Tuesday, June 18, 2013

#Writers Helping Writers: Get Your #Book Featured

During my A to Z Challenge on Daily (w)rite I featured authors, through posts like this one. Had April not turned out to be the personal nightmare it became for me, it would have become an even bigger success.

I regularly read bunches of books by author friends and from time to time, I feature them on my blog. This exposes my audience to new books to read, and brings the authors some sales. I'm now planning to make this a regular Wednesday post on Amlokiblogs.

If you're an author looking to get more publicity for your latest book, or buzz up an old one, send me the following at atozstories at gmail dot com:

1. Title of Book, Genre, Author Name
2. A one to two sentence elevator pitch (Not more than 50 words)
3. Author's fave excerpt from the book (Not more than 250 words)
4. Links from where the books can be purchased.
5. Blogpost-sized Book Cover

I'd like an email expressing your interest first, before you send out the above.

The elevator pitch and the teaser excerpt need to be well-polished, ready to be showcased. This is for books only-- novels and short story collections. I'd like to feature non-fiction as well, but no poetry or erotica (sounds horrible, grouped like that, I know, but I run fiction-based, PG13 blogs).
I have June covered, and some of July, but slots are still open. If you need your book featured urgently, I might also feature them on Daily (w)rite.

I look forward to reading your excerpts, and if intrigued enough, featuring them and buying your books!


Unknown said...

Hi - what a great thing your doing to help out up and coming and established authors, and get their work out there. I am in the process of getting my first book published, so I will make sure I send you the deets when it comes out!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'll announce it on my blog for you tomorrow as well.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

This is great. I have read a couple of books written by our blogger friends. May be I will let them know about your blog.

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

Would love to participate! I'm getting a new cover (a re-design so my first book will look cool and match the second book, due out in August). I'll contact you when I've got the cover.

J.L. Campbell said...

Wonderful move, Damyanti. I'm terrible with making contact and such, but I'll email you. :)

Doralynn Kennedy said...

What a great way to help writers.

Arlee Bird said...

I've posted a notice at a linked in writers discussion thread that I follow. A lot of authors there.

A Faraway View

Unknown said...

Thanks, everyone, will look forward to your emails.
Thanks, Lee. Folks are already getting in touch from the group you mention.

Jo said...

I love the way all you guys are helping one another with your books.

Tina said...

Great idea, D! IF I ever finish my book...and you're still doing this...then I'll take you up on it ;-)
Tina @ Life is Good

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Damyanti .. sounds such a great idea .. and good luck with the new slots - so helpful to many ..

Cheers Hilary