Tuesday, July 9, 2013

"It's Time" Book Tour - Jeremy Hawkins

I have been making some changes on my site "Being Retro" [formally Retro-Zombie] that better suits the way I feel and the look that I have always wanted. I thought I would share a little more about me in another way that I know how and that is in my art/design. I had a little bit of an life altering situation in the start of this year, that made me open my eyes and made me come to realize that I wasn't going to be here forever. So I decided to share me with you in these four book that spans the last several years in my progression of where I was artistically.
I want to have a book tour I am not even sure how to do it, so I thought a giveaway that would include sets of the book, my t-shirts and Cds from the music label I work with. Anyone want me to host your site for a day, share a little more about me with you and your readers? If you are interested please contact me for open dates "RE: IT'S TIME": jeremy@jmhdigital.com
Also if you have any helpful advice, please share and I do appreciate all that you do... I also am going to contact a few of my close friends. The books are available at AMAZON right now, so I please take a look and I can send over a "digital edtion" for those interested being part of the tour.
It's art, who doesn't love art?
Being Retro



Suzy Turner said...

I'd love to have you on my blog, Jeremy! I'll send you an email :)
Suzy Turner, YA Author

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

Dear Jeremy, I am in. best wishes, jean

Tina said...

You know I'm all in, bro! :-)
Tina @ Life is Good

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Our date is scheduled! Wait, that came out wrong...

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Ha. ha Alex. Best of luck with your tour. I'm planning a cover reveal myself.

Anonymous said...

Hope you enjoy your date with Alex.

I think it's a great idea but you wouldn't want to host my poetry blog surely.?
Those who write novels and such it's a great chance for them.
Good luck.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Jeremy - good luck with your promotion and the learning process to the book tour and giveaway ...

All the very best - cheers Hilary