Wednesday, April 17, 2013

O is for ... Other Blogs!

What? I know I did something similar for L, but so what? It was awesome.

Now that we're over half way done with the challenge, how are you faring? So far, I have posted every single day except Sunday, and have visited at least ten blogs on the list every one of those days. It's a lot of work, but it's also a lot of fun.

Anyway, here are some blogs related to the letter O that I have been enjoying during the challange:

Michael Offut has been posting about Star Wars: The Close Wars, the animated TV series.

Oh Frog It! has been embroidering song lyrics.

Tim Brannan, from The Other Side, has been covering all kinds of monstrous topics.

Duncan, at Our Home Called Kuantan, has a nice series of Keep Calm.

Outside Perception had a lovely tribute to Boston yesterday.

Do you have any blogs you've discovered through the Challenge that relate to the letter O? Feel free to share them in the comments, and make sure to visit my five, follow them, and tell them I sent you. Oh, and you can find my blog here: The QQQE, if you'd like to follow me.


Mary Kirkland said...

I'm having fun so far and have been visiting other blogs along the way. I've found some great people and blogs that I'm sure I'll keep reading after the challenge is over.

Dark Thoughts Blog

Unknown said...

This challenge has such a group od diverse blogs. So refreshing!

katie eggeman said...

Tax weekend slowed me down since I procrastinate, I am doing the rounds this morning. I had some trouble with O for some reason.
Katie atBankerchick Scratchings

Timothy S. Brannan said...

Hey! Thanks for the link and I am glad you are enjoying the demons!

Tim Brannan
The Other Side and The Witch
Red Sonja: She-Devil with a Sword
The Freedom of Nonbelief

Suzy Turner said...

I'm really enjoying the challenge. Its the first time I've taken part and I've met some fabulous bloggers!
Suzy Turner, YA Author

Suzan said...

This has deffiently been a challenge! To write everyday when I'm use to writing only on weekends and now I'm having some problems coming up with some words that begin with the letters. Have only used one letter by way of phonics. ONWARD. . . . .

Rob Z Tobor said...

I have found quite a few today who appear to have decided to jump ship and one who never started....

But I am still going strong although I cant say I have really noticed any real change in visitor numbers this year (although I have gained a couple of new followers

Rob Z Tobor

Matthew MacNish said...

@ Rob - we are removing blogs from the list if they are not posting, but as I'm sure you can guess, it takes time!

Sonia Lal said...

It's been very interesting so fat. Discovered lots of new blogs.

Sonia Lal

Jo said...

Been to lots of other blogs. As a Spunky Soldier I have been to many blogs I might otherwise have missed.


John Wiswell said...

I've managed to hit a minimum of 20 blogs per day, and I feel pretty good about it. Wish I could find more Fantasy-themed ones to visit, but it's difficult sifting through the 2,000!

John at The Bathroom Monologues

Sue McPeak said...

This AtoZ Challenge has become an OBSESSION!!!

My Letter 'O'...Obsession with Odds and Ends
Sue CollectInTexasGal
AtoZ LoneStar Quilting Bee

Anonymous said...

Other blogs obscure blogs anything is fine with me as long as its interesting :)


Anonymous said...

I'm having a blast and managing to visit and find new blogs like I had hoped.

Tina said...

So many little time...but getting to as many as I can...SO grateful for my minions. They're rocking it finding the non-participants and making rounds. Don't know what I'd do without them!
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

swright011699 said...

I love

I still need to write mine for today. It's snowing and it's cold...maybe O should be "Oh my, it's still winter." LOL

Patricia said...

We're on O! I am so proud of myself, finding things to review this easily doesn't come ... well, easy!

- Patricia at Bookish Geek!

Sopphey Vance said...

I'm having a weird time keeping up with reading everyone's posts but I'm loving it. I'm so glad to see the different types of bloggers and how everyone blogs differently. It's so awesome!

Anonymous said...

I didn't register in time and decided not to do the challenge, 4 or 5 later seeing all the great blogs I did all that needed to do to catch up and have done it every day since. I am not used to posting everyday so this is a good lesson for me and I am enjoying reading posts and such. There are some great bloggers around. Thank you for sharing.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Michael's posts are well written. Well this challenge is almst over. Congrats to those who've made it this far.

#1Nana said...

The Challenge has taken me outside my comfort zone to blogs I never would have found if I stuck with my small circle of blogger buddies. I've been surprised at the diversity. It's been a fun experience.

JoJo said...

I'm just enjoying jumping around, blog to blog, and seeing what everyone's out there. I've found a lot of great new blogs to follow. Well, new to me anyway! :)

Sandy said...

I've not had a problem doing the blogging, as most have been scheduled (though still have a few left for 1 of the 3 blogs), I've visited daily, some days more then others, and have used Sundays to do more visiting. I am a bit stuck for my last still thinking


Kristen said...

I've actually been visiting a huge number of blogs. They're so good! Not one of them relates to "O" though. Now they will, when I follow the five you've listed. :)

#atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:

Kathleen Jennette said...

Oh, I have read quite a few blogs and am having a great time keeping up with the challenge. This has been fun indeed.
KaTy Did at: Life's Ride As I See It

Shannon Mashinchi said...

A woman of opinion...

Come by and check...

The Other Side of the Equation

ekta khetan said...

I am loving this challenge!

Just wondering how to get more visitors on my blog to read my A to Z posts and haiku and others? :)

My url is-

Matthew MacNish said...

@ numerounity - the best way to get visitors to your blog is to visit other blogs. Not everyone visits those who visit them, but most do.

Andrea said...

Traffic has died down a little at my place. I have visited so many more blogs this year than I got to last year (or so I think)

Michelle Wallace said...

Ooh-la-la it's O-Day!
And so we press on...

Writer In Transit

Grace Grits and Gardening said...

I have discovered so many new blogs that I LOVE!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes I found a few which I follow on a regular basis.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Matthew .. the time rushes by and thanks for highlighting some other bloggers .. I'll have to pop over ..

As you say there are some great blogs out there with like minded people - it's a wonderful Challenge ..

Cheers Hilary

Anonymous said...

I have so much fun every April! Love this challenge -- it really stretches my creativity. :-)

~ Jenny at More Cowbell

Scribbles From Jenn said...

After skipping the Challenge for the past two years, it's good to be back. I'm hopping around a lot and so far only found one who stopped way back on the letter D.

Scribbles From Jenn - Visiting from the A to Z Challenge