
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Catching Fire! #atozchallenge

We are day three of the Challenge now – have you caught the fire of excitement?

Catching fire is a good thing. It was the slogan for the release of my second book.

But we don’t want you to burn to a crisp!

You probably had a lot of visitors already. You’ve visited a lot of blogs. After two days of a firestorm, you’re probably wondering how you will survive.

First, pace yourself. In one month, it’s unlikely you’ll visit everyone on the list. Don’t kill yourself trying. And don’t let guilt goad you into overload.

Focus on visiting at least five new blogs a day, starting with the one after your own. After that, focus on returning comments. If you have time, explore more of the list.

If you’re still working on your Challenge posts, keep them short and simple.

Remember, you’re doing this to make new friends and have fun. Burn with excitement, but don’t burn out!


  1. I'm really starting to get into it. This is my first time doing this challenge and I'm glad I decided to do so. =)

  2. I agree short posts are easier to read and readers can relate and comment on.

  3. Day late, dollar short. Looks like a fun exercise, the A to Z'ing in April. I did not catch fire in time, or even know. Next time around!

  4. Good advice, as always, Alex.

  5. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed and a bit guilty (did i get back to that person? am I replying to messages quickly enough?) but I am enjoying myself. Just doing what I can, no more, no less. It does help to keep the posts short. I have a tendency to overwrite when I'm passionate about a topic.

  6. I love that last line, Alex! Burn with excitement - very clever. I'm doing pretty good with the list so far. I've found some great new blogs to follow too. But, I do need to finish up writing the last few posts for the Challenge.

    Thanks, Alex!!

    AJ's wHooligan in the A-Z Challenge

  7. Considering yesterday was also IWSG day, I was definitely feeling the burn. Pacing myself today.

  8. Yay Alex! I am always ready ready to listen when you are advising us. I am on fire :)
    -- love your GREAT books!!!, and looking forward to not overextending, but to enjoying this uncredible blog hop.
    xox jean

  9. Finding this interesting, but so far at looking at other's on the list, 4 out of 5 are doing nothing. Plus I am very new to this blogging, so have started in a small way.

    1. I would love to read your A to Z but clicking on your name takes me to nothing! Where are you blogging?

  10. My list of A to Z participants that I already follow can take 2-3 hours to work through. Throw in new comments on my blog and I am LUCKY if I make to five unknown blogs, but I do TRY. Yeah, can't believe it's only day 3. I kinda feel like I am on fire.

  11. Sounds advice. I totally overdid it yesterday. Burn - but don't burn out. I like it. Should be our slogan!
    Tina @ Life is Good
    A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014

  12. I got to the burn out stage on Monday, felt better yesterday finally finished my list. Don't know how you co-hosts do it. Started early this morning as I am bowling this afternoon That'll make a change. You sure won't be doing much writing this month Alex.

    Somewhat singed minion.

  13. It's too soon to burn out; pace yourself and ask for help!

  14. Catching fire and loving the A to Z Challenge! :-)

  15. Good advice. I took a challenge once, and found I burned out before I reached the end. I was so close to crossing that finish line, but the stress became too much. This time, I won't allow that to happen. Thanks for hosting the fun!

    Chamomile tea benefits

  16. Neat cover. No burn out here, but having lots of fun.

  17. Excellent advice, and timely too :) Thanks, Alex!

  18. My first time doing the AtoZ challenge and loving it. It's a good thing I read your helpful posts, so am now able to pace myself with blog hopping, returning comments and writing posts. Otherwise, I would be addicted to the wonderful posts I read and not have time to do anything else.

  19. Thank you for the advice . I really needed it. But at the same time I am having great time with other blogs and their authors.

  20. I have had new visitors, but I am having so much fun with this challenge!!! I am glad I decided to take part!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  21. Having a blast!
    But pacing myself... and taking it a bit easier than I did in previous years...
    Writer In Transit

  22. "Keep on truckin'" is my motto. But then I'm a product of the seventies.

  23. I am totally lovin the challenge! Having more fun than I thought possible!

  24. I love the challenge that's why I persuaded my doc to let me take part provided I didn't do too much typing. so i limit myself to go on my pc. Actually my shoulders are not too bad as pain goes. I managed to catch up early this morning.

    1. Holy WOW, you guys -- we gots a blogging hero up in here! That you are participating at all is amazing, if you are physically challenged in such a way as that it pains you. Mad respect, my blogging buddy. I hope you get lots of fun out of this, and that it causes you as little ache as possible.

  25. Good advice oh master! I'm especially loving the blogs that are on both the IWSG and the A to Z! I get to do two in one that way!

  26. I also like to pick blogs from the comments left ahead of me on any given blog I'm visiting...

  27. Thanks for the great advice, Alex! I'm blogging from vacation land - so currently, I'm just visiting 2-3 and then visiting blogs that have visited mine - when I get back I'll try for five, and then visiting commenters . . .

  28. I'm having a great time and learning lots!
    Do you want to know when we come across "problematic" sites?
    Like links that aren't quite right, or like I just visited, where they aren't doing anything about following the letters, though they have the correct letter on the page?

    1. knightsheart has some wonderful poetry, and when I asked about the letter match-up, it's the theme of the poem listed in the tags. So it works. Just hard to find or figure out sometimes. An explanation as a preface would be helpful if it isn't totally obvious, I think.

  29. Wrote something I wanted to let everyone know for a long time-

  30. I am not burning out. And I have a list I follow already. I will push myself for 5 new ones. But some of the links are just not working...or there hasn't been a post for months or they still require you to use the captcha. Those I just pass on but it is a huge time waster. And I agree with Donna above I find it very annoying to come to a page and have to search for why what they have written fits the letter. Or if I have to search how to leave a comment. Come on people make it easier for us to visit!!!

  31. I don't like fire because of scary experiences I had in my past, but I've made an exception for Catch Fire. ;)

  32. Its been fun. It has been a bit of a challenge finding blogs like mine but I have and its been great.

  33. The short posts and same format every day has really helped me; got all my posts written and scheduled by April 1. I'm not bragging I'm just saying it's possible! Now off to visit more blogs.

    (side note, I emailed the AtoZ email that my original sign up in January as blog #106 is no longer there and my blog wasn't even on the list *sadface* I re-signed up on April 1 when I tried to find my name. I guess this is an Oh well? I can't think of what happened since I actually wrote the number and saw my name on the original list).

  34. Focused and having fun. This time around more people are coming back and actually commenting. Its nice to get to know the writers and become familiar with the blogger's work.
    Katy Did

    Life's Ride In Between

  35. Haven't gotten a ton of visitors, so trying to visit more blogs to see if it works! I have caught the fire of this challenge!!
    Thanks for stoping by my blog!!

  36. My goodness, pacing is so important, and difficult. There's no way I could do this if I hadn't prewritten the entire challenge. Just keeping up (or frantically chasing after) all these amazing posts is enough to do me in--but I wouldn't forgo the wonderful opportunity.

  37. Great advice from a wise Ninja! I am debating whether I should attach myself, but all this off the cuff poetry is draining. I need a portal to peek into the poetic crystal ball-where are my ruby slippers?!
    My challenge is 30 days-so see A-Z bloggers-you can do this! You have Sundays off and can post ahead. Have fun challengers and enjoy all the unique insight and friendships! A-Z rocks! I'll be back next year. I had to test drive the poetic Porsche-just once.

  38. Having a lot of fun so far, but I definitely need to adjust some things for the rest of the month, lol. I was trying to post daily posts, on top of my A-Z posts and yeah, that's a bit much! Next week I'll start focusing more on the A-Z Challenge and just have fun with that :)

    Finley Jayne

  39. Is it too late to sign up? (have asked on twitter but not got a response)

  40. I have written every post on the day itself... am enjoying it a lot! My 3rd post is up!

  41. I think they key is as you said to have fun with it. this is my 3rd year and it's easy to burn out quickly. Now I write super short posts and try to lighten up. It's fun.

  42. The first two days were crazy for me, but I think I'm finding a good rhythm. Meeting a lot of great bloggers and "discovering" some fun places to visit. I'm already looking forward to next year...after a lot of rest, of course.

  43. Good advice. You need to pace yourself throughout the month. This is my third year doing the challenge so I wrote most of my posts ahead of time so I could spend a few hours visiting the other blogs.
    Elizabeth @

  44. Excellent advice! This is supposed to be fun!

  45. Bummed that I just discovered this yesterday, too late to officially sign up, but will definitely jump into the next one! I'm discovering so many great new blogs & friends. I had to set a time limit on my reading time. Lol

  46. yeah, definitely have to pace yourself. It's too much otherwise.

  47. Easy does it, ever so slowly. I'm here:


  48. I've actually written my posts out early this year and have scheduled a bunch of them. Sadly though, as was the case in the other year I did this challlenge, I haven't had many a-z visitors. Only two so far. Ah well...

  49. First day I did great and saw so many blogs, but past few days and the rest of the week it's been a bit harder due to the day job. The hours aren't that great for blog visiting. Still, I'm doing my best and visiting, commenting and sharing. ^^

    ~Patricia Lynne~
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, YA Author

  50. What I've been doing is reading my blog subscriptions during breakfast and dinner, then exploring three to five new blogs at night.

    A-Z Challenge at Father Nature's Corner

  51. I won't visit everyone on the list, but you might!

  52. Alex, Your last line says it all, and that's what's been keeping you going strong for all these years!


  53. Thanks for the good advice and the release from guilt. God bless, Maria from Delight Directed Living

  54. Great advice! Thoroughly enjoying my first time with the Challenge.

    This is A. Catherine Noon, visiting from my blog for the A-Z Challenge, #327 on the list. Happy blogging!

  55. I only just found out about this challenge yesterday. Even though I can't officially sign up, I'm still posting on my blog as if I am in the challenge. I'm doing a theme. I find a blog that will fit into the theme each day and I write a small blurb about them. Then I post on that blog to let them know I featured their blog in on my blog for the A to Z challenge (unofficially). This allows me to get to know at least 26 writers' blogs, if nothing else. If anyone is interested, here's a link to my blog:

    1. aw, I think that's a lovely idea! I hope you get some visitors. I will def. stop by. I'm a day behind already, but everyone here is so supportive and friendly, you should feel welcomed!

  56. I'm burning for another pound of coffee:) I have a habit of juggling a ton of projects at once (as you know:) and having a blast. The party's just getting started!

    A to Z #TeamDamyanti

  57. It's fun running through the list to meet new people. I also love seeing how many people I already know/follow that are participating. This is my first year, but I'm having fun : )

  58. I've only just begun and yes I probably am over doing it on the reading. There are so many interesting/entertaining blogs. I'm so very happy to be a part of the 2014 A to Z Challenge.

    Misty at

  59. I have a few issues with keeping up with A-Z and your post has reminded me what it's really about. Thanks Alex,

  60. Hi Alex .. it is the balance .. and enjoying ourselves but having that opportunity to meet new friends .. and that's what blogging is about .. new friends and learning .. from whichever angle you want to go to .. I love it ..

    Cheers to everyone - Hilary

  61. I was beginning to feel poopy about already being a day behind... till I read this post. Yes, pacing is def. important. But so is having fun, visiting others, and keeping on. I will continue to burn bright, but no longer fear burning out. Thanks for the reminder! I will catch up at some point! :)

  62. Thanks for this post! I am 2 days behind but will get caught up

    1. oops I can't type tonight :( but mine is posted here

  63. I did a search on "Fear" since my blog is "FearThouNot4" and the next word I will search is "Murder" since I wrote a book called "murder on the Silver Comet Trail." I am several days ahead. I have started writing smaller posts on my blog. I have 12 blogs!
