Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Meet Kate! Member of Tina's Terrific Team for #atozchallenge

Today we're taking a bit of a break from the advice and the introductions and all the "pre-season training" for something a bit different.  When our wonderful assistants stepped up to the plate to be our "beck-and-call minions" we each offered them a chance to use this blog as a platform to say what they wanted.  Possibly introduce a book they were releasing, write a story, or as in Kate @ Another Clean Slate, talk about what they wanted.  Kate is sharing about challenges and causes near and dear to her heart.  Please welcome Kate of Tina's Terrific Team!

I'm Kate and I blog at Another Clean Slate. This is my second year doing the A to Z Challenge, but my first year being on a crew. More specifically, I'm on Tina from Life is Good's minion crew which I'm told is a challenge in and of itself. 

Challenges must be my thing this year because on top of writing alphabetically for an entire month, I've also signed up to walk 50 miles. In three days. And I have to raise $1,500. Yah, I told you I'm crazy. 

Both the walk and the A to Z Challenge are good exercise- one physically and one for my writing muscles. But the walk is also being done to raise awareness for Multiple Sclerosis (MS). 

One of my blogging buddies has MS and recruited me to walk on her team. For those of you who don't know, Multiple Sclerosis is disease of the central nervous system that interrupts the flow of information within the brain, and between the brain and body. 

Advances are being made every day to prevent this disease and keep it in check once it's been diagnosed. But that takes money. I'm pretty sure I can tackle this year's A to Z Challenge. I'm sort of sure I can stumble through a 50-mile walk. But I need your help in raising the $1,500 for my part of the team's fundraising efforts. 

Every little bit helps and is appreciated. I'm looking forward to getting to know a lot of new bloggers this April and know we can kick butt from A to Z with a focus on MS!   

You can find me in quite a few places:
Kate @ Another Clean Slate 
Walking the MS Challenge and need your help!
Blogging from A to Z Challenge Team: Life is Good (April 2014) 

As you can see, Kate is the social one on my team. Thanks, Kate.  MS is near and dear to me, too.  A close friend struggles with this disease daily.  

I encourage all of you visiting today to become involved in something that stirs your heart.  As a blogging community, we can make a difference, because we are connected, there is strength in numbers, and because we care about people.  It's why we do what we do.

Thanks, Kate, for so willingly sharing what's important to you.

~Tina, with Kate


Anonymous said...

Good luck with your challenges Kate, very worthy cause, I am on Arlee Bird's Team if Ambassadors, Had to start a new blog at the week-end as I was hacked, so starting from scratch plus the challenge of being an Ambassador for the second year running.. Look forward to meeting you along the way.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

We can make a difference when we come together.
Nice to meet you, Kate!

Tina said...

@ Yvonne: I was wondering what happened...wow, that's so bad and at such a bad time. You seem like a resilient lady though, so I'm rooting for your success. Thanks for being an ambassador! We appreciate all of you.

@ Alex: Yes, we sure can! Every dollar counts. Why if each Challenge participant donated a dollar...well, you do the math, but MS would be $1000 closer to being cured. That's strength in numbers.
Tina @ Life is Good
A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014

Kate @ Another Clean Slate said...

Yikes! What's your new blog name? I'll drop by and show it some post-hacking love!

Kate @ Another Clean Slate said...

We definitely can! Thanks Alex!

JoJo said...

Pleased to meet you Kate and fellow Tina's Team member!!!! That's going to be some walk! I always wondered if I could do it for breast cancer but in the end I think I'd be hauled away in an ambulance. Do they put you up in a hotel at night or do you have to camp?

Kate @ Another Clean Slate said...

We stay at a camp so that will be fun! I might need an ambulance myself though ;)

Arlee Bird said...

Thanks for being a part of the A to Z team, Kate. You're in good hands with Tina and Tina can always use a few good hands to alleviate her work load.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out

Kate @ Another Clean Slate said...

Thanks Arlee- excited to be here!

Anonymous said...

Kate - thank you for supporting the fight to cure MS. Hub and I participated in the MS Bike fundraiser in Colorado for several years. The organization's volunteers always do such a good job supporting the weary riders. I'm sure it's the same for the walking events. We experienced so many joys from riding, tears from climbing hills, fears from afternoon lightning and gratitude for clean port-a-potties at each stop. But the best part was knowing that we were making a small difference in a fight against a debilitating disease.

Kate @ Another Clean Slate said...

I've heard that the volunteers are incredible in our area. I'm glad to hear that it is true over by you as well! A small difference does go a long way- thank you!

Rachel said...

Those are some pretty big challenges you have coming up, I wish you all the best! Thanks for doing something worthwhile. :)

Kate @ Another Clean Slate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kate @ Another Clean Slate said...

Thanks for the support, Rachel!

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

I can so help you on fundraising ideas! You can totally do it, Kate!

Unknown said...

Great Work Kate and much luck working toward such a good cause. You look in pretty good shape to tackle the challenge on. We have a young woman in the neighborhood involved in MS, I guess I'll know soon if this is the event that she is involved with. Admirable.

Kate @ Another Clean Slate said...

Thanks lady! I need all the help I can get :)

Kate @ Another Clean Slate said...

Thanks Peggy! So important to bring awareness.

Unknown said...

Hi Kate! We're blogging with a purpose too on "The Road We've Shared" - our passion is better understanding and support for adults who have Down syndrome. So nice to meet you and thanks for sharing your story!

Michelle Liew said...

A meaningful challenge. I wish I had more time to participate!!

Kate @ Another Clean Slate said...

I'll have to come check your blog out- thanks!

Kate @ Another Clean Slate said...

I would have loved to have read what you came up with! Maybe next year?

Jo said...

Nice tor meat you Kate, I too am one of Tina's bunch and looking forward to it. Second time minioning for me.

I have every admiration for you doing such a wonderful walk for MS. Hope all goes well.

Kate @ Another Clean Slate said...

I'll have to come to you with any minion questions! Thanks Jo!

Anonymous said...

YAY!! Welcome Kate!

Kate @ Another Clean Slate said...

Thanks Pam!!

Eva Marie Taylor said...

Ohh, I want to help you with your fundraising goal! I'll email you!!
Eva Marie Taylor

Kate @ Another Clean Slate said...

Yayy!! Thanks Eva!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Kate - sounds like you'll be a good bubbly team member to have around - Tina's a great co-host for the A-Z ... and last year I had fun working with her, and we now have a great blogging relationship.

So many with disease challenges, MS, Downs Syndrome, Cancer .. all such worthy causes to raise money for .. Endometritis is another I heard of recently ... I admire you all who take up these challenges ... I support the local hospice, and the local Nursing Centre ... so all I can say is have a very great April - sounds like it will be fun .. and good we're on the same team .. cheers Hilary

Kate @ Another Clean Slate said...

A-Z is the best for starting blogging relationships :)

And you're right- so many diseases to learn more about- awareness is key. I wish it wasn't even an issue!