Monday, February 10, 2014

Getting to Know Your Fellow #Bloggers #atozchallenge

Featuring New Blogs and Blogs with

One of the things we like to do here at the A – Z Challenge is help new bloggers, and bloggers who don’t have a lot of followers, get more followers here in Blog Land. It’s one of those little things we do, to promote community and encourage people with their blogs. We even started a page at the top of this blog titled, Blogs with <100 Followers, because every blogger deserves to be cheered on with their blogging.

Here are a few blogs we know you’ll enjoy visiting that we’ve found.

My Daily Disaster: Matthew is a soldier sharing his unique perspective on how he sees the world. His blog is brand new, and his posts will definitely give you food for thought.

Fanny Barnes Thornton: Fanny participates in a lot of blogfests, so you never know what she might be writing about next. She’s an exciting writer, who shares all sorts of neat things about her world on her blog.

Runner 5: Runner 5 is currently in the midst of a 6-month total overhaul challenge. She’s taking one day at a time, to make herself into the best person she can be.

Yeakley/Jones Family History: Ann Hinds explores her family history on her blog. She’s a strong writer, with some wonderful stories to tell.

Midlist Writer: Sean McLachlan is a freelance writer specializing in history and travel. His blog includes satisfying book reviews and an eclectic variety of information bloggers, writers and readers will be sure to find exciting.

Of course, this brief list is far from exhaustive, as is the page of <100 followers we’ve added to this blog. Be sure and take a browse through all the links there, and if you know of someone not listed, please don’t hesitate to share a link to their blog in the comments.

Thanks for being such a great part of our community here.

M. J.

©2014 All Rights Reserved
Photo credit: Blogfrog, Blogfrog Logo, CCA-Share Alike 3.0


Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the initiative and the constant efforts, support and all.
Well, the link I will add is mine because I am such a new bee on Blogger:
I have a bee hive of a life and took on the A2Z Challenge of course to challenge myself further and to reach out more.
I blog here mainly about personal stuff and I know some will eventually stop by and we'll bond. Hey many are already viewing the blog, like 120 views so far in a week for me is huge.
I am also braving up and trying to follow one or too along the way and leave a comment or two left and right. Oh it's a challenge indeed but that's what life is made of.
Thanks once more, Marie

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

I came, I read and sallied forth to spread some #AtoZ love! :O)

Mary Kirkland said...

Thanks for letting us know about those great blogs to visit.

Arlee Bird said...

Thank you for this featured page. This is the spirit that pervaded A to Z in the first year I began it and I've encouraged this since.

Thanks for spurring it on.

Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sean and Fanny are both awesome!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by and chatting, everyone.

This was a fun post to share, partly because getting to know new bloggers is more than 1/2 the fun, but also because I got to visit so many wonderful blogs while writing up this post. Choosing which ones to include was no easy task. Suffice to say, this is the first of (hopefully) many, Getting to Know Your Fellow Bloggers posts. As they say in the movies, "I'll be back!"

Tina said...

Great idea for a post! I still need to visit a lot of those time permits. Nice to have a list already compiled!
Tina @ Life is Good
A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

Unknown said...

That is such a great idea. As a new blogger myself, I know how much other bloggers can benefit from this. Thanks so much and congratulations to all new bloggers.

Unknown said...

This is such a cool thing to do, MJ. Thanks for spreading the AZ love.

Susan Scott said...

Thanks so much MJ .. the fun has already started! Am trying to sort out my blogger profile ..