Saturday, April 27, 2013

X is for Project X

Those of you who are aspiring writers (and probably a few of the established as well) know what I’m going to be talking about here. No, it’s not your WIP. This is that one project that has been tucked away in the back of your brain, nibbling away at your imagination, patiently waiting for its day to come. You’ve not spoken of it to a single sole because…frankly…you’re not sure if you can pull it off. Its breadth and scope frighten you so much that anytime it creeps into your forebrain you shake it off and push it back into its shadowy corner.

So, how do I know about this if nobody talks about it? Because I’m a writer…and an average-Joe, no different than a lot of writers…so naturally I would expect that if I have a Project X then most everybody else does as well. I imagine for some there’s no name for their project -- because it’s barely a cohesive collection of ideas loosely tied together into a plot -- and for the others all they might have is title and a broad concept. That’s where I’m at. I have a title, and a general notion of what the book could be, but I’m scared to death of it.

In my case I lack the confidence to tackle Project X, for several reasons. The first, it’s a genre I have never written in before, Adult SCI-FI/Horror. Secondly, it will require a level of research beyond what I have previously devoted myself to, and time availability will be a factor. And finally, until I have a couple of published books under my belt I don’t believe my voice will be strong enough to tell this story.

What about you? Do you have a Project X? Care to share anything about it here today? Let me take a bold step and lead the way. The title of my Project X is – Apollo’s Ghost.

Did you know I was holding a contest during the A-Z Challenge on my own blog, Cruising Altitude 2.0? You can read all about it HERE, then stop over and join the fun.


MunirGhiasuddin said...

The translation for project "X" in my language would be "Orphan Project." I think project X is a little less harsh and a little bit more modern.

Ida Thought said...

Apollo more than just a mission...good luck. The timing of this post is incredible - I just a wrote a letter to the protagonist of my project X today... X is for XOXO

Anonymous said...

I don't have a project X,

Enjoy your week-end.


Sheena-kay Graham said...

Project X's are a nightmare.

saniya said...

My project X is my WIP. I keep thinking about it but don't have the guts to write it.

Sue McPeak said...

Now you know you are not alone in the idea of ProjectX. As a short story writer, my ProjectX's will be anthologies.

My Letter'X'...TeXas Our TeXas Quilt
Sue CollectInTexasGal
AtoZ LoneStar Quilting Bee

Unknown said...

Since I was very young I have always felt like I had a book in me but can not get myself to dedicate endless hours to something that may or may not be published. Its part of my insecurities about my skills I think.

Came by from Tales of the Reborn Crafter

loverofwords said...

You might try this: Take a sheet of paper, fold in half lengthwise into two columns. One half for the project you fear and one against and start listing. You will be surprised at what you write -- you might have new insights and ideas. At least you will see things more clearly. I hand write this, don't know if it would work on the computer.

DL Hammons said...

@Munir - "Orphan Project", you're right...harsher, but still applicable. :)

@Ida - That is perfect timing! :)

@Yvonne - Thank you. Enjoy yours as well.

@Sheena-Kay - And a dream, all at the same time! :)

@Sania - I have to believe the "guts" will come someday. Patience is the key!

@Sue - Your short-story anthology sounds totally do-able! :)

@MaryAnn - You just described the essence of being an aspiring writer! :)

Tina said...

My project X is my started as an unfinished short story for a writing contest, and then I realized why I couldn't finish it: it was my first novel. I love it so much because it happened from a series of prompts, so I was thinking on the run...and it turned out great...though unfinished. It's called Worlds Colliding, and is a space opera meets Tom Clancy. (Someone gave me that description because usually mine takes a paragraph...)

Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

Jolie du Pre said...

Your project X - Adult Sci-fi/Horror - sounds like something *I* want to read. It's right up my alley. Keep me informed, if you would please.

Jolie du Pre
Precious Monsters

Tracy MacDonald said...

My Project X is also my WIP and was born from a challenge my writing group and I put to ourselves: could we write 40,000+ words? We all said "yes." My Project X is called Firepainters and 14,000 words in, it inspires me to keep going.
A2Z Mommy And What’s In between

John Wiswell said...

I write so often and so exhaustively that nothing gets to nibble at the back of my brain unless I let it. There are still two big nibblers back there, though, private stories that I'd write entirely for the experience of writing them and never share. Jung wrote about how important private and personal art was. I believe in its power.

John at The Bathroom Monologues

Jo said...

Even though I am not a writer but a blogger, I too have a Project X which I don't suppose I will ever get around to tackling. I did write a bit of it 14 years ago but that was it.


Susan Scott said...

Great to have this project - keep at it!
Yes I have a Project X which will get my full attention from next week ... a WIP.
LOve some of the comments above - eg 'loveforwords' and that piece of paper folded in half -
Susan Scott's Soul Stuff

Anonymous said...

No Project X to speak of. I'd just like to get through the list I've already started! Once that's finished, I'm almost positive a Project X will be next.

DL Hammons said...

@loverofwords - That sounds like an excellent idea! I'll give it a try.

@Tina - Love the description. I'm a big Tom Clancy fan!

@Jolie - Since you're so interested, here's a teaser for you. Ghostly spirits from the moon! :)

@Tracy - I'm like you, I respond well to challenges! :)

@John - The great stories are right there on the edge of our consciousness! :)

@Jo - Bloggers are writers to!

@Susan - That's an awesome moment when Project X turns into a WIP!! :)

@M.J. - Same here! I'm not ready yet.

Tasha Seegmiller said...

Yes and it is tempting me to come work on it because current revision is really hard and wouldn't I like just write and enjoy life again? I have a love/hate relationship with Project X.

Yolanda Renée said...

My project X is Sci-fi too. Kind of exciting to 'world build' something I participated in earlier in the year, and I'd love to explore that a bit more.

Go for it!

Catch My Words said...

I wouldn't call it a project X, but I have always wanted to write a ghost story. I've just always been working on something else.

Kathe W. said...

awesome Project X Alex! Have a great day!

DL Hammons said...

@Tasha - The realationship with my Project X is love/hate/fear! :)

@Yolanda - There's something about world building that's so liberating.

@Joyce - That's my X, a ghost story with a Sci-Fi twist.

@Kathe - *looking around* Is Alex here somewhere? :)

Rob Z Tobor said...

My Project X is to make another album it has been a very long time since my previous one.

Rob Z Tobor

Unknown said...

Actually, I have several project x's in my head. I'm not even close to a title yet. The large project X is there. I plan on going back over all my A to Z posts and sorting them into short story and novel material. I'm thinking that there are some that can be grouped together for a novel, too, but that will all come after Tuesday. :)
A to Z April Blogging Challenge

Unknown said...

Sorry the challenge is nearly over, loved it, any more similar challenges?
maggie at expat brazil

Susan Kane said...

Project X is the one that is in the back of my mind, and it crops up now & then.

Maria said...

Yes, I have a project X but I must finish my WIP first. Its good to have a someday plan.

Mel Chesley said...

You must be psychic! I do have a project X and it's very daunting. Mine is paranormal. I have several ideas for that genre, but this one is still so jumbled, I don't know. I just... don't know.

DL Hammons said...

@Rob - Go for it! :)

@Debra - I actually have a 2nd Project X also. Not any closer to it though.

@Maggie - I'm going to sleep for a month! :)

@Susan - That's the way it is for me. Just seems to pop up from time to time.

@Maria - Yep...first things first!

@Mel - See, I knew I wasn't the only one! :)

SpacerGuy said...

Only two more letters to go in the challenge! Time sure flies.

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

I would love to say I have a Project X...and I totally
understand where you are coming from. However, I NEED to eXpress myself continually right now, so every single thing I do, I am doing all at once RIGHT NOW. I know that sounds confusing but I have to do it for my sanity.
Great Entry!
jean yates :)

Unknown said...

I came across this site almost by accident as I was exploring other blogs to get ideas for my blog layout. I have a Project X which is still on the shelf. It is an autobiography - To Hell & Back. In the meanwhile, I am working on building an online business at Check it out!

klahanie said...

As somebody who writes in several genres and even lets Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar, take over my blog, there is no need for a "Project X". We just go where our imagination takes us.

Be well, D.L.


Carrie-Anne said...

My Project Xes feature characters I created at all of 5 or 6 years old and never forgot, even after over 20 years of being shelved. Before I resurrect them, I'm going to have to do some research into their respective 18th and 19th centuries, since it's been years since I was intimately familiar with those eras.

Anonymous said...

Xcellent almost to the end


Jer said...

So it's not just me?

You have so hit the nail on the head, it's scary. I felt like this story of a lifetime I have fell out of the heavens and landed on me, and I feel inadequate to write it. It's so bad, I've thought about finding someone else to write it so the story gets told. No, I'm not going to do that, but the story mostly sits neglected, with me pecking at it once in awhile.

Anonymous said...

I looked back at my old journals and have character sketches and scenes from back in middle school that all belong to the same story. Maybe it's my project x.

Buttercup said...

I've got a Project "X" and I hope to work on it in the next year. It's a mystery/thriller.

Penny said...

My intimidating Project X is my WIP. It started from a few blogging prompts, then I decided to try to write it for NaNoWriMo. I thought it would be a 50k word book. It's exploded into a trilogy.

I'm at a point where the first book is fully roughed out and half-edited. The second in nearly written, and the third is dancing and morphing in my head.

I need to jump in and do a rewrite of the first book. Too much telling. Not enough showing. And definitely not enough description of peoples and places, which means I need to do some world-building too.

Scares the crap out of me.

netablogs said...

My project X would be a nonfiction book.. but it's just rolling around in my head right now. I am waiting for inspiration and focus to hit me. Not even sure what the specific topic would be, but hoping with time, it will all become clear.
Thanks for visiting my blog!

Stephsco said...

I frequently come up with story ideas, but to get something solid I have to think on it awhile. Not every idea is good enough for a novel-length story. I have some ideas that are a bit ambitious, so I think I need more time to develop as a writer.

Anonymous said...

I have a Project X...and a Project Y...a Project

One I've kind of put on paper is a Sci-Fi Action/Crime story, and not knowing much about Sci-Fi or Crime, that will be research I don't feel like doing yet. We'll see what happens.

Kristen said...

Mine is one that I pick at every now and then, but will have to research so much that I become afraid and turn away quickly.

#atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:

Theresa Ammons Pinkston said...

I know I'm a stickler for spelling and grammar errors, but I can't believe you and/or your writing team misspelled SOUL. You have "You’ve not spoken of it to a single sole because ..." instead of "to a single soul because...."

However, I have more than one "Project X." Some of them have at least a start, but others have nothing more than notes. If I were to pick one and finish it, how do I choose which one?