Monday, September 2, 2013

Road Trip 2013: Let's gather for Another Pit Stop!

Hellooo? Is there anybody out there? Is anyone still on the road visiting A-Z participants from April 2013? I'm calling another pit stop, so pull your virtual car into a spot here, and let's catch up.

Hundreds of us set out in May for a road trip around the world. Some headed for the fast lane and kept on trucking. Some took the back-roads and meandered. Some of us have run out of gas, some have had our cars breakdown, and some have been called home for pressing family matters.

However far you made it, no matter what number of blogs you visited, I still want to thank you for participating. I know it's meant a lot to many bloggers who for whatever reason didn't get a lot of visits during the Challenge. THANK YOU for persevering, however far you came.

It's not over though! You can still visit for as long as you like. The big list is still clickable, as is the Reflections list. How about making just one visit now? You know how exciting it is to get someone new at your place! Give someone that thrill.

As for me and my trip, I've converted to “Sunday Drives”. I take some time on my down-time-day-of-rest to hit a few more Reflections posts. I promised to read them all and I will. I'm concentrating there, and will return to the “big” list after that.

May your road be smooth, may you hit all the green lights, and don't forget to enjoy the scenery!



Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Tina .. you set an example for us all. I did the A-Z and the Reflections, then stopped visiting new people .. or looking around.

Great example you are for us ...

... and the SPAM sounds frustrating .. and disabling anonymous commenters makes sense - as we all registered and participating per the list.

Cheers Hilary

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I've been visiting! Once a week, I visit a handful of blogs, and sometimes I comment (depends on the post.) I find a number of the blogs on the "big list" aren't really active, and still show posts from April or May. But I keep truckin'! :)

Sue McPeak said...

Yay...I'm glad to see you back on the AtoZ Road Trip. I was soooo good for a month or so and then the roads in Texas got so blamed hot I had to take some time off. Now that cooler weather is just around the corner....well, I'll try and get back out there. Thanks for the pep talk!...See ya on the flip side.


Sanderella said...

I need to get my car gassed up and go! It has been the hot weather, lack of energy because of was pretty good, and it is going to get better! Thanks for the reminder and I will do it! Sandy

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I have finished my roadtrip of the original A-Z and now need to do the reflections sign up. I was disapointed to find so many people who has stopped after they finished the A-Z and even more with thouse who did not even finish. I di dfind some other photo blogs but they are fae and few between.

liz young said...

Sunday drives might be a good idea for me. I've been so erratic lately with my blogs for several reasons, and choosing one specific day might nudge me into being regular (if you'll excuse the biological reference!)

Rob Z Tobor said...

I was using the main list as my guide and then it did some sort of reset and I no longer knew who I had visited so I have stopped. . . .. But I made it to about 1200 to 1300 of the blogs but I only commented on the the ones I started to follow or liked.

There seemed to be lot of blogs who did not complete it all this year and some who never started, but I guess that is the world of blogging.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

As soon as I get a chance I would like to go and read some more of the A to Z blogs. It is fun in April, but who says we cannot enjoy them at any time.

Nicole said...

You must've been reading my mind in August, 'cause I've resorted to the "Sunday Drive" plan myself...and then ran out of gas but have filled the tank back up and I will be moving along the road, mile by mile, getting through more Reflections posts and visiting more of the sign-ups that I didn't get a chance to visit in April.

Zoom, zoom, zoom!
