Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wouldn't You Like to be a Helper, Too?

Wanna help us out? We're seeking administrative assistants to help do some of the behind the scenes grunt work with us. 

Why would I want to do that? Here are some perks to consider:

  1. You'd get a special badge emailed to you to display on your blog showing your prestigious status. Most of the co-hosts have their own, personalized badges displaying their assistants, and we all stick them in our sidebars too, so everyone would know whose slave, er, helper, er, assistant you'd be. Um, you might also be called a minion. In the most kindest of “we loved those movies sort of way.”
  2.  You'd also be listed as an assistant on the A-Z Challenge Blog and that would probably bring you more traffic since a LOT of people read this blog. (You can check out last year's list in the tabs above to know what I'm talking about.)

Are you game? Here's how it works. Each team member wants their own number of volunteers, and will choose their volunteers in their own way. Some co-hosts need many. Some want none. Volunteer in the comments, and each co-host will choose their assistants based on their own criteria, which are actually different for each of us.

Make sure your email shows up when you comment so that the co-host who picks you can contact you. We traditionally (in the whole other year we tried this...) had way more volunteers than open spaces, so please don't be sad if you don't get picked. Get out there, visit a lot of blogs, make connections with the community and try again next year. We are ALL about making connections and friends and building relationships. We just tend to pick the people we already have a connection with. Not a popularity thing, just a product of what we're trying to achieve. COMMUNITY.

Questions? Stick 'em in your comments, or send to the new Be aware there you'd get me (Tina) because that's one of my jobs. So you might as well email me directly with general questions.  My email is tndowney (at) gmail (dot) com.  Either one is fine, just I check my own more often.

So if you'd like to work hard, for no money, but lots of recognition and praise, consider volunteering. We're a crazy bunch of folks, but you knew that already. I mean, a blog-hop with 2000 people? That's nuts already. But the best gig in blogland. Don't miss out if you want in!

~ Tina, on behalf of the entire A-Z Team


Anonymous said...

I'm a nobody but happy to help if anyone ever needs :)

Suzanne said...

Hi, happy to be a minion :)
Suzanne @ Suzannes Tribe

Tina said...

@Runner 5: I didn't mean to imply that if you were new you didn't stand a chance. Just trying to give new folks "the lay of the land". You were first! That's says a lot. Glad to meet you. I was a distance runner for 20 years. Damn ankle...

@ Suzanne Sapseed: Thanks for volunteering. I'm wondering if you have Triberr experience...

Tina @ Life is Good
A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post as usual, Tina. Yes, the team needs helpers. I know I could use a few AZTechs to join me.

Arlee Bird said...

Love your spirit, Tina. That was a wonderful post.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out

Suzanne said...

Hi Tina - just been reading about Triberr, looks quite easy x

AJ Lauer said...

I am one of the co-hosts who is in need of some good wHooligans to help me out. Comment here or stop by Naturally Sweet to let me know if you're interested!

AJ @ Naturally Sweet

Anonymous said...

I would love to help where needed. Please sign me up! I am currently an E-marketing & E-public Relations Representative for Hierophant Publishing and absolutely love what I do. Thank you!

Warm Regards, Jamie

P.S. Message to "Runner 5": everyone is a *somebody* and that includes you! ;)

TaMara Sloan said...

I would love to help in any way I can.
TaMara - peedeemama @

cleemckenzie said...

I'm in for minioning if you need me. Also I screwed up when posting on the Linky and didn't put my blog category. I'd fix it, but Linky won't let me. Anyone know how to delete and start again?

Anstice Brown said...

Hi, I'm Tizzy and I've participated in the A-Z challenge twice now.
I'm considering being a minion as I enjoy helping out and organising things. I just wondered if you could explain a little more about what responsibilities we would have or how much time we would need to dedicate?

I'm so up for it but I get married a few days after A-Z finishes so April may be a busy month for me and I just want to see if I could realistically commit to it before I sign up.

Anonymous said...

Shelina here, a willing volunteer! Just let me know what you need.

Anonymous said...

Oops! Bet an email would help...

shelinawriterinspired (at) gmail (dot) com

Nicole said...

I too am among the Co-Hosts who are seeking volunteers to join my team of minions. One of my former minions who ROCKED at the job, became an Official A-to-Z Co-Host this year, so those are some big shoes to fill! It's going to be fun to see who is up for the task.


#1Nana said...

Now that I'm retired I'm a little out of practice being a minion, but I have time and I'd be happy to help. Last year was my first participating in A to Z and I enjoyed getting out of my usual blog neighborhood and seeing more of the blogosphere. I'm up for a challenge.

Unknown said...

I'll help if you're short, but if you have more volunteers than slots, I am happy to simply join in the challenge.

AJ Lauer said...

Tizzy, that is a great question!
For the most part, Minions help with two things:

List maintenance - checking to make sure people are still participating, and that they're legit (i.e. not spammers or just ad sites)
Cheering squad - encouraging the folks on your section of the list so they feel good about continuing through the Challenge.

I think I spent about 30 minutes per day doing minion duties last year. We do encourage minions to get as much of their writing for the month done in advance so they aren't overwhelmed but that obviously depends on how you want to structure your time.

I think if you're worried about it creating stress in your life, you might want to wait till next year. No sense in adding overwhelming'ness before your big day. On the other hand, you might appreciate the distraction :) Up to you!

Unknown said...

ran across you From This Side of The pond would love to be your shipmate.

Shilpa Garg said...

Hi Tina
I'd be happy to help.
I blog at
My mail id is :
Cheers :)

Unknown said...

Hi .... I'd be happy to help.
My mail id is

Anonymous said...

Very happy to be a slave, of whom extraordinary and wonderful empires are hugely indebted...

May your community also go down in history! :)

Box me at

Rob Z Tobor said...

As many of you know I am a rebellious chap and never quite obey rules . . . . It is just the way I am, I am far to old to change now......

Anyway I have given it some thought and am happy to put my name in the pot as a possible helper/assistant on the grand A to Z. However you need to remember I am a bit maverick, but on the positive side a great fan of the A to Z.

If you all think YICKS not him again, well thats OK I will then see you all at the letter A. I am not on the list yet as I plan to be near the bottom of it this year.

Anonymous said...

p.s. my team gets CAKE!

Anonymous said...

Hi, just updating you on a change to my blog address:

I would love to help where needed. Please sign me up! I am currently an E-marketing & E-public Relations Representative for Hierophant Publishing and absolutely love what I do. Thank you!

Warm Regards, Jamie

Anonymous said...

Hi Tina. I was waiting for final confirmation from AJ in accepting me as a minion. It would be great to hear from you or AJ.
precari0us.wordpress. com

Anonymous said...

Hi Tina (and the rest of the team),

Would be very happy to volunteer as a minion. :)

This will be my third year (and fourth blog) doing the Challenge.

Really looking forward to it already. You can contact me at printedportal[at]gmail[.]com


Unknown said...

Hey guys I love this time of year. I finally figured out my theme and I am ready to rock and roll. I am down to help if you still need it so just let me know. My blog is Fangirl Next Door.

Good Luck everyone!


Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Arlee Bird said...

Jamie -- If no one else has asked you, I'd like to have you on my team. Let me know if you're interested. I've left a message on your most recent blog post. I've made note of your link correction and hopefully it will be fixed soon.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Hi Tina, I think I am a bit late here, Anyways, So glad to join in
Have a wonderful blogging time ahead.
Best Regards

Doreen McGettigan said...

I am a yes girl. Would love to help out.
doreenb8 at Verizon dot net

Arlee Bird said...

I'm calling on Doreen to help my team.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out

Anonymous said...

I'd love to minion-around. Participated in the A to Z challenge in 2013. I learned a lot...shared a lot...and came away from the event a thrice-a-week-blogging girl. It boosted my writing morale and has set my platform. Blast-off!

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...
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LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

I've never been a minion before. Do they spend us somewhere special to learn? :O)

luann dot braley at gmail dot come

MAJK said...

If anyone still needs help I will be glad to assist. I'm doing A to Z anyhow majk dot safireblade at gmail dot com is my email.

Anonymous said...

I'd be happy to be a minion. I don't work so I have plenty of time to help out. I loved helping with IWSG, it was a ton o' fun.

Feel free to email me if you still need someone.

Be well,


mock.turtle.musings at gmail

Anonymous said...

Wait, Pam says there's cake for her team? Yummy!

Unknown said...

Minion me up! I'm all about the encouragement. Here's what helps, I'm an Executive Assistant! Organization of others - super easy. Just don't ask how many baskets of clean laundry are in my room or how many times my kids have gone to school without their lunch. No! They didn't starve. I don't think. ;)

Andrew Franke said...

I really want to be a minion so command me oh great,
Seriously though I have a lot of time on my hands as I am currently disabled and cannot work and going crazy.( Thank God for my wonderful supportive wife Mindy)
My blog is just getting started though.:(

Anonymous said...

Andrew, I would be honored to have you on my Alliance. Zip me an email at and you're in!

anyone else who needs a home, please consider yourself welcome to email me as well.

Anonymous said...

CAKE and donuts!

Anonymous said...

YES!! If you're game hit me up

Anonymous said...

(waving) Hello everyone! It's not too late to join the my CAKE party. If you want to be wanted I want you! Email me at and we'll get you the team jersey and...CAKE!

Unknown said...

Hi Pam (waving back)
Do you have room for one more?

(I'll email as well.

Anonymous said...

Luna there is ALWAYS more cake for one more! Can't wait to hear from you.