Today I welcome Guilie Castillo Oriard to talk about making lasting relationships during the month of April, when we all do some A to Z Challenge Blogging!
Take it away, +Guilie !
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Join the A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal! |
If you’re
reading this, you probably know exactly how many days—hours, even—are left
before April 1st. You can’t wait. I know. I’m like that, too.
Or was.
Until I realized it’s not about April. April is only the opportunity—which I
have squandered. Repeatedly.
the A-to-Z Challenge is about April is like believing a play is about opening
night. It’s your goal, what you’re working towards—operating word being working. Plenty to do before then. An
actor shows up on opening night without having gone to a single rehearsal…
Challenge is only the beginning. The rules may require a post a day, but
there’s a reason for all that frenzy. It’s about relationships. If we create
them right, they will last way beyond April.
The Plan:
1 Write my posts ahead of time—as should you, and if
you ask why then I give you a hearty hug of welcome, because it must be your first A-to-Z.
2 Start building my A-to-Z network now. With 2,000 blogs in the Challenge, I won’t be able to visit
them all even overdosing on caffeine. But if I begin to engage with like-minded
bloggers, that means I’m free during April for pure blog-hopping and
commenting. Which leads nicely to the next point.
first: how does one achieve this engaging?
visit the main A-to-Z blog and the hosts (in the sidebar to the right), and the Team of Assistants. Check
out the people that leave interesting comments
- visit as many of the blogs on the list as you can, before April. 5 new blogs a day will still take you to about 200 blogs!
• sign up for the
#A2ZReveal hop
• follow @AprilA2Z on Twitter and start your own Twitter list of A-to-Z participants
3 Never again leave a generic copy-paste comment. Do we
really think no one notices? The people we visit also visit others, and see our
comment there is—gasp!—identical to what we wrote on their site. That really plants the seed for enduring
No need to
write a Tolstoy novel to make a comment thoughtful. It’s like speed dating. You
can go through the checklist in your hand without even looking at the other
person, or you can meet their eyes and try, for the three minutes you have
together, to find out what makes them special.
4 Include a working link to my blog on every comment.
Nothing more frustrating than trying to connect with someone whose link takes
me on a merry chase around the web. Here’s how to create a link that never
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Thanks Vidya Sury for this blogging trick! |
Go on, try the linky signature in the comments below. Chocolate chip cookies to successful signatures!
5 Read up on these awesome tips by Alex J Cavanaugh, on how to make commenting easy!For some extra tips, visit Richa Singh's A to Z Challenge tips.
make the world, especially the blogging world, go round. Go forth and conquer
April, A-to-Z-ers! And if you want to build some great blog relationships rightaway, consider joining the team of AZ assistants. Express your interest in the comments below to get signed up!
Do you have a strategy for making comments? Which bloggers do you visit most, and why?
Hi Gullie - great tips here ... preparation is the key, doing as much as you can - without sending yourself off the high diving board, enjoying April ... and finding blogs you can relate to and where you enjoy commenting ...
There are some wonderful blogging friends for us all out there, and some subjects we'll relate to, others we'll feel the need to pass over ... the same applies to blogging as to life ... such is life!!
Happy times everyone .. cheers Hilary
Hi Guilie, another great post - I have sent an email expressing my interest to join as an assistant to the hosts. I'll do it again here just because you suggested it. I became quite addicted to comments last year, the best way to receive them is to comment on as many other blogs as possible. Happy hopping.
Reflex Reactions
just practicing my comment link code - here's hoping it works :)
If everyone left a link back to their blog in their comments life would be much easier all round. We should really make that more common.
Moody Writing
It is all about relationships! Several of my best blogger buddies came from that first Challenge years ago, and every year I make a new batch of special friends.
Oh so well said. You get it exactly, and I love your stage analogies! I do know some of the co-hosts might still need help. Try Pam and MJ. Contact info in handy "contact us" tab above.
I'd also like to take the opportunity to say that if you're new to the Challenge or a veteran who has never done it, PLEASE read the info in the tabs above. Not to make you feel guilty, or to brag about our hard work (OK, I admit, I am sorta doing that but gosh darn it...if no one reads it what's the point?) TONS of useful information that might save you an email or four to the info@ email that AJ and I answer.
Now go out and have some fun! This is a gigantic party, and we HAVE started. Just not the writing part.
I'd also like to add that it's not a requirement to have all your posts done. Just a suggestion. As is the theme, and the categories.
So while I have your attention, some folks still don't know this answer, even though it's everywhere:
YOU CAN'T CHANGE, ADD, DELETE OR DO ANYTHING ABOUT YOUR CATEGORY ONCE YOU'RE ON THE LIST. So that's why I'm ignoring those emails. Nothing personal, it's just that we've said it every day, everywhere...
Ok, I guess that's enough bossiness for one comment.
Again, Guilie, that was an AWESOME post. I'm passing out gold medals (because I want to) and you get one. It's virtual. I don't even have a picture. Just know it's many steps above the gold stars we got on the charts of the walls at elementary school :-)
Tina @ Life is Good
A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014
I always try and remain bitter and twisted and slightly grumpy, refuse to smile and hide the biscuits when folk knock on the door and shout through the letter box at them for a while. . . .
AH HANG ON . . . . . . . . . . The A to Z sorry I miss read the whole thing.
Yes quite agree. . . Seagulls are useful as well.
Guilie, What a wonderful post! :) I love how you write. I appreciate the shoutout :D
This is my second A to Z and this time I won't be blase about writing on the fly. It freaked me out last time and I realized what I'd do better this time around.
Interaction isn't work at all because it is so much fun! And I love that we have social media to spread the love! Thank you! So glad we are connected!
Have you signed up for the A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal BlogFest? Do it Now #atozchallenge #atozreveal
Thank you Guilie, terrific post! I am still battling with that linky something - it has to do with BlogSpot and I am a WP user. I know only too well how annoying it is to NOT get to the blog immediately. I feel awful that others may battle to link to mine.
When I find a blog I really like, I add it to my dashboard so that I always see their new posts. I have some trouble w/ wordpress blogs so most of the ones I follow are on blogger.
So right, Hilary. Blogging's no different to life; we gravitate more towards some people than others. Part of the magic of A-to-Z is the chance of finding blogs that pull us in, people that exert the kind of gravity we respond to, and here's the thing: sometimes we don't find them, but THEY find us--through a comment we make on someone's blog, through a mention a bloggie friend makes, a spontaneous tweet... The blogosphere is magic like that, isn't it?
Thanks so much for reading, Hilary, and for joining the conversation. That's another favorite part of blogging for me :)
CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES FOR IDA! You have no idea how happy it makes me that you tried Vidya's link-maker--and yes, it works! AND you're joining the assistant team--wow, Ida, you're the best. Thank you!
Indeed-o, Mood. I've long admired you savvy people that leave such clean and easy-to-follow links on blog comments, and could never figure out how to do it--until the Great & Mighty Vidya Sury taught me, about... oh, two weeks ago I think? Life in the blogosphere won't ever be the same for me :) Thanks for stopping by!
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
Alex, I would've loved to be in on that first Challenge--it's achieved legend status :) Sadly, in 2010 I was a year away from even thinking about blogging. Thanks for stopping by, and for helping make the A-to-Z what it is today. We love you!
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
I deleted above comment - link didn't work. Will try something new.
Very true! I have a separate Bookmark folder for blogs I loved each year during A to Z, and I repeatedly visit them. It's a long-term thing.
Csenge @TarkabarkaHolgy
This is the Theme Reveal you are looking for
Bless you for these VERY helpful tips in getting the most out of AtoZ--which is forging relationships with amazing people around the globe! Well done--you get extra coffee:)
WriterlySam Join the A to Z Theme Reveal Party!
A GOLD medal? For ME? Aw, Tina, you're the best. Thank you! So glad you liked this post, and thank you so much for adding these reminders for everyone. You and the other hosts make such a huge effort, put in so much energy and love into doing this for us... Kudos, Tina. You and your co-hosts are wonderful.
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
I think I may be developing a web crush on you, Rob :D Now how could I possibly forget to mention SEAGULLS?
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
I'm a big trial-and-error fan, Vidya ;) My first A-to-Z was all pantser-ish, and... well, I survived it by sheer tenacity (little sleep, like NaNo), but I swore I'd never do that again--mostly because it cut down on my interaction time. I'd much rather be discovering blogs and returning visits to mine than writing posts :D
Vidya, it's a pleasure and an honor to be a part of #TeamDamyanti with you. And thank you again: not just for the link-maker tip, but for all the love you share and spread every day.
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
So glad you liked it, Susan. Hmm, that link-maker should work for WP, too, I think. Check out this post on the WP support site:
Let me know if it helps!
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
That's a cool tip, JoJo. What dashboard are you talking about? The Blogger one? If you don't mind sharing, I for one would love to find another way to stay in touch with blogs I love.
Okay, I'm trying to make a link for your blog here... Let's see:
Garden Of Eden
Nope, that didn't work. Let's try again:
Garden Of Eden
YES! Susan, it worked. Here's what I did--I hope it shows the HTML code instead of the hyperlink. Just insert < and > where marked, and you're set.
[insert < here, no space]a href=""[insert > here, no space] Garden Of Eden [insert < here, no space]/a[insert > here, no space]
I do that, too! I use Feedly, and I have folders for A-Z 2012 (my first), 2013, and have already started my 2014 one. I totally forgot to mention that, Csenge--thanks for bringing it up!
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
Thanks for stopping by, Sam. So glad you enjoyed the post!
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
Good article. I think commenting on other blogs certainly brings you goodwill and helps you to get comments in return so genuine comments create a chain that comes around like boomerang.
Boomerang--great analogy, Sharukh. I especially like the conversation-starter aspect of commenting, when people engage with the post so much that the comments become a back-and-forth of trading viewpoints. Doesn't happen often, but when it does... Oh, heaven :)
Thanks for joining the conversation!
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
Hello +Guilie, I feel more informed with the information in this post, being a newbie. The suggestion about posting the link in comments is a good idea. Although I haven't gotten down to do some serious writing for the challenge, I have a couple stories that is prepared, but don't have a theme. I write on random things that come to mind, but will do my best to get a theme, or close to one. Is 500 word count too long for the challenge posts?
Michelle, welcome to the #AtoZChallenge! You're going to LOVE it :) And great that you're already planning / pre-writing at least some of your posts. Like Tina said above, it's not mandatory, just a suggestion (which works for some, not for others), so don't stress: starting April with even just a few pre-written posts will make you feel more confident about the whole thing. Same goes for the theme--lots of people have one, lots more don't, and it's all good. You write about random stuff? Why not make your theme "Randomness of Life In --" wherever you live? Or something like that. Whatever you decide, join the Theme Reveal (link below) and get a jump start on connecting with like-minded bloggers before April. About the word count... You'll see lots of different opinions about this one. Most bloggers I interact with like to keep their posts short; during April, a post that can be read in under five minutes is much appreciated :D Then again, there's other bloggers who complain such posts are too short, hardly worth waiting for them to load. What I'd suggest, since this challenge is about connecting with like-minded people, is going with your gut. What's your style? How long are your average posts? Can you say what you want to say more briefly? If the answer is no, then you'll be doing your blog a disservice by artificially shortening the posts; your voice won't come through quite as clearly, and the audience you collect during April will be disappointed when you return to "normal"-length posts. That said, cultivating brevity is never a bad thing ;)
Hope this helps, Michelle, and feel free to contact me--or the hosts; you'll be hard-pressed to find a kinder, more helpful bunch!--with any questions you have.
Looking forward to seeing you on the Theme Reveal hop, and to your April posts!
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
Thanks so much for the tips! This will be my first A to Z challenge and I've been thinking about writing posts ahead of time, which I will now be sure to do. I appreciate the advice and look forward to participating in the challenge!
marci, of Fuzzy Undertones
Just a wealth of information here! Thank you, Guilie, so much. Again. I'm going to be saying that every day. And, of course, making an effort to learn at least half of the stuff you're teaching. I've already learned I can't change my category so I'm way ahead of you, Tina. Ha ! One lesson down; 230 to go .......
Well that attempt at linking my blog didn't work. I'll be back later to try again.
So I think I'm not very good at comments, but my favorite commenters tell stories related to my posts or they tell me I'm awesome. I'm not really excited to get advice, but given that my new blog hasn't had a single comment, I'll take anything.
My blog is Empire For a Blueberry and if that link actually works I'm going to have an early cocktail to celebrate. I already spent half the day trying to remember how to add a badge.
Thanks so much for doing this! I used to be a grief blogger, and needed to get away from that identity after I left a once active blog lie fallow for too long. I'm excited to learn these new blogs, and expand my blogging community.
Very nice and helpful information has been given in this article. I like the way you explain the things. Keep posting. Thanks.
Virtual Assistant
I also have a special folder in Feedly for A to Z blogs but never thought to break them down by year. That's a great idea!
Stefani @ Dreams of Nyssa
Interacting with others via comments is a lot of fun. That is one of the things I love about this challenge. It takes me back to the olden days of blogging. People just don't comment as much as they did back then. And now I just made myself sound really old....
One thing that I need to decide, for this year's challenge, is if I want to have threaded comments or not. What do you prefer?
Stefani @ Dreams of Nyssa
Outstanding advice. You have nailed the essence of A to Z success in this post.
An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
I have had my A to Z ready for some time, planning ahead and as one of Lee's Ambassadors means checking the blogs. As for lasting friends, Alex and I were on the first one, actually I was first to sign up on the first. Alex and I are still great friends, he knowing nothing about poetry and I knowing little about writing Space but does that really matter?
Well said, Guilie. As always. I have this bookmarked for future reference and as a reminder.
Silvia @
Guilie, absolutely stellar job, here-- I could not be prouder of you, or more honored that you work with me. I will be tweeting and retweeting this post whenever I'm online. And thank you for all the long, kind replies.
Those are great tips, Guilie!
So often I drop by great blogs and follow them but get stuck on trying to figure out what to say so I end up not commenting. Which is stupid, I know, but something I'm working on!
Have a theme for A to Z? Reveal it with us on March 21 during the #atozreveal!
Thanks so much for your your most helpful response to my question and your suggestions too. I feel less nervous now and more excited. You have given me a few directions that is inspiring, and I will pursue and see where they lead. My posts are usually 500 - 700 word count. However, my posts for the A to Z challenge will not exceed 500 words.
All this social media stuff is overwhelming! I'm going to head over and read about commenting, too.
Lisa@Tales from the Love Shaque
So glad you found it useful :) It's helped me keep everyone straight--who did I meet where, when, how. It's also pretty cool to look back and see how long I've been following a particular blog ;)
Oh, that makes my day :) Thanks for taking the time to comment back, Michelle, and happy weekend!
Awesome, Marci--and MORE CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES HERE, PLEASE! So glad Vidya's link-maker trick worked for you :) Looking forward to your theme reveal in March, your April posts, and seeing your comments (all with a tidy link--yes!) all over the blogosphere :)
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
Glad I could help, Sammy :) You'll do better than half, and next year you'll be the one writing the posts here to help the 2015 newbies--and teach the veterans a thing or two ;) Thanks for reading and the lovely comment!
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
You're way ahead of me with the cocktails--but I'll have a glass of wine now to celebrate with you (I should be sleeping, but how can I possibly refuse to toast Vidya's link-maker trick success, right?). Glad you're on board for A-to-Z with your new blog, and I'm very much looking forward to your theme reveal and your April posts. Have a great weekend!
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
Thanks, Eva! So glad you liked the post :)
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
Good question. I do prefer threads, just because it makes it easier to carry on (and follow) conversations. I can't think of any downsides to it, but there must be some or you wouldn't be deciding. What are they?
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
Arlee, your comment made me puff up like a peacock :) Thank you! And thank you for creating this fantastic community--you've given bloggers a clubhouse, a yearbook, a weekend barbecue--all rolled into one.
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
How lovely, Yvonne! You know what I'd love? A reminiscing post from all you 2010 a-to-z-ers. That would be such fun to read!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting; much appreciated :)
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
Aw, Silvia... Thank you!
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
Thank YOU, Damyanti, for making me part of this. You led me to the A-to-Z in 2012, so you're wholly responsible for my presence here today :) Thank you!
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
Anna, I know exactly what you mean--I do that all the time, especially if the post is thought-provoking, or very well written, and even more so when there's already plenty of comments that say exactly what I thought of saying as I read. I don't know how to fix that, other than getting a brain transplant (hee hee... yeah, no, not funny), but I did see a comment once on this really great post that said something like "I can't find the words to say what I want to say here, so I'll just say thank you. I'll be back." I thought that was a nice way to handle speechlessness ;)
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
Not so overwhelming, Lisa--you did great with the link-maker! Everyone: LISA ROCKS, LISA ROCKS! And yes, MORE CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES!
Don't stress. Think of it this way: at one point or another, we were all newbies to social media. Actually, with the speed at which this cyber-world moves, we're all newbies still :) One post at a time, one blog at a time. Focus on connecting with people you're interested in; it's about quality, not quantity.
And breathe. Breathing is very important ;)
Have a wonderful weekend, Lisa, and I'll be hopping over to give your blog some love tomorrow.
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
My commenting strategy is reading the post (duh), then leaving some comment about it (how it made me feel, what I enjoyed learning, why I feel connected to this blogger now), and then ending with my copy-paste signature so that they can easily find me, should they wish to do so. Why? Because if someone comments on my blog and leaves me an easy link to click to find them, 99% of the time, I'm going to click it! (The 1%? Because I was just on their page that same day.)
What bloggers do I visit first? The books and writers. Then the photographers. Then anyone with a catchy sign-up name (because a name like "Poops rainbows, crayons, and unicorns" has just got to be interesting). Gaming and travel are musts, as well.
I go to these first because I am most likely to make a lasting connection. It isn't to say that I wouldn't visit a crafting blog, given the time, but my comments are likely to feel very generic there. (Pretty. Wow. Nice.) As visually stimulating as a fashion blog might be, I doubt I'd make much connection, unless the blogger wanted to give me a huge budget to do a major make-over, which anyone who cares enough about fashion to write about it is going to absolutely insist on, even if I'm just dressing up to impress the plants. Plants? Garden bloggers, who I have the utmost respect for and am in total awe of, would banish me from the precious greens, because my double black thumbs are like wishing a Broadway star good luck, rather than a leg break, just before the curtain.
I'd then go to the auto blogs, but that isn't a category. Not a single Corvette blogger among you??!!?? The shame.
Anyway, I shall end this post the most logical way possible,
by demanding my cookies, which can be delivered via comments.
Much love!
Love you post, Guille - every word is true! Relationship building is what the A to Z is all about - and anyone thinking otherwise will miss out on the joy of it all! Just wanted to let people know about the Facebook group we've created for this challenge too.
Hi Guile! Thanks for some fantastic tips. Just made my blog signature using the code you mentioned (Thank you Vidya). It is a must need since some bloggers comment via Facebook, some through Google+ and sometimes it is really tough to locate the blog of the commenter. Oh yes, A to Z is a great place to develop and foster relationships.
Shilpa Garg
Thanks for all the info Guille, any tips that make my A-Z experience go more smoothly is appreciated....Commenting and visiting can be so overwhelming....and fun!
I do make a folder in my bookmarks with my favorite blogs that I'll visit every day and then I work off the A-Z list and visit as many as humanly possible.
And thanks so much for the blog signature code, I'm gonna make mine now!,
Thanks. These are great tips. I had my old blogspot on a signature. I'm hoping the new one works. I have officially signed up for the Theme Reveal blogfest.
Play off the Page
Excellent. =) People who comment personally deserve to be personally responded to. =)
Thanks for the code!
Decadent Kane (blog)
The best part of the A to Z for me are the new friends I meet every year and catching up with some old friends.
That's one of the best posts I have read for ages..thankyou
Guilie, thanks so much for helping me .. I am going to try it again. I sent links to self on email and have tried them but so far no luck. Let's see what happens now when I post this comment using wordpress
Ok I just did, but URL contains illegal characters.
I'll try google
I don't have a commenting strategy.. unfortunately:-) So far I just say what's on my mind after reading the post. I might need one though if I plan to visit hundreds of blogs in April.
As to which bloggers I visit, I go back when the blogger talks about issues that resonate with me /writes about subjects that are similar or complimetary to mine.
I'm ready to go and have followed your advice. However, I am stuck at -----
Go on, try the linky signature in the comments below. Chocolate chip cookies to successful signatures! Am I having a blond moment? Would you kindly walk me through this? Thank you
Great insight on commenting strategies, Lenni. You're so organized... I'm jealous. For me it's either methodically clicking on every link after mine until I get to--well, until April 30--or, if a blog name snags my eye as I scroll down to my spot, randomly clicking on that... and once I'm there, randomly clicking on people who left interesting comments, and then...
Sorry about delivering the cookies so late... Curaçao, you know. Caribbean. Time is flexible down here ;)
Corinne! The woman who single-handedly boosted my new blog's numbers out into the thermosphere--yep, thanks to that Facebook group she mentions, folks!! Join up TO-DAY.
Too right, Shilpa! And I'm glad Vidya's link trick worked for you :) Thanks for stopping by!
So glad you found this info useful, Jen. Yes, Vidya's link trick is gold. Will look forward to seeing it put to good use during April--and during the March 21st Theme Reveal!
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
Aw-SUM! Another themer, and a revealer :D Looking forward to it.
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news... The link doesn't work :( I'm going to go look for you in the Reveal linky and hopefully we'll get this straightened out :)
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
Cannot agree more, Crystal. Some--no, most--no, all--my most wonderful blogger friends have been found that way: a post that sparked something beyond polite interest, a comment that added depth, a reply... Fast-forward a couple of years and here we are :)
Thanks for stopping by!
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
Glad it worked :)
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
Ahem... Sorry. Cancel those cookies. The link takes me to Blogger home :(
I'm with you, Doreen. A2Z is a wonderful way to meet new people, but it's also great to see how blogs evolve year to year.
Thanks for joining the conversation!
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
Hi there, Admins. Just to let you know that "candywilde" seems to be a spammy link. You might want to remove the comment before other people click on it (like I did--politeness does get one into trouble ;) ). Thanks!
Susan... We need to talk ;) Getting this signature link thing straightened out is high priority for you; the link on your name takes me to a blogger profile that leads to a different blog. The right link, gardenofeden, is hidden in some text that takes some looking to find. I'll be happy to help--I dropped by your blog (once I found it) and left you my email.
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
Next week on the #AZchat we'll be talking commenting; would love it if you joined us. Are you on Twitter? Check the hashtag over the next couple of days so you know when the chat's going to happen.
Looking forward to your input!
Guilie @ A Hop Within A Hop: The A-Z Theme Reveal!
Carol, I just left a couple of comments on your blog. Please contact me and we'll figure it out together :)
It's all good. :)
Good tips. Not cool to post the same comment everywhere. Another thing to do. Write up my signature code.
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