Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Blogging Basics: Guest Posting

Last week, we discussed the basics of blog hops and memes, and how to make connections with them.  This week, we'll discuss making connections by guest posting on other blogs.

The five pointers last week were: 1. Be Interested, 2. Participate, 3. Follow the Rules, 4. Visit Other Participants, and 5. Advertise the Hop/Meme.

Guest posts can expose you to new readers, as each blog already has its own readership.  Thus, this is a valuable way to meet other bloggers and possibly build your own readership (as well as bring your readers over to the host's blog, benefiting both of you.)

Some basic rules for guest posting are as follows:

1. Choose a relevant host blog.  You want to find a blog that will have a readership that might be interested in what you typically post about.  If you are a writer of romance novels, it behooves you to find a host blog that has something to do with romance, reading, writing, or other related topics.  You will likely not find the appropriate audience on a hardcore science blog or one that focuses on politics, for instance.

2. Choose a relevant blog topic.  You've chosen an appropriate blog, now be sure the post you write up is a topic that is relevant to both your blog and the host blog.  You don't want to trick their readers into coming over to your blog, just to discover your post has nothing to do with what they will find there.  Don't make an entire post that is just about self-promotion.  Your guest post should have valid information and be interesting.  Choose a topic and do it justice.

3. Be present and visit the commenters.  Know when your blog post will be going live on their blog, then be sure to show up.  Respond to comments and questions left in response to your blog.  Be a presence and show that you care what they think, and that you weren't just throwing a post out there.  And just as you should visit those who comment on your blog, you should visit those who visit your post on another blog.  Stop by, read what they have to say, and leave them a nice comment.  If you really can't think of anything to say, or are limited on time, at least thank them for stopping by.  Your friendly personality might win you more readers than the guest post itself.

4. Link them back to your site.  Always give readers a way to find you.  The best way to do this is to include a short bio at the end of the post, which should include important links, such as your website, your blog, etc.  You may just choose to include a list of contact points/links, or you may include a link to your blog or website somewhere within the body of the post.

5. Thank your host.  Be sure to show your appreciation to the host.  Thank them in your post, in the comments, with an email, whatever you feel comfortable with.  Let them know you appreciate that they were willing to share their space with you.  Think of it as them having invited their friends over to their house to listen to you talk.  Wasn't that nice of them?  Also, as an advance thank you, be sure to ask them what they want from your post and how to format it.  Giving them something they can easily cut and paste, and that they will be happy to share on their blog, is the best way to thank them.  The thank you at the end is well deserved frosting on the cake.

Always remember that the host is doing you a favor by sharing their space with you, and treat them accordingly.  Try to make this exchange as easy on them as possible by having a well written post that is relevant to their blog, and that is formatted nicely, easily, and to their specifications.  If you have questions, it's better to ask them, rather than leaving it up in the air whether you're doing what they need you to do.

May you find your Muse.

The Warrior Muse

Special Announcement:   The special A to Z edition of Woven Tale Press is now available!   Be sure to check out Woven Tale Press.    Is one of your blog posts included?


klahanie said...

Oh behalf of the "Blogger's Information Hotline, I have duly noted all your points, Shannon. We are constantly trying to get further feedback. Thank you.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Excellent tips, Shannon! Especially that last one.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Great tips though I'm not sure how I would put them into practice.

Jo said...

Great tips.


D.E. Malone said...

Great reminders! Thanks, Shannon.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Shannon you gave some great tips. And I think not enough people consider their blog host before choosing a blog.

Guilianna McGinniss said...

I would love to guest post on someone else's blog sometime. If anyone is interested please email me at amazingalex1313@gmail.com


Elizabeth said...

Great stuff. It's always good to be reminded to use our good manners.

Stéphanie Noël said...

Great piece of advice. Thank you!

Shannon Lawrence said...

Dear Operator, thank you for your feedback. ;)

Alex, thank you! You're the expert.

Bill, do you mean you're not sure how you'd get a guest post gig? You could start by guest posting here!

Jo, thanks!

Dawn, thank you!

Sheena, I agree, and it should be a consideration.

Alex, I hope you get some gigs! Have you emailed about guest posting here on the A-to-Z?

Elizabeth, good way to put it, thanks!

Stephanie, thank you!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Thank you for this post. I'm writing a blog as a class assignment, and this information is very helpful.

I never thought of some of these points, and you have me pointed in the right direction.


Unknown said...

Thank you sharing this information thank you.Come back again for more interesting stuffs like one you got earlier!
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Unknown said...

A group of traders who establish their online survival attempt a variety of techniques for raising their reputation. On the other hand, one of the easiest and the majority satisfying technique of sponsor your site and gaining additional prospective customers is frequently unnoticed: which is guest posting. Via resorting in the direction of guest posting, businesses and persons similar take delivery of plenty of chances, including the alternative to contract with a wider audience/ viewers and to boost their product consciousness. Now here are some more important reasons present, for why you be supposed to attempt guest posting:
(i)Boost your income: This is solitary of the majority significant compensation that one can get through such kind of endorsement. One time you make a decision to begin guest posting on a website, you will begin causal gradually but progressively to your website’s wealth.
(ii)Amplify the comments: Commenting is measured to be alive solitary of the necessary SEO aspects, but it’s also helpful for raising your client conversion percentage as the public are additional tempted to pay money for from sites which characteristic genuine creation comments/testimonials.
(iii)Amplify the frequent guests: Frequent visitors/guests are even additional significant for your production compared to the original visitors which admission your site by possibility.
(iv)Increase your social media reputation: Persons who frequently grant excellence guest posts will eventually be followed on the social media by ever-growing viewers, which will really advantage your production for the long period.
(v)Develop your scripting skill: Rather visibly, the producer of posting on dissimilar blogs has an optimistic produce on both you and your scripting style. These scripting commands that you achieve matters extremely a great deal, as your guests are more overcome by the content that you place on the blog, earlier than seeing your website in itself.
(vi)Toughen the link circle/wheel: During guest posting, anyone can build up the link wheel linked to his/her website/blog. Therefore, those who frequently give excellence visitor posts have a superior possibility to manipulate positive outcome in a little amount of instance, as evaluate to the others.
(vii)Expand your skill: When you frequently move toward a solitary topic or more than a few features connected to it, you extremely boost your individual skill as well as your lasting skills. Guest posting permits you to amplify your production’s visibility on the internet, but also to shine your skill which is extremely significant in this spirited surroundings.
(viii)Turn out to be the extra influence of the internet: This is solitary of the exacting compensation of this type of blogging, as it permits you to amplify your grasp and genuineness in a predominantly grassland of learning or subject. Thus, the person who reads is capable to recognize you more effortlessly. The supplementary you post, the extra you’ll boost your probability of creation yourself a forename.
(ix)Elevate up your search engine influence: However another advantage of guest blogging is that it allows you to construct province genuineness but in addition search engine influence at the similar instance.
(x)Carry natural traffic: Final but not smallest amount, throughout the guest blogging you are in the benefit of receiving 100% natural traffic, which is going to toward your site by the dissimilar blogs that you place on.