Monday, August 12, 2013

Rosanna: Strategies for Next Year's Challenge

Today please welcome Rosanna of  Writing and Photo Prompts from Life. She hails from The Philippines, and has completed two challenges. She's so excited for next year, she's ready share some tips to get your thoughts going. It's never to early to start planning!

Last year I joined my very first 30-day blogging challenge - The Blogging from A to Z  2012 Challenge - and it was quite stressful.  After picking up my "Survivor" badge, I wondered if it was worth all the stress and decided that it wasn't.

"No more blogging challenges for me."  It was a firm decision that stayed with me till early this year, but as April approached, I asked myself, "Why not?"  I had been mulling the idea of featuring my country, the Philippines, in my blog and I figured that the A to Z challenge would be the perfect way to highlight the many beautiful aspects of my country.

I survived this year's challenge as well, and I'm proud to say that this time I had fun. I did things differently this year: I began the challenge with a list of topics that I wanted to write about - from A to Z of course. This year, I also made it a point to visit at least ten other blogs after posting - and that by itself  was a fun experience.  It was like visiting different places and meeting all sorts of people.

After this year's A to Z challenge, I was ready to join other challenges - both blogging and photo challenges. As a result, I have been blogging more and I've been having a blast. I've also been learning a lot about blogging, and come next year's challenge, I know I will have more tools at my disposal, which will make the one-month challenge easier, and will leave me with more time to visit other blogs.
Up until recently, my blogging skills have been quite limited, and as it was with my posts in this year's challenge, I wrote articles accompanied by photos in each and every blog post.  Now I know there are other ways to blog - a late bloomer I am!
Here are some things I hope to do for next year's challenge:
  • Feature video clips in some blogs. As we all know, there are thousands of videos on file on YouTube. To embed a video in a blog post, all one need do is click on "Share" which appears under the video box.  Upon clicking, a highlighted code will appear.  Copy the code and paste it on your blog.
  • Do a photo essay - colorful, inspiring, and easier to do than writing so much text!
  • Switch guest posts with another participant
  • Reblog an interesting post by one of the participants
  • Feature a list of the five, seven - even ten - participating blogs I like best
  • Interview one of the challenge organizers or another blogging participant
  • Feature the blog of a frequent commenter
As you can see, I'm already gearing up for next year's Blogging from A to Z Challenge.  See you then!

Those are some great goals! I also encourage you to learn something new when it comes to the technical side of your blog. Thanks for taking the time to be with us today, Rosanna!


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Rosanna and Tina - congratulations on completing two years' of challenges ...

It's good to plan in advance isn't it and to try new things ... good luck and enjoy blogging ..

The Philippines looks an amazing place to live - cheers Hilary

Trisha said...

I've participated 3 times now, and each year I learn something new. I'm still not quite sure what I've learned, but I know I've learned something. And I know I haven't found the "perfect" way of doing the A to Z without burning out yet. But maybe I'll find it someday :)

Billy Blue Eyes said...

This was my first though from my part I felt alone due to there not being may photoraphers taking part. Blogging shold not be stressfull it should be fun. Some good tips I might have to try some.

Suzanne said...

This was also my first year, and only found it a couple of days before it started! So found it incredibly intensive, but enjoyable at the same time. Next year I plan to be far more organised and hope to have all my posts written before April 1st so I can spend more time visiting other blogs. And the signature link below - learnt that from a tutorial on here, so thanks for that :)
Suzanne @ Suzannes-Tribe

Anonymous said...

Nice post, Rosanna. It was my first time this year too and like Suzanne, I only found the challenge just in time! The signature didn't always work for me I'll try it here. Sue’s Trifles

Susan Scott said...

Great post Rosanna thank you and for the tips especially re how to embed a video ... you make it sound so simple!
The A-Z was also a first for me; stressful but so worthwhile hearing about different places, viewpoints, comments (I always learned much from the comments). ..
I remember yours!

Fran Clark said...

Thanks for this post. After taking the challenge for the first time this year I've failed miserably keeping up the momentum of posting on a regular basis. After reading this I am inspired and will try harder - need to practice if I'm taking the challenge next year!

Jarm Del Boccio said...

Yes, those are attainable goals for the A to Z Challenge that lend some variety. . .good choices!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I do many of those already! No end to the ideas and topics out there.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Congrats on facing the blog challenge and completing it. I'm sure next year will be even better and you have inspired me to take on A-Z a second time.

Tina said...

I love that you're already thinking about next year! Great guest post.
Tina @ Life is Good

Rosanna C. Rogacion said...

Tina, thank you for your endless patience and kindness. I do need to learn much about the technical side of blogs - maybe someday soon...and to all those who commented, thank you for reading the guest post.

Hilary, yes, indeed, the Philippines is an awesome place. I hope you'll be able to visit our beautiful country.

Trisha, congratulations for completing 3 challenges in a row! If and when you do find the "perfect" way to do the challenge, please share it with us!

Hey, Bill, there's a benefit to being one among the few - your blog posts become a breath of fresh air after reading several blog posts in a row. I'm looking forward to visiting your site next year.

Good luck with next year's challenge, Suzanne. I hope next year will be less stressful and more fun for you!

Thanks,Sue! Gee, I have to learn how to do that signature. See you in next year's challenge!

Susan, it's really easy to embed a video - try it! I'll visit again next year!

Way to go Fran! The first year is usually tough, next year should be easier!

Thanks, Jason! Good luck with next year's challenge!

Alex, of course you've done all these and more! You're a pro and I'm just a like the rest - we're beginning to learn.

Sheena-kay, thanks and see you in next year's challenge!

Happy blogging everyone!