Monday, October 14, 2013

Are You Getting Ready for A to Z 2014?

The Thinking Man sculpture at Musée Rodin in Paris
The Thinking Man sculpture at Musée Rodin in Paris (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
         When the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge isn't consuming nearly my every thought, it at least lurks in the shadows at the back of my mind.   I keep thinking about what's coming in 2014.  How many bloggers will sign up?    Who will be on the A to Z Team?   Will we find enough good folks to assist the team?   What will I be blogging about in April?

         Have you thought of a theme for your 2014 A to Z entries?   That is if you're going with a theme.  You might be just going random, which there's certainly nothing wrong with that.   Many participants fly through April by the seat of their pants and have a grand time doing it.  There's no right or wrong way to go with how you want to do the A to Z Challenge.

        Personally, I've found going with a theme easier to work with especially if I enter more than one blog as I have done in the past couple years.  It may seem superfluous, but I feel like I'd be neglecting my other blogs if any of them weren't part of the April Challenge.  I don't know for sure if I'll keep all four of my blogs busy that month.  It is a lot of work.  But it's also been worth the work I've put into doing it that way.

        Just the other day, the theme came for my main blog Tossing It Out.   I won't be revealing the theme until right before the Challenge begins but I just wanted to mention that I've started the planning for April for that blog and am beginning to organize the daily posts.   I've heard that others have also already started into preparing their posts for April.  How about you?   Have you started yet?  Are you still trying to decide what you want to do?   Or are you just going to improvise when April comes?

        No matter which way you go, have a good time with it!

        Please visit my post at Tossing It Out and leave a comment.  I'm doing some information gathering and would like as many opinions, suggestions, and insightful information that I can find.  I will be presenting my findings in an upcoming post on that blog.

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Billy Blue Eyes said...

Well I made a start a while ago and this year will have a theam but I still have to go out ahd get the photos for it. All will be reveiled at the right time.

Anonymous said...

I have a few ideas in mind for a theme Lee. My the time does fly just 6 months to go.


Jemima Pett said...

No, Arlee, I'm not even thinking about April! I'm thinking about Christmas and planning December on the blog. I don't start planning April till January.

But before A2Z I didn't have any sort of planning at all...

Thanks for sorting me out!

Tina said...

Yes, I've been thinking about it, but I haven't settled on a theme yet. My last two were part of a larger theme, so I don't know if I want to stick with that, or go somewhere really different. Then again, I always have enough embarrassing stories, so if nothing else, I could easily fill a month with those...
Tina @ Life is Good

Susan Kane said...

I have not thought about A to Z lately. Must get through Christmas. Maybe I will do a theme, altho I liked what I did last year.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'm still trying to figure out how to top this year's theme...

Laura S. said...

I've got my theme! I have to pick which entries are going on what days, and write and schedule them, of course. But I know what I'm going to post, so that's a good start! I won't begin planning my posts until January or February, though. There's too much going on right now and April seems forever away. We're still in the middle of autumn and have to get through winter!

Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

Rob Z Tobor said...

I rather enjoyed writing fairy tales last year so I might try writing short horror based fairy tales this year, if my mind can come up with twenty seven or so ideas. (27 I hear you think, but I always do Sundays too).

Lisa said...

I have a spreadsheet set up that I add to whenever I get an idea for one of my 3 blogs. But nothing really serious yet, until January or so. Themes - YES!

Jim said...

Great blog. :)

cheerfuloptimistic said...

How do I sign up?

cheerfuloptimistic said...

I think when I do this, I won't be following a theme. I'll just use whatever I come up with.

Anonymous said...

Funny you should mention this, because I was just thinking about this last weekend. My mind is focused on my Writing Tips blog presently, and I'd love to have all my posts for April written by New Year's. It's a tall order, especially with the holidays. At least I won't be too stressed about it, because even if I miss the mark, I still have at least a couple of months to prepare.

Now you've got me curious, Lee. Wonder what your theme is for TIO next April :)

Anonymous said...

Arlee its quite odd that so much time has passed and its only now that I feel ready to participate again. I did the first one and thereafter if feels like things kept happening that got in the way.
But yes I have a direction because also coincidentally my blog which is now esseniially a book blog is also going through a makeover to stressing Book Promotions via Blogging/Blogs.... so i'm really thinking about a theme in that direction.