Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Z - Is "Z" the END?

Not the World, just the...
A to Z Challenge" for 2013
So another challenge has come to a close, were you able to make your post, did you make them on time and did you have a great time meeting new friends?

Did you have fun!
Jeremy [Retro]
Oh, No... Let's Go CRAZY!

If you get a chance please stop over to my site and say "Hello" and thank you for another great challenge!!


saniya said...

Had a blast!
Hope to see everyone next April!

Sania at Embracing Dawn

Anonymous said...

My fourth wonderful journey through the alphabet, great people, great writing.


Billy Blue Eyes said...

I did it I made it through finding a photo to fit all the letters of the alphabet. That was my first one and I look forward to others.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

I made it through. I enjoyed taking part and congrats to all who finished.

Sue McPeak said...
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Denise said...

This was great fun! I found a lot of very interesting blogs. Thanks for putting this together.

Sue McPeak said...

Thanks Jeremy and All for another great year of AtoZ Blogging.

My Letter'Z'...Quilters Zodiac
Sue CollectInTexasGal
AtoZ LoneStar Quilting Bee

Roberta said...

Just finished my 3rd A-Z challenge! Thanks for the great time!

J.L. Campbell said...

Met some new folks, which is great. Still have some folks I'd like to visit, but in time. Thanks for hosting!

Jemima Pett said...

Yes, I met loads of new people and I hope we stay friends :)

Thank you Jeremy and the whole team for setting it up and keeping us going this year.

Now, what theme shall I choose next year...?

Jemima at Jemima's blog

Andrea said...

What a great month! This was year 2 fr me, and while the third time is supposed to be the charm, I can't imagine topping this year in terms of organization, punctuality and therefore the time to visit other participants! Always interesting to see what some of the folks talk about in other months!

Maggid said...

Thank you very much, i enjoyed this - met lots of interesting, talented people - my favorite blogs list has grown . . like Jack's Famous beanstalk . . . Brilliant - Simply brilliant!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I thinkI commented on the wrong post. Thank you for this challenge. It was a joyride completing it and I am proud I lasted till the end :). The last post has a wrap-up of my journey from a to Z.


Tina said...

We made it!!!!!! What a month...
But the party isn't over! We do what we call a "road trip" where we keep on trucking, visiting blogs (the links stay live) for as long as we have gas. Nicole, Shannon, and I will be heading up this adventure. You'll hear more about it once the Reflections posts are done. Don't forget to link your profound thoughts starting May 3. We really need your feedback - this year's categories were generated by overwhelming opinion that the list needed them. did that work? What did you learn personally? Etc.

Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

JoJo said...

Last day of April already! Where'd the time go?

Joyce said...

Once again, I loved it! Zee best!

Anonymous said...

It's been a wonderful challenge this year. Thanks to all for making this possible. I really appreciate all the hard work you guys do to pull this thing off every year!

Afshan Shaik said...

Thanks for this wonderful challenge which acted as a platform to know manyyyyyy and read a lot !
THaNks a lot

Sylvia Ney said...

YAY - We made it! I had so much fun visiting with everyone and seeing some of the unique posts they came up with. I'm already looking forward to next year.


Anonymous said...

Made it to the end and enjoyed visiting a lot of blogs I wouldn't normally have come across. The project has also revitalised an interest in maintaining the blog going forward - so many thanks for that. I may have a few days off first though.

Sandy said...

All posts made on time, a few days delayed making visits and comments while out of town, but was able to catch up. Need to make rounds from 2 more blogs (just finished 1 of the 3)..preparing posts for reflection. Met some good folks, but sure seemed there were lots of folks who just simply didn't visit.

dayebydaye said...

This was my first time doing the challenge and I am experiencing a great sense of accomplishment. I was able to schedule every single post by 8 AM on the corresponding day. Thanks for the challenge!!! Great to meet some new blogging friends and grow in my writing.

Patricia said...


On cloud 9 :)

John Wiswell said...

I met some very friendly people and enjoyed all the rounds of the challenge. Thank you for organizing such a broad and wacky blog hop!

John at The Bathroom Monologues

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

Yes to all of the above! What a great thing--really glad I did it, and thanks for creating the Challenge and the community.
Rebecca at The Ninja Librarian

Unknown said...

Woot, we did it! this was my first #atozchallenge and it was super fun,met lots of new bloggers and read so many interesting blogs,can't wait til next April!

Laura S. said...

Congratulations to everyone who made it through the Challenge!! I can't believe how quickly April went by. It was another successful venture. Thank you so much to all of you who worked to hard to put everything together!

Happy A to Z-ing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

Unknown said...

This was my first Challenge and I had a great time!! I'll be back next year. THANK YOU so much for all your hard work. I've met some amazing bloggers!
A to Z'd to the end
Peanut Butter and Whine

Ida Thought said...

Thank you Lee and everyone involved in creating this challenge. The road trip is over, now it's time to unpack and reflect on the journey. Perhaps even think about preparing for a new one. My theme was healing with words, it is no surprise that the greatest healing of all happened within me. I gained more than I bargained for - thanks

Anonymous said...

I had a blast and met my goals of visiting and commenting on blogs.
Thanks for another awesome challenge.

Yolanda Renée said...

My first A to Z challenge, and it was certainly that -- a challenge, but fun all the same.

Thanks for hosting! See you again soon!

Amy Jarecki said...

It has been fun! I can't believe it went so fast!

klahanie said...

Oops, sorry Jeremy. You do a great blog and I admire you and those involved in the challenge that brings further awareness of the alphabet. However, I hope this is the last one. Personally, I think it's way too much having a month long challenge.

My best to you all.

Gary :)

Ann Hinds said...

It was fun, it was a challenge and I will certainly do it again. There are some many great blogs out there and I think it will take until next April to get through the list.

DayDreamer said...

I've enjoyed it, meeting new people and reading lots of new blogs, and will be carrying on after the challenge is over moving my way through the linky list just to see what I missed.

Cheryl said...

This was a great challenge. The themes really helped. It was nice to travel to some new blogs and see what interests people.

Kathleen Jennette said...
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Kathleen Jennette said...

Had a great time and met read some wonderful blogs! Til next time...
KaTy Did at: Life's Ride As I See It

Wendy said...

A couple weeks ago I was asking myself, "What was I thinking???" But I survived. Go me! And kudos to all the organizers and mentors. What fun! Just glad we don't have 30 letters in our alphabet.

Rowena said...

I've had a great time and sad a-z is over...can you set me another challenge please :)

Tony Noland said...

I made it right through to the end. Was a lot of fun writing about all those woodworking tools.


Unknown said...

It was great! i had no idea what to expect; now I can't wait for next year. Is it too much to hope for another sooner, perhaps in 6 months? I learned a lot, had fun, met fascinating people - Thank you! Mary at Mary A to Z

Silvia Writes said...

Yay! I made it. Crossing the finish line feels great. Thank you for organizing such a fun event.

Honey from the Bee said...

Just have to say Thank you!!!

loverofwords said...

Thanks so much. "What a swell party it was" (Cole Porter)

Kern Windwraith said...

Feels so good to make it to the end of the challenge--didn't miss a single post and managed to get them all up in time. And it was FUN! The free time is going to be kind of delightful, though. :)

WrightStuff said...

I think my mind is slightly addled!

Christine Rains said...

It was a fantastic month! Congrats to all the survivors!

Nancy Jardine Author said...

Thank you! I enjoyed challenging myself to fuel my Celtic/ Roman Britain obsession. You gave me the platforma and the impetus...and I've hopped on over to a lot of other blogs as well!

Nancy Jardine Author said...

Oops! I'm commenting again since I had no idea how to do this befoe the challenge: Nancy at Welcome to she said, he said

Unknown said...

It's been Zads! Cheers to all, see you soon:)
maggie at expat brazil

Salvwi Prasad said...

This was real fun and exciting too.Everyday was a wait. Each was a challenge to overcome. I will miss this until next year. Thank you so much.

Susan Scott said...

It's been a great challenge thank you and all thanks to everyone - Arlee and your team, the bloggers, Damyanti for her encouragement ...
WHEW! End of April ... it's been so great.

Susan Scott's Soul Stuff

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed waking up each day and writing my A-Z post. My family got involved and I'm met new bloggers! It's been great fun and inspiring. Thank youxx

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed waking up each day and writing my A-Z post. My family got involved and I've met new bloggers! It's been great fun and inspiring. Thank youxx

Mark Means said...

I had a really good time and it was great to meet some many varied bloggers.

Looking forward to next year :)

Mystery said...

This was my first year participating, and I loved it. Looking forward to next year and possibly recruiting some friends to take part as well!

Nicole said...

I made some of my blog posts on time and others I had to catch-up by a day or two...but I did it! -- My Z post won't go live until this evening though...still have some visiting to do and yes, it was fun. I learned a lot this year during my participation in the challenge.

2013 #atozchallenge Co-Host

Jo said...

I had a blast too, thanks to all of the hosts who did such a good job.


Anonymous said...

Fantastic fun, made lots of new friends and found lots of great blogs to read.
Just wish I'd had more time to read. :)
can't wait to write my Reflections post.


Jarm Del Boccio said...

Although I did not have many followers or commenters, the ones I had were encouraging. And, I was pleased with my posts. . .they stretched me!


Kern Windwraith said...

A huge highlight for me was making it through to the end of the challenge without falling on my head and concussing myself as I did last year. Any challenge that passes without a head injury counts as a win in my books.

I met a lot of great people this time around, just as I did last time. Thanks for making it all possible.

Grammy said...

Yep, had a great time, as always. Visited a lot, always left a comment (when I could locate a place to leave it , also refused to prove I'm not a robot - Please!) I never can read those illegible letters and faded numbers - how about you? Met lots of lovely people. Thanks for being such a great part and supporter of the Challenge. I've been a participant every year, too. Loved every minute of it! Best regards to you. Ruby.

Faye North said...

A-Z was my first blog hop and it was a great experience. I'm so glad I signed up.
Faye at Destination: Fiction

Ali said...

Good fun!


Unknown said...

I'm so happy to finish my first year of A to Z. Thanks for doing this challenge. I've met some awesome people and I hope to continue to meet more.

A Dose of Jules

Unknown said...

What fun! A challenge, a great way to see the blog universe. I want to do it again next year.

Kristen said...

I loved it! Congrats to everyone!

#atozchallenge, Kristen's blog: kristenhead.blogspot.com

Paula said...

Thanks for stopping by today Nicole!

Jagoda said...

I read some amazing and interesting blogs and "met" great people. Glad I did. Also glad to go back to weekly posting, although now I still will be visiting more blogs than before. Nice.

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Brilliant Blog Challenge.

Anonymous said...

Did it yeahhh!!! went nearly mad with it thou....so any badge to flaunt??

annisblogging said...

Hi Happy Ending!But,
Yes, this is not the end.
The journey starts from here :-)
Keep blogging.
Keep making new friends
Wish you all a happy celebration.

liz young said...

fun sometimes - at others it was a chore, and my rewrrte went much too slowly. We got there, though!

Sylvia said...

Blogging month
Inspiration focuses joy
Proud I wrote to

I so loved the challenge, literally. Went through a LOT this past month. So proud I made it!!! Was my third A to Z and the toughest.

Haven't managed to visit many blogs due to it all, but I will catch up!

Sylvia said...

Blogging month
Inspiration focuses joy
Proud I wrote to

I so loved the challenge, literally. Went through a LOT this past month. So proud I made it!!! Was my third A to Z and the toughest.

Haven't managed to visit many blogs due to it all, but I will catch up!

Unknown said...

Enjoyed every single day! Hoping to join again next year.

Anonymous said...

Had a great time...I'm a little tired...but I loved it! I can hardly wait to catch up on reading some more of the posts that I missed from the A to Z community.

Unknown said...

I wasn't always on time, but the challenge was so fun! I met some cool ppl and am now following cool blogs.

Chontali Kirk

Catch My Words said...

Yep! I'm a 2011, 2012, & 2013 survivor.


Stratoz said...

I survived. Had you use a Sunday to catch up. Learned an excellent word or two along the way. Made some new friends. Thanks.