Wednesday, April 24, 2013

U is for Ubiquitous

From January until May the A-to-Z April Blogging challenge is ubiquitous.You see it all over the place. Mentioned on a blog here, a blog there, a Facebook page, and even on Twitter. You understand how amazing the challenge can be.You also know how unpredictable it seems. Even if you are the underdog during this challenge, and though it may take time, ultimately you decide despite it's untimeliness, that you will sign up and participate. 

Then you must choose to do a theme, or just write each post day by day. And you want to post something unique so you scour the internet for unheard of words even if it means writing about unicorns or ukuleles.  And then day one is upon you and your post isn't finished or perhaps it is already live. Either way you begin visiting other blogs and realize all that you learn from them. 

By day two you are having a bit of fun but by day ten it is upsetting. Maybe comments aren't coming in despite all your work and you're uber disappointed. Or maybe your own blog became unavailable at one point and you begin to understand why those comments didn't come. You being to come undone. But now it is day twenty-one and the challenge is almost through. And you see all the progress you've made it to. 

And that ultimate decision to join in the fun appears when you discover all that you've done. 

Hope you're all enjoying the challenge! 


Empty Nest Insider said...

Lots of inventive "U" words! Thanks for co-hosting, and I can't believe it's almost over.


dishitd said...

I came to know about the challenge only at the end of March. However, since then the challenge has been the only thing on my mind! But it is fun as well as I have got some ideas which I had never thought before! Cheers to you guys for hosting this!

- Dishit from Only the Crazy Survive!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes nearly there but with all the hard letters ahead. But it's a good feeling when you finish the challenge.


Sheena-kay Graham said...

Yup this challenge was worth it. Glad I took part.

Lucy said...

I found out about the challenge on March 30 and quickly signed up with little knowledge of what it was all about. It has been the USUAL mix in a hop,fun,interesting and educational :)
Lucy from Lucy's Reality

Kim Van Sickler said...

I am enjoying it! First timer, and I like how it has made my creative juices flow. Don't know that I would ever have blogged about Dolores Umbridge otherwise...

Anonymous said...

I had never heard of the A to Z Challenge until a few days before it started, and now I'm glad I did.

I'm both relieved and a little sad that there are only 5 days to go, but X, Y, and Z are probably going to be the hardest!

-Katie at AdventuringAtHome

Dublin Housewife said...

Cant believe we're near the end. Like others I didn't hear about it until end of March but I'm loving it. I am dissapointed that I didnt have more callers to my blog as I commented on lots of blogs and thought the favour would be returned. Maybe it's just not as good as I thought. On the plus side it's really got me writing furiously everyday. Good luck to all and see you at the finish line :)

Jenelle Leanne said...

Love all the "u" words!!! :)

saniya said...

That post has the ring of truth. We're almost there!

Coincidentally I also chose 'ubiquitous' for the letter U. It's a small world. ;p

Sania at Embracing Dawn

Joy said...

Fun read. Fun challenge. More fun this year than last (my first). I'm more prepared this time.

Anonymous said...

My sentiments exactly! Nice post!

Kathe W. said...

Alex- I am enjoying this month long event! I'm looking at others blogs and getting a kick out of some- and some make me think ....thanks for being part of the A-Z Team! Cheers!

Sue McPeak said...

Uhuuuuup!!!I couldn't agree more! Did not see 'uber' in my 1965 Websters. I'd have worked that word in my post for sure.

My Letter 'U'...UFO Retreat
Sue CollectInTexasGal
AtoZ LoneStar Quilting Bee

Beth Camp said...

Thank "U" for posting this just in time . . . I'm one who opted for writing a poem a day through April, with nothing planned ahead. Now "U" have encouraged me. Maybe unicorns will fly today! Neat post!

Leigh Caron said...

U are awesome and so is the 'challenge' I will be ready next year.

Ali said...

U has been the hardest letter yet, but I think I have something fairly amusing.

It's not up yet though so maybe people would still enjoy reading about tattoos in my T post

Mark Means said...

It's been a challenge, for sure, but still a lot of fun :)

Kathleen Jennette said...

Progress has surely been made. Honestly, I didn't think I'd make it this far, but its been great exploring other writings and life's.
Its become a habit now LOL!
KaTy Did at: Life's Ride As I See It

Tammye Honey said...

I have found incredibly unique music on youtube thanks to this challenge it has been so much fun as you can see by today at

Lyre said...

Loved all the "u" words. Well done!

Lyre @ Lyre's Musings #atozchallenge

Unknown said...

It certainly is everywhere. And the bloggers participating are everywhere too. God bless, Maria at Delight Directed Living

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Konstanz .. so true .. it's been a great challenge once again .. and I've loved it.

Thanks for all your help .. cheers Hilary

Jemima Pett said...

U R right - days 10 through 15 were the killers. So many blogs to visit, so little time. I don't know how I've managed to get it back Under control - maybe I accepted a lower target. Whatever - it feels easier now.
Only seven more days of my book giveaway too.
Jemima at Jemima's blog

Paula said...


Anonymous said...

U all rock bloggers !


John Wiswell said...

Nothing upsetting so far! But definitely ubiquitous. It can eat time if you let it get out of hand...

John at The Bathroom Monologues

Rowena said...

Loving the challenge, I think about nothing else! I will be very sad when April is over. :(

Whole Foods Living said...

I'm having fun with the challenge again this year. The first year I prepped ahead. This time I'm taking it day by day. Loving it! Happy A-to-Z 2013! ~Angela, Whole Foods Living,

JoJo said...

Hard to believe we're in the final week!

ViolaFury said...

Urk! I wrote about "Ubiquity" before seeing U is for Ubiquitous here. I thought about it all night. Umbrellas, nah. Umbrage, unh-unh, and so on... This has been a delight!

Andrea said...

I can't imagine what my new distraction will be May 1st!

Tina said...

Great U post, K.! I love a fun read like that. Though I must admit, I'm weary, and almost Undone. No worries, I'll make it to the finish line.
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

Kristen said...

Wonderful Use of U. U blogger, U! :)

#atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:

Shannon Mashinchi said...

U for Unbelievable

The Other Side of the Equation

#1Nana said...

U was surprisingly easy, i still haven't come up with a K...the only day I didn't post. I appreciate your work in facilitating this event. I've learned a lot and enjoyed visiting blogs that I never would have found on my own.

Anonymous said...

It's been a great challenge this year and it will be third year, but the first year I actually complete it!

Unknown said...

I only found the challenge at the last minute and rashly signed up. So very glad I did, found some great blogs and had some fantastic people visit my site, very positive experience and I thank all.
maggie at expat brazil

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

This years challenge is really interesting, last year half way i left due to some unavoidable circumstances, this year we are about to touch the finish line.
Yes, don;t worry about the comments flow, since all are busy with their own stuff may not find time to reach everywhere, i am sure it take wings slowly. Yes TIME is the criteria here,
I just finished reading Tina's post on TIME,here. A worth reading timely post TIME. Here is the link.T IS FOR TIME BY TINA DOWNEY
So utilize your TIME wisely.
I am
Phil @ Philipscom
An ambassador to A to Z Challenge @ Tina's Life is Good
And My Bio-blog