Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Editing The A-Z Challenge by Kate from Another Clean Slate:

Kate from Another Clean Slate has been blogging for only three months. A former lurker, her introduction to writing her own blog coincided with the start of the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge. She said it was a great way to jump in head first and really embrace the blogging community right away. She is sharing with us her "E" entry from the challenge- Editing the A to Z Challenge

During this Blogging from A to Z April Challenge, I began to think about what other challenges we could do and blog about from A to Z in upcoming months to share our experiences. Some of my favorite challenge edits are:
  • Eating my way from A to Z- Some people could do this with full course meals, cereals, fruits, exotic foods or cutting their food into shapes. I can imagine their families would be thrilled for "Frog Leg Friday." Although, I've had frog legs on several occasions and they really do resemble the taste of chicken.
  • Falling in love from A to Z- Did you ever see the movie How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days? This would be along the same lines but the goal would be just to have a date with a day whose name starts with a letter consecutively from A to Z. It might backfire when you meet your future first ex-husband at the bar and decline a date just because his name is Mike and you already are all the way to P- searching for Peters, Pauls and Pasquals.
  • Hobbies from A to Z- This would be good for anyone who wanted to have a chance to try being an acrobat or zoologist. They would be able to join this challenge and spend a day going through each of their potential passions by letter. Beekeeping anyone? Ghost hunting?
  • Send a gift to Kate @ Another Clean Slate from A-Z- This is my personal favorite. Everyone could use their creativity to send me gifts- anything from Alcohol to Jewelry to Zumba soundtracks.
What are some edited challenges you can think of? Maybe one of ours could go viral like the Blogging from A to Z Challenge! Imagine the possibilities!

Thanks to Kate for contributing today! You can find Kate almost every day on her blog, Another Clean Slate, as well as her Twitter and Facebook pages. Follow away and share your own ideas for editing the challenge!


J.L. Campbell said...

Hey, Kate,
Editing my way from A-Z would help me get through the work I'm lagging on, but hey, a girl's gotta have fun, right?

Unknown said...

How about drinking A-Z, although Guava juice might be kind of gross

JoJo said...

LOL at 'future ex husband'!

Anonymous said...

These challenges sound fun! I'm a fairly new blogger, and haven't posted a single thing since the A to Z Challenge. This is due in part to life getting in the way, but I found myself not knowing what to write about once the challenge was over. Well, I think of many things to post about, I just listen to the little voices that say "no one cares." With the A to Z Challenge it was easy to post about something that may seem like a subject no one would care about, as long as I was fulfilling the requirements of the Challenge. Does that make sense? The Challenge was a big commitment, and I was glad when it was over, but I've found that I miss it because now I'm not writing AT ALL. I'm wondering if I'm the only person who has done this. :(

Tina said...

Hey Kate,
Thanks for sharing this! I'm totally out of I have nothing to contribute.
Tina @ Life is Good