live beyond their confining and stultifying lives. But in Tyler's world there are no rules, no limits, no brakes.

 I'll be honest. I watched the movie mostly with a look of confused disgust on my face.  I didn't get all the reason for the violence but I enjoyed being in the know and being able to quote classic lines as if I belonged to an elite group! Lines like: The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club.

Ironically, many bookish people and librarians know this line too.  Kinda makes you not want to cross that librarian on a bad day, huh? So that's only one book that starts with the letter F.  Surely you can think of another? 

List the title in your comments; keep it clean, people; my mum reads my work!  :)


  1. I've never seen the movie, but it doesn't surprise me that it was a book. As always, I'm sure the book was better. Rule number one for library patrons: Do not piss off the librarian.
    Nana Prah

    1. ah ha! I've heard that phrase too!

  2. Does Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead" count?

  3. I adored the film....then again I love anything with Brad Pitt.

    1. what about that Zombie movie?

  4. Good to find a post themed on movie. I am planning to put up something around movie for G and H alphabets!

  5. The theme I chose for the challenge is actually about books I hate, and the book I chose for today is 'F'ull Moon Rising-

    1. hmmm that would be a short list for me. I'm intrigued..

  6. I just read Fight Club in the past year and liked it. I haven't seen the movie yet...

    F is also for Flash Burnout, a YA novel by LK Madigan.


    1. i love YA. I'll hafta check it out!

  7. Fall of Giants by Ken Follett. My all time favorite author!

  8. Is the ending true to the book? I liked the movie...but reading time is SO limited now...
    Tina @ Life is Good
    A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014

    1. i have heard they are different.

  9. Holy Falucca! Or, as the ancients would have said, "Falucca, by Horus!" I never heard of Fight Club; but then, old soul that I am, I am mostly stuck in 3000 B.C.

    1. oh wow. then that must be hard to read current events?

  10. Hi Pamela .. I've heard of the film, so the book would make sense - not sure I'm keen to see it or read it .. but fighting at the library - not a good idea. Froissart's Chronicles is the book I thought of - but only because my father used to quote it occasionally ... I have never read that either!

    The Ken Follet - Fall of the Giants .. is a good one, and Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead - now that i have read ..

    Good to get my head going .. cheers Hilary

    1. Froissarts Chronicles? I'm unfamiliar. Off to Google it, thanks!

  11. I never read the book but saw the film. I liked the film version but it was strange. Maybe why I liked it.

    A Faraway View
    An A to Z Co-host blog

    1. strange it is. sometimes strange is ok, yes?

  12. Since the post is about books I'll go nicely meta with "Fahrenheit 451"

  13. I have seen neither the book nor the movie. Its my natural stubborn insistence against wildly aggressive things. Yet now, when a librarian tells me there is an inside librarian joke about the book, it makes me want to set all that resistance aside to check it out.

    I got confused for a second about the film I think called "The Fighter" that came out a couple years ago? About brothers who boxed, alcoholism, drug problems, and life in and outside of the underbelly of Lowell, Massachusetts.

    I wrote about writers setting their writing "F"ree.

    Julie Jordan Scott
    A to Z Challenge Participant/2011,12,13,14.....
    The Bold Writer from A to Z

    1. Yes The Fighter with What's his name and Marky Mark. It was good, right?

  14. Ooh, someone beat me to "Fahrenheit 451", oh well. I've added Fight Club to my reading list and the movie has been on my to watch list for a while now. I guess I'll watch the movie first, thanks for the info.

    A to Z Challenge Participant LittleCely's Blog.

  15. Loved the last line of the post...cracked me up. I'm always warning my friends of the same thing :) It's too early for me to be thinking too much, so I"ll skip on the book suggestions. Happy second week of A to Z-ing!

  16. ... and I'm drawing a blank at the moment... *think* *think*
    But I do have Fahrenheit 451 on my e-reader, though I have no idea when I'll be able to get to it, or any other books for that matter...

    1. you get a pass this month, as reading blog posts counts as READING!

  17. Neither read the book nor saw the film. May give the book a go, thanks for saying about it!

    I'm trying to think of F titles .. a book by Ian Pears The Fingerpost? something like that? I read it recently-ish. Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead' - excellent. Finnegan's Wake.. no, haven't read that! James Joyce.
    Garden of Eden Blog

    1. Have you heard of Fart Powder by Jo Nesbo?

  18. One of my all time favorite movies! Never knew it was a book, thank you for posting and for the enlightenment!

    Mr.McLovin at Fuel For The Furnace

  19. I would love to read this book and watch the film. Here's my post for today-

  20. Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe, by Fannie Flagg, a bestseller made into a hit movie several years ago.

    1. i remember Fried GreenTomatoes! And the food too.

  21. of course, I am now trying to come up with a list of F titles...will keep me busy for a day or 2!

  22. I love that movie. Brilliant.

  23. Yay! I read through all the comments and no one listed my favorite F book: Franny & Zooey by J. D. Salinger!

  24. I've yet to read the book, but saw the movie. Who doesn't love Brad?!

  25. I very much enjoyed the movie. I was unaware of the book. I do plan on reading it. Thanks!

  26. I've watched the movie, but I haven't read the book. I was also confused and a bit put off by the movie so maybe I should read the book. :)

  27. Definitely a book I'll need to find... on audiobook. Hopefully the library will have it. I did love the movie. :) Writer’s Mark

  28. "Firestarter" by Stephen King! I have to admit, I liked the narrative part of the film Fight Club and the characterizations, but I could have done without the violence. Since I won't have to watch violence in the book, I should give it a try!

  29. Oh my gosh -- I had no idea it was a book first!

    Let's see...does Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH count?

  30. How 'bout Father Brown mysteries by G.K. Chesterton?

  31. Fish is Fish by Leo Lionni - a family favorite from when the kids were little.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Footprints. By me.

  34. Falling by Jolene Perry. And hey, aren't you breaking the rules of Fight Club right now?

  35. I never saw the movie, but looks interesting. my f is up here

  36. I was trying to think of a book with a "F" title when I glanced upon the family read aloud that we are starting tonight, Flyte by Angie Sage. The kids really loved the first in the series, Magyk, so here's hoping the next in the series is as good.

  37. A bit late! My F is here:


  38. I enjoyed the film and really want to read the book, which I suspect will be even better. One of my favourite 'F' films is the dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.

    ~Tizzy @ Creative Therapy

  39. I loved the movie, and the book has been on my TBR list for quite some time as I love that author -- although his writing is often extremely grotesque. haha, maybe that's why I haven't read it yet!

    My letter F book would be FEED by Mara Grant, book #1 of the NewsFlesh Trilogy. It's a zombie story that really utilizes social media, which makes the title a bit tongue-in-cheek. Plus, the main character is hooked on Coca-Cola, my drink of choice, so what's not to love???

    I'm participating in AtoZ, too. See you around!
    @TheWorld4Realz /


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