Friday, January 17, 2014

For #bloggers new to #atozchallenge : What is it and Why You should Join

On twitter, I come across many #bloggers who ask me what Blogging from A to Z April Challenge really is all about.

I tell them 26 posts on 26 days of April, with Sundays off for good behavior.

While this is factually correct, it doesn't tell them all about it so if you're a blogger wondering about what A to Z Challenge is all about, read on.

Arlee Bird came up with this challenge in 2010, and no one can describe the process better than him, so I'll just link to his post. Go on, read it, I'll wait for you.

Now that you know the concept, I'll give you my take  as a participant in 2011 and a co-host in 2012-13:

1. It is a community-building exercise. My co-hosts have been like my blog family, and I've met and kept hundreds of blog friends on my two blogs, Amlokiblogs and Daily (w)rite. The sign-up list was 1656 participants long at the end of the last challenge-- that's a hell lot of bloggers gathering under one roof!

2. I've enjoyed writing to theme, whether it was flash fiction, hosting other authors or going wordless. The challenge has improved my blogging by 50% (I'm lazy, so nothing can improve my blogging by 100%, sigh.). I even got a book out of it, and it still gets bought!

3. Which brings me to my next point: You get out of the A to Z Challenge what you put in it. Schedule your posts in advance according to an interesting theme, and go visit other participants during April-- you'll reap more benefits.

4. Last year, I posted on 10 tips to Ace the A to Z Challenge. They'll hold true this year as well-- and, if you choose to follow them all, you're likely to be an exhausted but ecstatic blogger at the end of April this year!

Questions? Leave them in the comments!

Here's hoping you'll join us for the amazing ride that will be Blogging from A to Z Challenge 2014!


Debbie D. said...

I've thought about entering before, but it just seemed too daunting! Might give it a shot, this year. Do we sign up here and when will that be available? Thanks! ☺

Anonymous said...

Good stuff here! Yes, the more the merrier in the Challenge! It's so easy and fun to do too!

Unknown said...

It will be out end of June, watch this space for more info!

Unknown said...

Thanks, MJ. We hope to cross 2000 on the final list this year :)

Debbie D. said...

Hi again; I'm confused, now. It says "April challenge" but you're saying it will be end of June? So then, perhaps you could change that in your heading.

Unknown said...

I had a lot of fun with this last year. Looking forward to participating again! I'm already trying to figure out my theme...

Corinne Rodrigues said...

I thoroughly enjoyed doing this last year, Damyanti and am already prepping myself and a little band of people to sign on! Can't wait for the mad fun! :)

Corinne Rodrigues said...

I thoroughly enjoyed doing this last year, Damyanti and am already prepping myself and a little band of people to sign on! Can't wait for the mad fun! :)

Unknown said...

Really want to try to join in this challenge. Just recently started blogging and this looks like fun!

Jemima Pett said...

I can't wait for the sign-up list to open again. My biggest tip for newcomers is to get as many as your posts ready and advanced scheduled (I found out how to do that in my first year) as you can, so you have plenty of time to visit all the people that visit you AND the people you 'should' visit near you on the list!

Oh - Diana - I think Damyanti meant her book will be out in June - the Challenge runs from April 1st to 30th :)

Jemima Pett said...

Oh, whoops, that should have been for Debbie, not Diana :O

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

I'm fired up and ready for the 2014 Challenge!

Linda Covella said...

Thanks for this info! By theme do you mean all the posts should somehow be related, for instance, all related to writing, or cooking, or family, etc.?

One A Day Tech said...

I too enjoy writing to theme :) Tech! Nice blog following!

Unknown said...

My bad. I meant Jan.

Unknown said...

Themes are good! Hope you join again this year :)


so nice
am following your blog, please follow bACK

Unknown said...

Linda, no, themes aren't necessary-- you could go as you please on each post.

Only that, based on experience, themes seem to work well.

Unknown said...

Corinne, Lara, Jen, Jemima, Barbara-- would be lovely to have you back!

Daphne, hop in, it is fun, and a great boost to your blog.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the encouragement! I did the A-Z blogging challenge and enjoyed it. Your 10 tips remain relevant! Have a great April!

Sandra Cox said...

I'm with Debbie. Fascinating but daunting.

Anonymous said...

How do you find other bloggers that are participating in this challenge too?

Admin said...

Great ! How can I take part for my blog

Anonymous said...

Hello. This sounds like so much fun. When are the sign ups?

Anonymous said...

where do we sign up for the challenge please help