Saturday, January 11, 2014

Blogger and Word Platforms are Not Compatible

By M. J. Joachim 

All those glitches! If only we had known! A simple notice from Blogger in the “Create a Post” or “Edit Post” window would have been nice! 

Suffice to say, Blogger and Word are not compatible. “Word and any other word processing program contains a lot of hidden formatting that isn’t compliant with the Blogger platform,” states Mishka Blogger, a top contributor on the Blogger Product forum. 

Types of Problems Created by Pasting from Word into Blogger 
  • Dashboard Functionality 
  • Post Disappearance 
  • Removal from People’s Blog Rolls 
  • Email Subscriptions Delayed or Not Received 
  • Template and Design Glitches 

…and probably quite a few more!

Fixing the Problems and Glitches
  1. Creating a New Post 
  2. Paste from Word.
  3. Select All. 
  4. Click on the (Tx) button, located on the right side of the tool bar. 
  5. Reformat post, using Blogger tools provided. 
Fixing Past Published Posts 
  1. Edit your post. 
  2. Select all. 
  3. Click on the (Tx) button, located on the right side of the tool bar. 
  4. Reformat post, using Blogger tools provided. 
Note, “If the format removal tool (Tx) doesn’t fix the issue, then you will have to copy all the text out of the post, into a plain text editor, and then once you are sure it is completely unformatted, you can paste it back in from the plain text editor,” explains Mishka. 

It is probably a good idea to check your sidebars, headers, pages and anywhere else you might have pasted from Word on your blog. While it is a painstaking and tedious process to remove all Word formatting, only to reformat using Blogger tools, it will make your blog much better in the long run. 

All those page views, all those adsense pennies, all those blog rolls not getting updates, all those emails not getting received… 

It’s a given, Google should have done a better job of communicating with its Blogger users! At least we know now. 

Thank you for visiting and commenting on A – Z Blog today! We look forward to seeing you again real soon! 

The A – Z Blogging Team 

©2014 All Rights Reserved 
Photo credit: Open Icon Library, Public Domain 


Anonymous said...

This works fairly well on WordPress. Fine tuning of formatting is necessary afterwards, if you care about appearance!

MunirGhiasuddin said...

Thanks for the info. I usually don't use wrod. I just go and create a post and publish. That is all.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I always format in html in Word and then paste that into my post in html format. No glitches then!

Damaria Senne said...

I found out about the Word/Blogger issue the hard way, with a post that just wouldn't publish. And when I checked the HTML of the post to try to find the problem.... what a mess!! I wish Blogger to fix the issue. It's certainly not a problem on Wordpress, as someone mentioned earlier in the comments.

Anonymous said...

When I started writing on the Internet, the site I wrote for made it mandatory to paste from Word. I never thought to do anything else when I started blogging. And I never saw anything while learning how to use blogger, which might lead me to believe I couldn't paste from Word. Their tutorials showed how to use Blogger, typing directly into the create post box, but they never said I couldn't paste from Word. Maybe it's in the fine print somewhere. Or maybe you have to ask the right questions in the forum. Either way, I'm glad I know now.

Rob Z Tobor said...

I always paste from word to my blog, but it have never see any faults myself.

Unknown said...

I noticed my posts copied from Word ended up with the formatting undone, but after a while I stopped writing the posts on Word first. I have a much harder time formatting posts on WordPress, so Blogger feels so much easier to me. Post a certain point, all online programs format as they blessed well please, and if you don't like it too bad.

Anonymous said...

If enough of my blogging friends hadn't reached out to me, to let me know I had disappeared from their blog rolls, I would never have known I had a problem either. These people knew my blogging habits, and when I disappeared, they literally searched for my blog, and let me know I had disappeared. I can't tell you how thankful I am that they did, which is one reason I'm sharing this post with all of you today.

cheerfuloptimistic said...

When I read this, I had to check if the documents I've been using are Word (my memory's not that good). They're not, so the backups I made of my posts are still good.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Like Alex's way. Thanks for letting us know!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I always just paste my word docs into the html tab in blogger and go from there. Easy peasy.

Sharon Himsl said...

Thank you. You're an angel!

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

Thanks for the insights. I have had trouble only with the feed into Goodreads from my blog, which turns to gibberish if I paste directly from Word. I've taken to copying into a our text editor, then into Blogger, which seems to work okay.

Jemima Pett said...

Thank you so much for this. I'd been going mad trying to update an RSS feed in a sidebar.

I checked through and found one post where I'd pasted in a press release I'd one in Word. I blasted it as you described, and after a few refreshes, the edit RSS feed widget was working again.

Thank you SOOOO much!