I've been wondering how many books have come about as a direct result of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge? We should probably start keeping track--maybe create a special page on this site to promote them. I know there have been quite a few since the Challenge began in 2010.
When I first put out the call to join me in blogging through the alphabet in April of 2010, coming up with an A to Z inspired book was not something I even thought of. A few participants such as Damyanti and Doris Plaster caught on quick and put out books based on their A to Z posts. Later I ran across some others who also used the A to Z as a publishing catalyst. Unfortunately I negligently failed to keep track of those authors.
Subsequent Challenges have seen outpourings of even more books. Some I've heard about, while others will catch my attention after the fact when I happen to run across them. What I do know is that the Blogging from A to Z Challenge has been instrumental in getting many interesting and unique books in the marketplace.
We'd like to hear from you if you have authored one of these books. You can use this blog as a forum for getting word out about your A to Z inspired book. Let us know if you'd like to submit a guest post about your book. Tell us about how you went about putting your book together and what kind of response you received.
Or perhaps you are considering doing an A to Z book in a future Challenge. We'd like to hear your thoughts about that as well. The concept of A to Z inspired books is of interest to many who have participated in a past Challenge or plan to participate in a future one.
If you've already published an A to Z project, please let us know in the comments and provide links for more information and maybe we can compile the list for reader reference.
Next Monday August 26th we will be joined by Pam Williams whose A to Z Devotions for Writers was recently released. Be sure to return to hear her story about how the book came about.
Have you published a work based on your experience with the A to Z Challenge? Have you thought about putting one together? Can you think of any books that have been the direct result of Blogging from A to Z?
Really cool blog! Kramer Gifs.
Not done a book as a result of the AtoZ Challenge, but it forms the basis of an A to Z of my Princelings world in the future :)
Of course, I could put one together, publish it, and update it year on year...
I remember a lot of blogs that had story themes for their A to Z posts. It would be really cool to see someone publish an A to Z inspired book!
Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines
What a great idea to put out a call for all those books! I forgot to keep track, too. I know we had at least one guest after this year's Challenge...
Tina @ Life is Good
My book A to Z Flashes of Foxwick came from the A-Z Challenge (2012). Also, Christine Rains published Fearless after she A-Zed it in 2012. :)
I am attempting to find a publisher for a devotional on my A-Z posts of "Les Mis". Unfortunately, someone else came up with a similar idea, and was published. I'll just need to give it a different slant.
so exciting to hear of other's successes!
Angela Brown and Christine Rains both turned their A to Z posts into books.
Hi Lee .. sounds like a great idea - to track many down and I hope the books all get listed.
I bought Doris' book and it is fascinating ...
Also the back ground how each book came to be ..
Well done - welcome back!! Cheers Hilary
What a great idea, There was a lot of blogs that did a to z of stories so of which would have been good books. Keep up the good work all, cheers
Hi, Arlee,
I have noticed a few A-Z books. I thought I'd catalogue my A-Z of Blog Tours into an ebook, but getting the time to do it is challenging. It's something that I think is worth doing though, so, some day...
The A-Z is certainly a good way to work towards something that we can't do in one go, but will come together over time with the raw material put together during the challenge.
Thanks again for your brainchild!
I am working on my first book, a direct result of this years challenge. :)
Sounds a good ideal Lee, especially as I was the first to sign up back in 2010. Will think that over.
After all the fun I had doing A to Z, it would be a blast to have my work turned into a book! Alas, it has yet to be done...
Not exactly a book directly from A to Z, but the Challenge inspired me to do a lot more flash fiction and it's in my mind to rework the best of that into a collection. So I may yet have a book that got it's start with the stepped-up blogging during A to Z.
No,but now I'm thinking "could I break my books into an A-Z" for next year -had next year's already planned in my head, but a change is on the cards :)
Suzanne @ Suzannes Tribe
My book based on the challenge continues to sell in a trickle. Publishing it was a cool learning experience. Thanks again for AZ, Lee. It has been a blast!
Would love to be able to read some of those books :)
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